Typical experience playing WoW vs other games

lol, that’s totally fine. but what you did was attack me and try to say my subjective experience was wrong. and now you have a novel of backpedaling that is frankly not worth my time

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Sharing my subjective experience or calling your subjective experience what it is, isn’t attacking you, and i didn’t say your experience was wrong either. What the heck are you talking about?

So you’re a troll looking to stir drama up. Makes sense then.

You said it better than I’ve been saying it.


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cute maneuver there

no, it’s just your inability to understand constructive criticism.

I want WoW to succeed and I think there is a problem here

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When you tell me that i’m not worth your time, you just only confirm that you’re doing this to troll.

That sounds like projection on your part.

And there was no constructive criticism when you’re dismissing other people’s constructive criticisms here. So why you’re lying then?

It doesn’t sound like it, so i don’t know why you’re lying to us here, and why can’t you just move on if you think WoW sucks, in this black and white matter you’re doing.

lol what am I lying about? the fact that I had a crappy morning yesterday with keys?

you really aren’t worth the time because you have no context, you’re like a politician saying everything you can to see what sticks, and you have no point and are not contributing to this discussion.

I am ignoring you and forgetting you exist

EDIT: even now, I have been sitting in town with my key listed since about 11 and very sparse applicants.

The problem is that this key (Brackenhide) requires kind of a specific group. you need disease and poison dispels and that limits the group. Also this toon I am listing it on doesn’t have either of those, and can only dps.

I like complexity but I don’t like when it restricts us and causes more downtime than playtime

I don’t think the system is ALL wrong but it really needs some refinement

That you having “constructive criticism”. Your “Constructive Criticisms” just come off as substanstiveless complaining and just yelling into the sky “WOW SUCX”. Maybe that’s why you get the “Go play other games” answer then.

Thrid time ya lied btw, i guess i am worth your time. :man_shrugging:

Projection much?

I think you’re just angry at me for not agreeing with you. That’s pretty much what it is.

That’s fine, and i will just remind everybody about the one rule your thread is breaking.

Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums

Good day and i hope Blizzard doesn’t listen to you, considering you seem to be an active detriment to the game given your unconstructive attitude.

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Would having potions that dispel disease and poison available around the dungeon make it easier? Or just potions that people can make/ sell to take in ease of the burden?

It’s just OP lying again. I’ve never seen that happen or discussed before and OP didn’t prove this to be the case.

OP has a problem with people liking the game she clearly hates (err sorry “wAnT tO SuCeEd” like i haven’t heard that excuse before) and attacked and possibly harassed others for it. :roll_eyes:

I really like this idea! Yeah I do think if we could self-dispel with pots that could be a great option. Maybe if it were on the health pot timer that would be best but even if it were on the damage pot timer it would be a good option

I’ve felt burned by some of the same things you’ve mentioned as well. Just a suggestion and by no means perfect, but my approach has been to set goals and challenges for myself in the open world. Take down rares and elites solo, try to be in elite areas or spawning rares as much as possible, take off some armor or replace purples with blues to naturally make open world more interesting/dangerous, etc. Or change focus and go back and finish side quests, do world quests and non-combat public events, level professions, level renown, collect that perfect mog, level an alt, etc.

I agree with you something about the community and game design aren’t clicking in a way that’s conducive to what I consider fun in endgame group content. And suggestions to “just find a guild” or “just play another game” make me scratch my head. I, too, have spent a lot of effort trying to find the right guild. And obviously if I wanted to leave this world I’ve lived in for many years and these characters I’ve invested in and made memories with, then I wouldn’t be posting on the official forums.

Just wanted you to know you’re not alone. <3

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Thank you for the kind words and understanding, it is really appreciated.

I like your idea of upping the difficulty of world content. I do think most of the memorable moments I’ve had in this game have been outside of instances.

I wonder, why can’t there be world content that is designed to fit this role? I think Blizzard was playing with this a little at the start of dragonflight season 1 with the super-rares, but what if it didn’t top out at such a low ilvl in comparison?

This would benefit people doing M+ and raid because there would be less of a barrier to entry for someone who is curious about either of those, as well. It would add some fluidity to the game.

