WrA Alliance RP guide

Yes, we are and thank you for recognizing our riots. :slight_smile:

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WRA Alliance is filled with great guilds, a thriving community and awesome RPers! Total bump for our blue side friends.


Another bump, hope everyones doing well.


I’ve been on WrA horde for a few years now, and I’ve been thinking of rolling my first alliance alt… You guys kind of sold me. I really appreciate this little list. I was definitely worried there wouldn’t be much to find, and I’m glad to know that’s not necessarily the case =)


Hey Moderators, can we give this thread a pin please? Seems like it has a wealth of information for RP to newcomers


Been having a lot of fun is Duskwood lately! Perfect time of year for it as well.

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Updated to add Saturday tavern night event! Also hello everyone, hope the new year has been good so far.

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I should toss my Monday Stormwind Rp on here… Speaking of! its monday!


This was a very good post to randomly land on for somebody new to WrA such as me. Especially after walking through Old Town and stopping by Luloo’s Leather Shop this evening.

Y’all haven’t really met me yet but this deserves a bump for Alliance players checking out WrA as an alternative to MG.

Looking forward to visiting Duskwood in my wanderings.


Welcome to WrA! We’re our own gem of a community with wonderfully sarcastic, witty forums and an easy-going Alliance walk-up RP scene. Our Horde walk-up and RP scene is already well known, but our Alliance side gets less attention. Yes, we’re smaller than MG these days, but I’ve found it to be a wonderful new home after my old server died. We chose WrA over MG for many reasons and this was one of them.


Thank you. I was deeply saddened after returning and seeing the realm I called home for nearly a decade had died. I ran through several realms and have really enjoyed WrA Alliance-side. I even dabbled with a Tauren character on Horde side. It will be a tiny bit difficult for me to get used to a big lack of RP-PvP but that is merely a small sacrifice for a laid-back, easy-going walk-up RP scene.

Looking forward to working on my sarcasm detector but I’ll be good to go in relatively short order. Maybe there’s a crafty gnome engineer who has some sarcasm-translation-modulator-device. Oh wait. I’ll just rewatch that South Park “Sarcastaball” episode. In the immortal words of some famous band somewhere, “Let the good times roll.”


This sounds like fun, I’m waiting for pandaren druids to be available before I can make an Alliance character on this server.


How easy would those of you in the WrA rp scene say it is for a newcomer to dip into casually? Walk-ups somewhere like Duskwood, for example. I’d love to try it, but I’m worried that not being able to attend events and such regularly would make it hard to ‘fit in’.

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As someone who engages casually, it’s actually pretty feasible. You might not be as clued in on the major storylines, but you should be having a good time.


Love this entire thread!

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Wow happy this thread is still going strong and helping friends find some good RP! I dont really use the forums that much anymore but maybe I should.


Good time to give this a bump with War Within on the horizon.

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Now is a good time for active guilds to add their listings to WrA Information & Directories


Going to give this a little /bump.


Another bump. Having a blast in Remix. Got my warrior to level 70 a few days ago. Figured that leveling in Pandaria again like this would make it fun to try something different so rerolled this character as a Druid. Have had a few random walk-ups while rediscovering Pandaria this way. Good times!
