No one should genuinely care about Teldrassil

Here’s some more of how the story played out:

    Vol'jin: The Horde needs its true Warchief now, more than ever.
    Thrall: Yes, but it was you that held the Horde together during this madness.
    Thrall: It was you that protected our honor.
    Thrall: From this day forward, Vol'jin - If you lead, I will follow.
    Vol'jin: I am not worthy...
    Vol'jin: But I will give my all.
    Vol'jin: For the Horde.
    Varian Wrynn: I will speak to your Warchief!
    Vol'jin: I speak for the Horde.

And the follow up text Vol’jin has to say:

    Vol'jin: Stand tall, <class>. Today ya saved de soul of de Horde.

No, this isn’t difficult to understand. The Alliance did not defeat the Horde as a whole. When they were able to achieve victory it was when they did not have to fight the Horde as a whole. All they had to fight was Garrrosh, and they did not have to fight any of the rest of the Horde forces and races that weren’t loyal to him, which was for all practicality was the Forsaken, Blood Elves, Trolls, Tauren Hoijin, Bilgewater, and even some Orcs.

Context? This was the context of what you were responding to:

Context is that the Alliance never gets to go far enough, and then the Horde turns around and goes further than they did before because the Alliance didn’t.

That will always be the case, yes. And I will always dismiss those people’s opinions as well. Example:

But just because there are people who would be annoying or take things too far does not mean that others who are upset that the Alliance never gets to go far enough are wrong.

Looks like the Vol’jin won to me.

Really? The Alliance forced the Horde to side with Vol’jin? I think you’re better than that.

If I had my way, the Alliance and Horde would be unified, and all players could play together. That would pretty much assure that the Horde won’t ever attack the Alliance again, and the Alliance won’t ever attack the Horde again.

Will that satisfy the Alliance playerbase? I highly doubt the Alliance playerbase as a whole would find it unsatisfying, if anything, resolves a lot of gameplay issues. If you’re talking about specifically the Alliance story fanbase? Well, obviously there are plenty who would find it unsatisfying, but that’s what I would prefer over the unsatisfactory story we’re already getting any way.