Thanks again

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I agree, I personally believe that the game would greatly benefit from difficult soloable content, particularly in the current expansion, easy to find, and with clear goals and rewards. This would help fill the gap for folks who can’t quite find their place in raiding/m+ giving folks a fulfilling alternative option, and it would also help bridge the skill/difficulty gap between casual open world players and organized group content. I’m hope someday that becomes a reality. In the meantime, it falls to us to create our own challenges and find our place in Azeroth. <3

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No this is a video game with a strict set of rules coded into it.

Didnt realize you could only be friends with people youre in guilds with. Weird.

It doesnt favor anyone. Again, this is just you taking things personally. And there isnt a flaw to it, its just pointless /shrug

You invited the person who left your key. Next time make better choices. Thats what it boils down to

Youre discussing personal needs, even without your example. The game gave you something you cannot complete, so it sees that you need something you can complete and it gives it to you

It is personal. Unless you have the same ilvl or higher in every slot that that key range delivers for gear, dropping keys to make it easier to acquire gear to level up us not punishment. Its holding your hand.

Punishment would be your key being dead in the water and not downgrading. Now youre left with a key you cannot complete meaning you have no shot at gear and no shot at beating your key.

Second chances arent punishment.

No one said it was, but it does take the majority of the problems you’re describing away

You said you’re punished by Blizzard for failing a key. Thats taking it personally rather than understanding thats just how the system works.

Sure, but that doesnt change what is in place as is. Can it change in the future? Sure. But you not liking something doesnt change what it is. And thats that the m+ system is designed for organized groups, depelted key has a purpose and its not punishment.

What i say isnt a disagreement with you, what i say is to help the community understand why something is the way it is. Most arguments and fights originate from misconception/'misunderstanding.

It is. It’s a second chance.

Lindormi wasnt always there. And rather than having to go somewhere and do it manually, the game does it for you. QoL

Never said they were using thr system wrong. Im saying they dont understand the system, which is very evident.

Theyre just looking for an echo chamber to agree with them. Not actually interested in having a discussion about something. Its their way or no way

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Lol, that is obvious from the fact they got upset with me basically sharing my subjective experience and me calling their subjective experience what it is.

She even called me a politician because… i dare share my experience that is different to her’s. The horror. /s

In hindsight, maybe i should become a politician. So i point to OP’s thread and go “This is why we need better education in schools” and get paid for it. :laughing:


Baridorielor for 2024!

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Make Everybody Smart Again. Or MESA as i like to call it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Puts on a blue beanie.

I have a guild with a ton of characters in it. 95% of the players either quit over a decade ago, are dead, or moved on.

Sometimes it’s not the state of the game, sometimes it is actually just a defunct guild.

Thats why its only a game and not a job to be taken seriously

This guild had two pages of people logged in in at the start of dragonflight. And the discord is hopping from about 6PM to 11PM.

Moreso personally I have had a lot of close friends leave the game lately. 3 of my closest friends along with a handful of acquaintances I know about. They all have neutral-positive opinions about the game but are just too busy with life

You’re getting to the core of my point. The core of everything here is that for being a game the whole thing is structured a lot more like work than play. I feel like the design team has found a way to log in by inspiring people to “keep up with the Jones’s” rather than simply log in and have fun

I enjoy M+ quite a bit.

Incorporeal is kinda stinky but whatever. It’s not a perfect game, but running M+ is fun, particularly with a good group.

However sitting around doing nothing in Valdrakken is not fun. And I do way more

Only to you

Are you kidding or serious here?

The punishment is obviously not personal. It is done by a computer who has no concept of who I am. How in the world is this personal? I seriously don’t get it, why you keep saying it’s personal. It is a simple cause and effect, like stepping into a shower will get you wet.

You have cognitive dissonance here. One moment you’re saying that the designers designed it a certain way and that we should respect it, the next you’re saying it is what i is. I’m not replying to certain points because I find this conversation tiring

No, honestly I find you to come off in a negative way and that is why you get negative energy in return

I think fundamentally we have different values and we simply will not agree