And people try to gaslight me into believing that it’s the pro-RSV crowd who are the nasty bullies of the Hunter forum.
I’ve been seeing bullying from the pro-MSV crowd ever since Legion’s pre-patch.
Absolutely there’s a couple of nasty pro-RSV posters, but there’s a line between being cranky and outright belittlement and insults.
I’m pretty tired of the same four or five pro-MSV posters playing tag-team to take turns bullying the pro-RSV posters.
Azagorod, I suggest that you take a step back… and another… before this gets worse. You’re already belittling posters, have been for a while. Let’s not turn this into a massive flame war.
I would appreciate it if you re-state your position regarding Hunters/casters as ranged attackers. What difference do you see between them? If so, why? If not, why? I’m having a little difficulty tracking down your original post about this so I would like it if you don’t mind explaining it once more.