Why was Jaina enthusiastic about working together again?

Because this is RL and all.

Where are you getting this from? That is a lot just to say that I should think that it is okay to be a monster if someone is a monster first. I have no problem with killing monsters, I just don’t want to become one myself when/if I do, in a game as much as in the real world.

Saved the Darkspear Trolls. Saved the Tauren. Those were acts of charity.

There was no “They threaten me. Orc smash there.”

I have. Here’s a cutscene of the very thing I showed:


And had them swear fealty as subjects of the Horde in exchange.
Thats a transaction. Not charity.

Again Thrall (raised by humans) is trying to fix the world as much as for himself as for everyone else.
This is no act of charity or nobility.
Its a pursuit of survival.

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Hetaera, if you think there are no good Orcs and there are no innocent Orcs, and that all Orcs deserve to be killed, then you are factually wrong. I’m also not here to play the “change my mind” game, so you can spin your loaded questions however you want, it will not make you right, and I don’t have to prove anything to you when other people can see that you are wrong for themselves.


People can make their judgements sure.

The Horde is right to kill Alliance but Alliance is wrong to kill Horde.
That seems to be Blizzard’s philosophy. I am glad their story telling pleases you at least.


The story telling does not please me at the moment, I want better things for the Night Elves.

And I just finished killing a lot of Horde while saving Baine and was treated as a hero for it.


By turning the other cheek right?

Just a few soldiers. Their cities are still safe for some reason.
Heck you could not even kill the guy responsible for planning and leading the attack.

No. Here’s a sample of my usual posts:

I want Battlefield: Ashenvale and the Night Elves taking all their lands back.

I don’t give a damn about Horde cities. Neither do the Night Elves. They care about their own land, not the Horde’s.


As long as Orgrimmar exists they will keep invading. (See eastern Ashenvale)

Taking what is yours is hardly a payback and last I checked Darkshore is apparently all we are going to get.
And Saurfang gets to walk free of any repercussion because he feels “sad”.

Not if Orgrimmar is actually allies with the Night Elves like they were supposed to be after Warcraft III, which I have also posted before:

If Saurfang living makes it so the Horde will finally live up this then that will be a good thing.

It is highly likely that Darkshore is all we’re going to get, yes.

And even more likely that we will not burn a Horde city for payback.

We’ve already been down this narrative road, though. Night Elves didn’t get payback for Garrosh’s war, either. In fact, we let the Horde get lumber from Azshara in return for peace. And then both Malfurion and Tyrande worked with the Horde on the Broken Isles. Payback isn’t something you should expect.

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I have been shafted by the blatant Horde favouritism before.

My issue is that Blizzard keeps trying to convince me the Horde and the Orcs are actually good people.

They are not. If they want a push a narrative that the Horde is too strong so we can’t fully retaliate. Fine.
If they want to force me to work with a child killer like Saurfang. No. I will take a hard pass.
It is why I refuse to quest any further. I will not help saurfang. Period.


Hence my earlier advice that you should maybe go play something else.

My sub time will run out in 20 days. I am stuck until then.
This story seems to be written for complete masochists.


LOL Beat me to it XD Only I was going to say “Have you seen that six pack?” XD


Weapons like the plague, man’s bombs, and jaina’s usage of the focusing Iris are examples of weapons in Warcraft that are analogous to weapons of Mass destruction and it’s rather obvious that they are meant to be.

On the second point. While the monster bit does normally hold true, it doesn’t do so with the horde anymore. If the only times they attempted genocide were the openings of the dark portal and Garrosh’s true horde? Then yeah, those could be worked with as you come out of it with the idea that most of the horde just wants to live a good life or were under influences they couldn’t control. But the path of glory, iron horde, and teldrassil and everything following? Those are unforgivable and show the horde is nothing more than monsters who will stop at nothing to wipe everyone else out. Which is AG again, exemplified by lor"'themar’s quote.

You don’t become a monster by fighting for your survival when you have easily justifiable reason to destroy the enemy. That’s something that only happens when the enemy has proven a good portion of them aren’t so destructive. As it stands it’s pretty much just the darkspear, taurens, and pandaren that should be spared. The other horde races have done literally nothing good for the planet except for when it ensures their own survival. Otherwise they end up being a deep net negative.

Also, the fact that only 2 orcs seem to be opposed to Teldrassil is a travesty. And even then neither thrall nor Saurfang have directly stated that Teldrassil was some awful thing the horde should make up for. All we got was a 1/2 second shot of Saurfang thinking about Teldrassil in Lost honor.

All my oof.

That would require hiring decent writers though. That costs money.

What did Jaina use it on again?

As for the rest, I don’t need to wipe out entire families just because one guy wants to take my life. Two Orcs, two Tauren, some others as well have all had enough of what’s going on in the Horde.

I think you have it backwards? It’s two orcs and two tauren that don’t want to wipe you out. The rest do.

I find it funny that the one orc who is supposed to be the best of what Orcs could be is Thrall and he is only that way as he was raised by a human family. Even with how badly he was treated by blackmoore he still ended up being far better.

Saurfang represents everything that is wrong with the Orcs. He is so easily manipulated into killing people for the notion of Honor or for the sake of his own people that he can’t think for himself.


The Pandarans and one Elf think it’s gone too far too. Also don’t forget Rexxar. He thinks Jaina is a mad dog who needs put down but winning a war doesn’t mean genocide.