Ideal, but fair depictment of Races- Round 1, Night Elves

Having read through this thread and seen other people’s ideals, I believe my post is going to be quite the opposite of a lot of what has been calling for.

My “ideal, but fair” depiction of the Night Elves would be one of peace and diplomacy, a bridge of co-existence between the Alliance and the Horde. One where the idea of xenophobia doesn’t exist any more. After befriending and aiding both the Draenei and the Gilneans into the Alliance; after the Cenarion Circle took in the Tauren, Worgen, and even the Darkspear Trolls; after seeing many Gnomes, Dwarves, Draenei, and Humans living in Night Elf towns all across Kalimdor; after Night Elf forces banded together with Sunwalker Tauren to defend Stoneplow and were welcomed into the Vale of Eternal Blossoms; and especially after Genn Greymane went from the man who left the Alliance and built a wall to keep everyone else away to a man who preaches unity because of how much the Night Elves did for him and his people, the Night Elves should have stayed the most inclusive, diplomatic, and friendly race around.

And there should have been more of that. From the very beginning, from the lessons they learned in Warcarft III:

Warcraft III, Chapter 4, “The Druids Arise”:

    Furion Stormrage: So, the outlanders battle against the undead as well? They could prove to be powerful allies against Archimonde and his ilk.

Warcraft III, Chapter 7, “Twilight of the Gods”:

    Furion Stormrage: To arms, my brethren! To arms, brave orcs and humans! Twilight falls -- and the enemy awaits!

The Night Elves should have always been on good terms with both the Alliance and the Horde. Even if the Night Elves joined the Alliance, the Horde should have seen the Night Elves as their allies. Warsong Gulch never should have been a battleground. The Horde never should have attacked the Night Elves. Not during Classic. Not during Cataclysm. The Night Elves should have never cut of trade after the Wrathgate. The Horde and the Night Elves should always have been on good terms. The War of the Thorns should have never been a thought the Horde would have allowed to pass through their minds.

We see these Warcraft III roots again in the Rage of the Firelands quest “The Nordrassil Summit”:

    Malfurion Stormrage says: Greetings, friends.
    Malfurion Stormrage says: I sense a vast power has grown within you, young Thrall. You've achieved much, since last we met.
    Thrall says: Master Stormrage, It's good to have you back in the waking world.

Mount Hyjal. Val’sharah. These exemplify what the Night Elves should have always been in WoW. Even during and after Garrosh’s war, Malfurion and Tyrande respectively were willing to forgive the Horde and live in peace. And the Night Elves could have continued being that bridge for peace if the people running WoW didn’t keep writing that the Horde has to be aggressive towards the Night Elves as the primary means for the Horde to have a story.