its just gone, is there something to replace it somewhere that im not seeing? i cannot fathom a reason blizz would just remove this tab
yikes blizz whyyyyyy
Because people always complain, so its a moving target
That’s how things are, only the RDF was requested as I say in the thread, but nevertheless Blizzard’s laziness only made a copy+paste of the LFG system that retail has, something ridiculous and something stupid when it is only used to forget the past content
Now it is difficult to raid Naxxramas and Ulduar, it reminds me in 9.2 when it was difficult to raid LFG for any Castle Nathria difficulty or BfA itself when you wanted to find an Uldir in 8.3.
Same disgusting formula where the content of that expansion is ruined in the video game.
Just like the pvp that I see is forgetting what all the content of WoW is.
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