Typical experience playing WoW vs other games

You’ve started off the thread negative, basically implying heavily that you think “WoW Sucks” while still subbed with your OP… :point_down:

And yet, when i share my own subjective experiences, you’ve attacked me for it. And basically attacked and possibly harassed anybody else who didn’t agree with you.

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Im not the one feeling PERSONALLY punished for a system being in place lol try again.

You do realize the downgrade person was also put in for QoL reasons so you didnt have to enter the dungeon and downgrade it manually. Dont keep up with the jones’s much do you?

Then stop calling it a punishment lol

Downgrading your key because you cannot beat it is not the same as wanting to downgrade my key from 20 to a 2 to farm valor (in the past), or get specific crests (now).

Two separate things youre trying to blend into one. Try again.

Agreed. I open up the game and do things i enjoy and have fun and have adventures. Things youre not doing and complaining that WoW sucks. Im having fun and still enjoying WoW

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Careful, OP might call that “aTacKinG!!”, because apparently having fun with a video game they hate is considered attacking them. :crazy_face:

Something tells me you are not comparing World of Warcraft with another massively multiplayer online ‘theme park’ game…

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Could help that if OP talks about what other games their talking instead of just being intentionally vague about it, because some games are slow to get going to the fun bits. Fun is subjective and all, sure, but Shadow Warrior 2 is not Red Dead Redemption 2, nor is it Elden Ring or Far Cry 6 in terms of how quickly you will get into where the games consider the fun parts. If ya catch my drift.

I love the comments here no one wants to call out blizz for bad game design and the breeding of bad players they do this to themselves and we pay for it with there bad designs to keep us subbing wake up ppl it’s 2023 and the games dying gatekeeping it as like it’s some accomplishment that you know more then a new player is just sad the game needs to think about casuals and stop worrying about the ppl who take the game way to seriously

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…Cept i have.

Difference being, i don’t go “GRR GRR THIS SUCKS BUT IMMA KEEP PAYING FOR THIS GAME I THINK IT SUCKS ANYWAYS!! TAKE ME SERIOUSLKDGHIERTH”. Because my intention is to convince or discuss this with other people on something i think the Game does poorly with. Even if Blizzard listens to the money, criticism that is constructive, effects the money indirectly because people will use this to vote with their wallets.

It’s been “dying” since 2004, by tons of people who think it’s gonna die. Like were all out of spaces on the gravestone were never gonna use, lol. Heck, it’s cracked and covered in mold and cob webs. I think the Gravestone itself is going to die out faster then WoW at this point.

“b-b-bu-b-bu-but, THIS TIME IT’S REAL!!”… …sure okay. Never heard of that before. :laughing: Oh wait, i have. :thinking:

Simply being able to be screenshotted and reported for toxicity / harassment during keys, should solve that issue. Once people start getting vacations for their actions, some will think twice.

It won’t stop everybody though. That’s just how it goes unfortunately.

Or maybe you could join a guild, find like-minded individuals, laugh at depletes with them, find ways to overcome the challenges. Join a raid team and so on an so forth.
Get your artifact weapon transmogs, do old content, professions, make some gold, buy diablo 4 with that gold. (Yes, wow doesn’t need to be the only game you play. It actually makes wow more enjoyable if you don’t depend on it for your only source of entertainment)

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Okay, so why not do that for everyone instead of coming up with a system just for key leavers?

Also, if the way you’re playing is not enough to do higher keys (because you focused so much on the m+ content) then maybe it’s time to build up some new muscle memory, change keybindings (for instance, if you still click on skills, you learned the game the wrong way and it’s about time learn how to properly play), find out what other ppl are doing that you’re not. Get yourself a better UI, find add-ons and weak auras, learn about the dungeons. There’s so much stuff to do to become better at the game.

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We already have deserter debuffs for lfg pvp/pve. im not 100% sure but i think its just the M+ who doesn’t have any penalties for leaving grp.

I could be wrong tho.

Right. Queued content that you have no control over because Blizzard put everyone together instead of the player. Thats their play nice warning.

Pre made content has no pentalty. I can leave my arena and raid and m+ any time i see fit with no negative lashback

Well all i feel is there should be some lashback. How they go about it isn’t my concern, but there should be penalties to combat the leavers or keyholders holding groups hostage.

I don’t find that when I do other MMORG’s - that is why I am still playing wow. I have tried both GW2 and FF and both bore me to death.

A guild, or 4 friends help. Being a healer or tank will help you get into queues.

Make some friends and you won’t have to “sit around doing nothing”. So many people on the forum claim that it takes forever to get a group or they can’t get a group at all but they refuse to fix their own problem by making any friends.

My experience:
Log in, que for bgs. Wail on target dummies til que pops. Wail on bads and fotm rerollers.
Repeat for my alotted game time.

I have a blast.

Sounds like you could use a change of scenery; maybe going outside and touching grass would help. Glhf!

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well neither am I, so what the heck are you talking about?

“punishment” as a word has no connotation of personal. a punishing mechanic is simply a mechanic that is harsh when you fail it, for example

I think you’re just incapable of understanding this concept. I enjoy the game. I don’t enjoy waiting around for hours doing nothing. this has clearly gone over your head

correct. I am comparing World of Warcraft to all other activities and have already said this.

I think the main thing here is that someone who is in a key has a lot of power to ruin your experience. And if you have one person brick a key (it really only takes one) then you can’t re-attempt it.

If you could simply re-attempt the key after someone left it would feel way better. It’s happened to all of us. IMO if someone complains at all before the run starts remove them. They will almost certainly complain mid-key as well, and anger someone else, and then one of them leaves.

I have some advice for you as well. Get taller, people respect height. Also, if you aren’t already rich then get your hands on a few million dollars within the next week or two. That helps a lot.

This post isn’t me saying my life sucks. It’s me saying “is anyone else noticing this? Isn’t there something that can be done?”

I don’t think all MMO’s have this same endless lobby problem, but I think if Blizzard could solve this issue WoW would again become the head-and-sholders dominant MMO. And they’re so close!

For example, a HUGE gain in game design is moving away from drastic meta differences. Now pretty much every spec is viable in a high key. Some might have to be played around a bit, and require a more specific comp but that is a far cry away from Shadowlands S3 where the party was always BDK, holy priest, surv, destro, sub rogue

The new talent system is a huge improvement, now I’m hoping they can take the game one step further and start seeping in players instead of slowly draining them

Yeah, because being social is impossible.