Guild & Server: Zul’jin - Horde
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday & Wednesday 8 - 11 PM EST (Optional/Alt raid Saturday 8-11PM EST)
N’yalotha Progression: 1/10 Mythic CN, 8/10 Heroic CN
Recruitment Contacts: Pulse#7760 (Discord) | Pulse#12743 (BNET)
Requirements: Guild made up of mythic raiders from previous tiers, with folks with CE from previous expansions. Intending to achieve CE each tier and looking for like-minded players who are willing to put in the work to get there.
Needs: Primarily looking for strong healers and DPS (warlock, spriest, hunter, ele sham), all roles and all excellent applicants will be considered going in Castle Nathria. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMlwJpJefx2Pkn9lXTzrciQt96G0ViVb-_WTmpEAd9T6mREw/viewform