Typical experience playing WoW vs other games

I replied the way I did because your suggestion is ridiculous. It is like telling someone to get taller. Friends are precious and a good friend is truly hard to find and should be treasured.

I have a ton of friends in this game, and some are pushing super ridiculously high keys. But we have different schedules, and like I was saying earlier over the past 6 months I think about 10 regulars (and 3 of them quite close) on my bnet have stopped logging in.

You talk about friends as a resource that is always on demand. In reality friends have lives and schedules and that doesn’t always line up. And you have to meet people that you both like and can play at one’s level 
 anyone who thinks that is easy is completely misguided in my opinion


Okay, so meet some people and add them to your btag list so you can play with them later. Go join a guild and ask in /g if someone wants to do some stuff with you. Join a community and ask if someone wants to do some stuff with you. Join one of the thousands of discords and ask if someone wants to do some stuff with you.

Stop acting like there is no solution to this, you have a solution but you’d rather blame anyone but you.

You claimed you that a key failing and downgrading was punishment.

And how does a key downgrading fit into your new view of what “punishment” means as per your parts I just quoted?

Are you incapable of enjoying the game in the downtime? If it’s taking hours of waiting around for 1 thing, why not do other things you enjoy in that down time? Or are you incapable of understanding such a concept?

And 95% of this is solved by playing within a Guild / Community / Friends list, as it was designed to be.

No I do not notice this. The game has many aspects. If one isn’t working out, I have countless other avenues to pursue.

I’m beginning to think its a demographic issue.

Some people have the environmental factors that allows them to play competitive WoW easily.

Most everyone else doesn’t have those factors, that allow their friends/guilds to play easily.

That and other factors like, company drama, recycled content, poor loot drops, drip feed content, better games, more games, more ways to play other games through portable consoles, loss of older devs, low ball expansion themes, games age, favorite classes being ruined, loss of our flying mounts at current expansion content, old flying being replaced by new flying and on and on

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Nothing objective about it. It’s like an engineer saying I designed your stairs for antelopes instead of the humans that use it. Why can’t you just let antelopes use it? You can have a guiding design philosophy but if you stick to it to rigidly and don’t adapt to how people actually engage with the system, then you are a bad dev. That applies to any software based interface. Not just games.

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We are speaking a different language. It is pointless and frustrating to try to debate with someone when they don’t even hear you.

No, but why are you defending something that is obviously not fun? Do you think waiting around is a good thing? because that’s how you sound.

Yeah and Blizzard makes big sweeping changes but doesn’t modify little things one by one. IMO what happens there is that they fix one thing while breaking another and are constantly going from one issue to the next. If the design team leaned more into 5% nerfs and buffs and avoided big 30% or even 50% changes (like with what happened to healing this season) it would be much less jarring for the playerbase

Said better than I could

I appreciate how you did absolutely nothing to explain how the points were not objective. It really made me understand your point of view.

I always find it entertaining how criticism is typically extremely vague.

Your words, not mine. As you see, I’m not claiming a system working as intended is a punishment.

I don’t wait around. I’m kept busy unless I intentionally want to just be afk until I’m needed, thus the doing other things during downtime.

M+ was never intended to be pugged. The fact that it is, is merely a bonus. Find people to play with around your skill level.

By god, you’re a ge–haha, dude, this mfer giving some real next level clown advice xD

You have a very specific, personal-to-you definition of the word “punishment”.

Is this your main? I don’t want to assume but I’m thinking we are playing totally different games here

I am a recovering hardcore player. You seem on the casual side. I enjoy my world activities too and that is not usual for a hardcore player. I think something can be made that combines the two. Can you not see the potential here? is it all negative nancy?

This is most online games. I play a lot of apex and rocket league. And every 3rd match has a terrible player with an awful attitude that ruins the game for everyone else. I didn’t feel like this was the case 10+ years ago. I just wanna have some fun and gear up/level up/rank up. And it’s more difficult now then ever. I feel your frustrations

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Are you comparing WoW to single player games or other online games like other MMOs/Destiny/League/Valorant/Overwatch etc. ?

Gotta compare apples to apples, ofc single player games are more straightforward and don’t have drama they don’t involve other people.

But your scenario can happen in literally every online games.

This is why i pick what i play depending on my mood. If i had a long day and don’t feel like dealing with other human being’s shenaniganz i boot up a single player game.

If i feel like challenging myself and progress a goal i boot up WoW.

Designing something based on a hypothetical idealized interaction instead of how your end client actually engages with it is a sure fire way to have a failed product. That is objective. Vs your hyperbolic intended use case platitude.

Hopefully that helps explain it better. It’s the difference between crapping in one hand and wishing into another. One
objectively is going to fill up faster and you should adapt accordingly.

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That’s not my experience. I log on and start doing g whatever it is I want to be doing.

but I mostly don’t bother with m+ as the my experience w ith it has mostly been pretty toxic

Tell me that no instance group in other games has ever failed. I’d like to know the name of that game.

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Strange. I never gave a definition. Ill reiterate what i said since youre confused: if you take a key downgrading as “punishment” (by whatever definition you want to use), you just made it personal.

Oh this is going to be good. This is usually followed directly by the person makinf an assumption anyway, which is exactly what they said they didnt want to do, instead of asking a question which would be the correct action.

Who claims hardcore players dont enjoy world content? Who mentioned world content anyway? I thought the words used were having fun during down time? World content seems awfully specific.

Youre trying extremelt hard to justify things. Theres really no need for that

That’s when it’s time to make an alt or take a break or time to focus on raid logging and helpin ur guild and aint nuffin wrong with that. Or go back and solo o’l expac content.

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I think a lot of people that inhabit these forums and advocate for WoW to stay as competitive as it is, don’t understand that the vast majority of people that played WoW are extremely casual players.

Edit: The vast majority of players never step foot into dungeons higher than maybe heroics and probably only dabble in LFR.

Edit 2: I think this group of players has largely been ignored by the developers for some time now.


Don’t you people who have SOOOO much trouble with keys not have any friends or guildmates? Make friends and run each other’s keys. Time or Fail you’ll get gear and enjoy each other’s company. To boot you’ll get better at the game as you go because you’ll become a team.