Why was Jaina enthusiastic about working together again?

I just don’t understand it.

Shouldn’t it be Thrall and Saurfang trying to convince her (and the wider alliance) that they are not blood thirsty animals and the Alliance and Horde should work together again?

The roles are completely reversed.
Jaina should have just rescued Baine, told him the debt is paid and just peace out.

Let the Horde slaughter each other. Why should the Alliance races care one iota?
Wasn’t that the whole plan? Saurfang starts a revolution, and we take out a divided Horde?

So why is it Thrall saying “yeah there is no use” and jaina is the one begging Thrall for another chance at cooperation.
It confounds me.


Because that’s their thing “we can’t stop Sylvanas alone”. She needs Thrall to be encouraged so that he will help the alliance beat the horde.


Both sides are near depleted of man power and if the horde turn on sylvanas in numbers the horde and alliance dead wont stay dead for long. So they kind of have to team up because there is no way she wont just mass rez everyone. Also you are expecting consistent writting and characters we dont do that here.


Because plot.


Jaina and Thrall have a history of working together. Every good interaction she has had with the Horde (with the exception of her brother’s rescue) has been while Thrall was Warchief. It makes sense that Thrall’s presence would make her want to cooperate.

The Alliance in general isn’t going to try to destroy the Horde because, in addition to Anduin being a pansy, the Alliance is apparently having manpower issues. Blizzard brings that up during the cinematic where Anduin frees Saurfang. Of course, this lack of manpower will probably be forgotten about in the next expac. We’ve fought so many huge wars and manpower is only now an issue. Very convenient.

With the manpower issue and the Kul’Tiran fleet getting wrecked, I think the Horde is actually way stronger than the Alliance right now. I don’t think they have enough power to take down the Horde even when it’s going through a civil war.


Well i mean it was also said in a latter cinematic thst the horde was lossing on all fronts even with the man power issues. Still I agree the alliance cant take the horde but i see that more as a story thing the alliance can never be powerful enough to stomp the horde ever.

She finally saw Thrall without a shirt.


I second this theory


Because cooperation led to good results, generally.


Man, I wish Windle was an important enough character to come back again. Talk some sense into Jaina. Or, at the very least, remind her of the cost of believing the Horde can be coexisted with.


Because honestly Jaina is the only character that actually had development during the leveling campaign where she was finally able to move past most of the bad things that has happened to her.

So she can and will (generally) be very kind to those who are kind in return, instead of just being the raving lunatic she was prior to returning to Kul Tiras.

The problem is they do this all on the cusp of what was supposed to be the biggest faction war and decided to make Sylvanas the baddie, so they gave Jaina character development to make her clearly good to oppose Sylvanas’ clearly evil.

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Getting close to your victims make it more delicious when you have an emotional meltdown and murder them.


A little bit of what was pointed out, she’s grown. Another thing to think about is that Jaina and Thrall were honestly great friends until Garrosh hit Theramore with the mana bomb.

What seems to confound you is that Jaina isn’t you.

She isn’t. She’s Jaina Proudmoore and at heart Jaina Proudmoore is a decent compassionate woman who wouldn’t hurt a fly unless she had to, who stands behind someone who does her a solid, who really means it when she says “Why can’t we all just get along?”


What confounds me is Jaina saying, “The Alliance and Horde worked together on the slopes of Mount Hyjal, and that World Tree did not burn.”

I’m sitting there going, “Jaina, did the bombing of Theramore scramble your brains that bad? Archimonde exploded. The tree was LITERALLY on fire!”


This attitude is how Sylvanas sold the war. The idea that the Alliance, even with Anduin at the helm, will not leave the Horde alone for long. If you launch an attempt to exterminate or subjugate the Horde and fail, it gives more power to the likes of Garrosh and Sylvanas in the long run.

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This attitude is how Rogers sold the attack on Sylvanas in Stormheim. The idea that the Horde, even when Vol’jin was at the helm, will not leave the Alliance alone for long (never forget Ashran, the first strike after MoP). If you launch an attempt to exterminate or subjugate the Alliance and fail, it gives more power to the likes of Genn and Tyrande in the long run.


Lol good point.

The Alliance never tried to do any of that and the Horde attacked and almost wiped out a race anyway. The dude that literally planned it was right there on the cliff with her!

So why shouldn’t the Alliance still try? It seems they got nothing to lose because another Sylvanas or Garrosh will show up anyway.


I never said the Alliance has actually done that sort of thing lately. The point was that if Jaina tried to emulate or father or someone else did, and it failed as it certainly would in this game, then it would make the Horde gear up in time for another go.

You’re not wrong, but the Horde usually gears up for it anyways after a while. There’s a timer. The Alliance acting against the Horde just knocks down a few hours, but the timer eventually runs out, some whack-job becomes Warchief, and its back to our faction pride expansions.