So Shandris Feathermoon is the Night Elf Representative for the Nazjatar story

Over Tyrande being turned into a villain or killing Saurfang and causing the war to continue so everyone can blame the Night Elves for it and Blizzard can prop up Anduin as the voice of reason that should have been listened to all along, yes, I’d rather have Tyrande working with Horde characters (again. Like in Val’sharah).

Here’s my best case scenario: Tyrande has Saurfang at bow point again, Saurfang is not moving and accepting being judged by the embodiment of Elune again, while Sylvanas is smirking in the distance behind him pleased that her enemies are pitted against each other. Only for Tyrande to shoot her arrow and it goes over Saurfang’s shoulder and kills Sylvanas’ remaining Val’kyr (lets say after Saurfang has already killed the other one). Sylvanas screams and retreats, and Tyrande says something to Saurfang like “You will live, and atone for what you have done until your dying breath. Elune make it so you will not find that reprieve for years to come.”

Tie this in with the Horde rebels helping the Night Elves get Ashenvale back in atonement, then, yes, I would want to see Tyrande working with the Horde.

For the topic of Shandris in Nazjatar, from what I’ve seen of it from the PTR, it’s just fluff that doesn’t really add anything to her development or really change any interpretation of Shandris’ character, so it’s a considerable waste.