Why surv is the least played?

And people try to gaslight me into believing that it’s the pro-RSV crowd who are the nasty bullies of the Hunter forum.

I’ve been seeing bullying from the pro-MSV crowd ever since Legion’s pre-patch.

Absolutely there’s a couple of nasty pro-RSV posters, but there’s a line between being cranky and outright belittlement and insults.

I’m pretty tired of the same four or five pro-MSV posters playing tag-team to take turns bullying the pro-RSV posters.

Azagorod, I suggest that you take a step back… and another… before this gets worse. You’re already belittling posters, have been for a while. Let’s not turn this into a massive flame war.

I would appreciate it if you re-state your position regarding Hunters/casters as ranged attackers. What difference do you see between them? If so, why? If not, why? I’m having a little difficulty tracking down your original post about this so I would like it if you don’t mind explaining it once more. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ahh the RSV crowd has taken over another thread with their shenanigans.

Thank goodness for MSV, it completes the class.



Hopefully the constant debate will slow down or somewhat cease over the next future hunter patches, but there’s always something to complain or gripe about.

I think if it had been a 4th spec with a different name that would have solved a lot of complaints.
I love survival hunter. Maybe other melee do things better, but they don’t have pets. I think the toolkit is great, feels like I can do anything. They’re mobile, have traps, plenty of dots, a gap closer, disengage, sprint, a shield, a heal, feign death, a pet tank if needed, snares, stealth if specced. If you hit aspect of the eagle you have 40yd mongoose bites for 15 secs on 1.5cd.

If I get bored I can farm for rare pets and if I get tired of melee I just switch specs and boom I’m shooting things again. Although getting a good weapon for both survival and BM can be a pain.

They just dropped the ball on no 4th spec and alienated anyone who mained and loved the original ranged survival.


Well said my vertically challenged friend! I’ll have to disagree about the fourth spec though.

That idea falls…Short…of the target…
/Bows out

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Hot damn… That is a great way of putting things! Gj!

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Don’t hold your breath really.

I forgot to mention earlier the ridiculous double-standard Az(and some other pro-MSV’ers) go by when judging spec design and diversity.

For ranged specs, it’s apparently all about the fact that they are…well…ranged. If they are, then they are all the same. Magic/weapon-types/mechanics be damned.

But for melee specs/design, it’s different. There it makes perfect sense that Rogues can have 3 dual-wield specs swinging weapons in different ways.

Or warriors with 2 specs.

Aaand…so on. To be clear, I think that it’s okay to have all of the above. What’s ironic is that certain pro-MSV’ers think that it’s okay to allow this for melee specs but, not for ranged specs/classes?

Well said there.


The opinion of someone with voiced disgust for the original core features of this class. One who would love nothing more if MM and BM went melee as well.


What are you on about now? I never said I seriously wanted the other specs melee…some melee abilities sure.

More realistic than blathering about a fourth spec anyway. To much entitlement for me.
Don’t get your panties in a bunch because someone doesn’t agree with you, champ.


You haven’t huh? (Points to links below)

That’s also a bit ironic considering other replies made by you just a bit further down in that same thread:

So, melee BM would be awesome huh?

Apart from this, you often(in other threads as well) repeatedly state how “turning the other specs into hybrids like MSV would be awesome”.

There are a lot more you could link from that thread alone but…just gonna finish it off with this:

As for whether you’re serious or not in anything you say…it’s kind of hard to tell at this point.

Since when is it “entitlement” when players provide feedback that they would like/love to see a 4th spec option so we can get back the spec that was removed from us? A spec which was taken away without just cause or valid logic.

Especially when that would also make for the most optimal outcome for us all here, no matter what side we’re on.

How in the world is that the same thing as “entitlement”?


Lmao…I was totally trolling in the vast majority of those posts…After someone else brought up making BM melee…

But go ahead think whatever you want about it, I’m not sure why you care.

And entitlement is thinking your class deserves a fourth spec before every other class.

Cheers champ.

Every other class?

We’ve only mentioned that we think that the Hunter class should get a 4th spec, for several reasons(like above).

You(and some other pro-MSV’ers) are the ones who keep bringing up other classes as a counter-argument for why Hunters should not get a 4th spec option.

