Active RP Guilds(Horde)(WRA)

Not sure if this is the best place to post it. I was pointed in this direction to find some Rp Guilds for Horde Rps.

Hello! Currently looking for an Active, medium-sized group that has pretty active RP events :0

I love an Adventure or Mercinery type guilds a lot, I would most likley use my Vulpera Hunters, but I am also able to use my Belf Pali but would prefer to use my Vulpera.

If you know any guilds that are open and pretty active in RP and Event things Let me know I would love to check them out. I have been Roleplaying for years but it has been some time since I have joined any Horde based Roleplays

Bonus points on if the Guild has a Discord to join ^^

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So, the guild stick is actually a relatively new one. Unlike other guild stickies on other forum threads that never get updated, this one was made in the past few months and almost everyone is up to date.

However, I will now shameless plug Hearth and Homestead! We offer a variety of events that contribute towards larger, over-arching stories. From fishing to crafting events, from markets to mayhem, from pet battle tournaments to fighting off hordes of inter-dimensional invaders hellbent on wearing our intestines as decorations, we host a variety of events to make sure we don’t do the same thing too often.

We also have a Discord server that has a lot of people not involved with the actual storyline. We have several other guild leaders that advertise their own events on the server, too!

You can contact me in-game or use this Discord code:


But yeah, the sticky. It’s pretty up to date.

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