[N-RP] The Hearth and Homestead Caravan!

The Hearth and Homestead Roleplaying Community is assembling a traveling caravan - and we want to travel to your RP events! If you are looking for some traveling merchant-types, a delivery crew, a mobile service provider, or just some general NPC-types to help bring some spice and flavor to your RP events, we’re ready and willing! Need some muscle? Need some science? Need some of da voodoo? Our caravan will arrive to your scheduled event and help spice things up - as much or as little as you, the event organizer, require!

Over the years, I’ve noticed that a lot of amazing Role Players have some great ideas out there for some story-driven RP events, but simply lack the bodycount to make their ideas come to reality. With that in mind, I focused on creating an in-game chat channel where people from different guilds could pop in and see if other RPers would be interested in joining their storylines and events. Letting the community generate its own content, people are able to find the kind of individuals they need for a roleplay idea without having to build that network in their own guilds and cliques.

This time around, we’re doing things a bit differently. We’ve assembled an In-Character caravan that is making its way across Azeroth, looking for missing people that were scattered after a great battle. To that end, our coffers and skillsets have been made available to any organization that has need of its services - both Horde, and Alliance. So, if your event could use a few more bodies, or if you’re looking to simply expand your In-Character RP Network, send us a message in-game through Rudaba (Horde-side WrA) or check us out on our Discord server using the following code: wzqC6TA

Please note, we will never actually require you to pay us any form of in-game currency for our services, no matter how much our Goblins may claim otherwise. For all events that involve Cross-Faction RP, we will provide language potions for all Horde-side players.

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Got a couple of ideas for getting you guys together with the teahouse crowd. I joined the server. But there’s so many channels I don’t know where to start. :smiley:


eyes suspiciously I’m starting to suspect you may not be a goblin IRL…

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The Caravan is on the move! Thanks to the Gilded Market, we were able to purchase all the supplies we needed to embark on our journey. We’ll be setting off on April 4th! If your character needs a guild to call home, or if you just want to participate in this community, we’re welcoming to all types of character, both Alliance and Horde! Come see us off on April 4th at 4 server time!

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A great bunch of people. They’re still very active so the thread deserves a bump!

If you’re looking for RP that’s not guild-restricted but still has a story arc, these are the dudes!


Thanks for the kind words, Kunbo!

I want to take a moment to clarify the most frequently-asked question - “What days do you RP?”

We RP pretty frequently. We also RP at other people’s events pretty frequently, to; we can RP 3-5 nights per week on average. However, in the spirit of keeping things consistent, we always hold our most important events related to our ongoing storyline on Saturdays, starting at 4 PM PST. While it won’t be mandatory for every event every week (we’re not super strict about that kinda stuff), we ask that people normally have Saturdays cleared out and ready for RP.

Other than Saturdays though, things change randomly depending on what’s available and what we need! We had some early morning RP just yesterday as our crew went whaling. We have an event later that doesn’t start until midnight. You never know what might happen until it happens!