You are the one’s who go all “I have what I like, don’t you dare say that it should be changed/removed” closely followed by “but go ahead, change BM or MM to fit it in”.

Or more commonly(from you):

Think that’s enough examples…

Care might be a strong word here but…honestly, the fact that you endlessly troll and bash on other players who are asking for something they like to come back to the game, especially when they are asking for it to return in a way which wouldn’t affect the existing hunter specs/designs, including the one you seem to like so much.

And you do it purely because you think it’s fun and because you dislike ranged hunter specs. You tell me who’s doing the right thing here…

Those who are looking for a way to solve these problems, or you who continue to have fun based on other player’s losses, while not contributing with anything constructive at all, other than the odd comment of how we should “overhaul MM to fit both current MM and old RSV in there”.


Hunter - Give 4th spec for RSV, we demand it!
Demon Hunter - Give 3rd spec for us, we demand it!
Warlock - Give us 4th spec, we want demon form, we demand it!
Mage - Give us 4th spec, we want a melee mage or healer mage, we demand it!
Shaman - Give us 4th spec, we want Earth Tank, we demand it!

Everyone wants an extra spec, something new, something old back. That’s the forum’s way.

Yes, the hunters clinging to old Survival needs to move on… but first got to find them something else for them to talk about. One doesn’t quit smoking like that, he replaces it with something that helps him quit.


I didn’t read your book, thanks.


Why is asking for a fourth spec such a poor idea? You get to keep playing what you like and RSV get to have something they love back? Its a win win, seems some just want to have all then rub it in others faces.

Why does anyone need to move on? If you can post about liking MSV then they can post about wanting RSV back. How are some post on a forum effecting your ability to play MSV?

If you do not want to read them then just not click on the topic, but then that would stop you from voicing your opinion. So, if you are allowed to speak out then everyone else has the same right too, does not matter if it goes against your opinions.

Think you made yourself completely clear with this statement.


Survival huntards (yes I have a 120 BM female nelf ) are there because enhance shamans exist so why not make a huntard version as well.

Apologies if anyone pointed this out above, but as a huntard that did justicar as a twink range survival toon, the abomination of a melee version is just terrible.

And yes I have a rogue, lolret, 2 dks, warr and a demon scrub. Why would anyone want a hunter version that is 6 lolret globals from death.

Delete that spec or make it what it was pre legion imho.

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I hope so…I mean those posts were about making BM melee. And I suggested it would be fun, I know I know, how dare I.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for the RSV crowd, to deal with different opinions. Sad.

A fourth spec… how illogical.

It’s not your opinion in itself.

It’s more the fact that you come into the same thread time and again and post the same few one-liners for no reason other than to try to upset others.

Here’s one example.

In that thread alone you have posted that reply or others very similar to it more than 10 times. And that’s an understatement on the count.

For the players in that thread, we got that you hate RSV the first time.

And for your follow-up argument of “but we repeatedly post about wanting RSV back so why can’t I do the same, posting multiple times?”

The thing here is, we are providing feedback towards something that we would like to see in the game. Something we think will be an improvement for this game.
This is why we continue to post about it multiple times.

Your posts on the subject, are all versions of the above. You post your opinion about how you couldn’t be happier that RSV is gone while you now have your MSV. The only purpose of your posts, again, is to upset other players. In short: To rub it in their faces.

That, is why so many of us have a problem with your…opinion.

Oh, and here you just posted it again:

Yeah, we got it, you don’t think that there should be a 4th hunter spec for X+Y reason.

Your most spoken argument is that “it was never great”, which again like you said, is your opinion. But since this game is designed for more players than just yourself(or other MSV fans), what would really be the problem with giving other players what they want as well?


At least I’m consice! Sorry you’re upset about it.


Survival I play daily, I got my damage up through Azerite traits in PVE…
As far as PVP goes he is made of very very thin paper…

It is impossible to keep separation for bombs or latent to stack…

To get the other needed damage you have to get a few melee strikes.

The flying laser eyed stun bat will destroy you in a pass or two.

Umm what? Survival is about as strong as can be in PvP…