Typical experience playing WoW vs other games

Other games:

Open up game. Start adventure/start creating. The fun begins when I log in

World of Warcraft

Log in, spend about a half an hour forming a group. Group goes for 30 minutes in run, wipes, someone leaves. Key is lowered and only frustration. Re-queue with lower key, takes even longer because nobody wants that key. Log off with no real progress made


Is there a solution youā€™d like to propose, other than turning WoW into a single player game?


Iā€™ve proposed many in the past. I think in this particular case so many elements have gone into making this game punishing that there isnā€™t just one thing that can be fixed.

Relying on M+ is one. This game relies on us running the same dungeon over and over for most people.

Keys depleting is another. That keys deplete down a level immediately after a single bad run causes people to be extremely picky in who they take

This game is skewed to make the M+ experience as punishing as possible. It does not reward skill so much as patience

Oh and no real punishment for toxicity. If someone wants to be antisocial they have a place in World of Warcraft


I know it gets said alot in response to these types of complaints, but I recommend finding a guild or community to run keys with. It really does make the experience much more enjoyable.


lol I have 4 guilds, unfortunately people just arenā€™t logging in


How about losing 100 IO if you leave a key before the last boss has died. That outta break someoneā€™s bad habit.

Also, stop the timer if someone leaves and allow the remaining members to fill the empty slot and re-enter the dungeon. Resume the timer when the 5th member walks in.


I think just give keys 3 charges. If it isnā€™t finishd it gets a crack in it. Another time and itā€™s in shambles. 3rd key not finished and it depletes

Finding the correct keystone is an arbitrary illusion of challenge. The actual challenge is in the key itself


Funny, I log in to WoW and immediately go off to do an adventure.

Yā€™all gotta realize at some point that not everyone playing this game is a miserable M+/raider who does nothing else in the game except the hamster wheel. Some of us actually explore, do gathering/crafting, questing, RP, achievement hunting, old mog farming, Legion order halls, etc. etc. etc. or sometimes even play Classic to do the same thing there!

Thereā€™s more to WoW than the hamster wheel. I think people would be happier when they realize that. Itā€™s fine to enjoy the hamster wheel, but if thatā€™s all you allow yourself to do/find fun in doing, I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to complain the game has no adventure or sense of fun outside of it.

Best you can do with keys is find like-minded groups to play with, if you insist on only doing that and nothing else.


You understand that a depeletd key isnt intended as punishment right? The design philosophy is/was:

M+ was meant for organized groups. Meaning you didnt have to worry about people leaving your key

No one leaving the key means you do not have to worry about false failed keys

So if you didnt falsely fail a key, but failed legitimately, the key was obviosuly more than the group could handle.

Rather than being stuck with a key level you cannot complete, it downgrades to an easier level to allow you to try again.

Thats the idea when it was designed. They didnt look at it and go ā€œlets find ways to punish the player baseā€. But yet, everyone takes it personally for some reason


Okā€¦ā€¦recruit more active players thenā€¦.


It doesnā€™t really matter what they intended it to be. It is what it is.

Hence why I suggested something other than M+. I donā€™t just like looking at my equipment, I do want to use it for something. World content just isnā€™t enough of a challenge for me

Precisely. It is what it was intended to be, and a personal vendetta against the player base it is not, regardless of you feel.about it

Your own HC ruleset (seems to be the latest craze)
WoW classic

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I can understand your frustration at this point.

You have a few options:
Continue to do what you are doing and be unhappy.

Start recruiting among people you meet in Pugs for future runs

Make plans with friends, community or guild matesā€¦such as Mythics every Tuesday and Thursday from 6-8pmā€¦ā€¦I actually did this one so everyone can be prepared and schedule around it.

Find other things in the game to enjoyā€¦.Iā€™ve also done this because I donā€™t really enjoy Mythics, but I enjoying goofing off with friends. We also schedule time on Sunday nights to kill everything and do all the quests in the Caverns and whatever the weekly is.

Find another game that works for you.

I do a lot of things in game by myself, because I enjoy it but I have found that scheduling time with friends can also be very rewarding.

There is no way that Blizzard can mandate people to stop being jerks. People will always find ways around it. Your best option is to find like minded people
Good luck.


They should absolutely have a punishment system for leavers. Unfortunately they donā€™t and the people abuse the system at their leisure while caring nothing about the next person. Itā€™s sucks.


And whats the punishment for the key holder who holds the group hostage and doesnt time the key wastes the 4 other peoples time (sane thing a leaver does)?

System has to work both ways


It can be for others, but I get your point.

I do think solo players and world players need more challenging, optional solo content to cut their teeth on. However, gearing up via solo play is something most are against, and I get why on some level - MMOs are meant to be party-based experiences, at least for end game stuff like raiding. Awarding everyone the same power level from solo play as from raiding or keys, would effectively kill both of those modes of gameplay for many.

Which is why I stick to my group of friends when we do keys. I only really care about getting an ilevel thatā€™s comfy for me and what I like to do, because the hamster wheel isnā€™t something I find fun.

Itā€™d be nice if we had more challenging solo content for people to do when they need a break from M+ or raids, though, for certain. Your OP just simply made it out like WoW is only that, andā€¦ itā€™s really not. Plenty of adventure to be had, even if it may not be as ā€˜challengingā€™ as the endgame content.


People would still be picky but I would a support a change in the depleting formula.

It definitely rewards skill.

So find one where people are social?

Better never have a d/c issue.

If only you could say this without trying to insult people.

There are raids and PVP.

Because its nearly impossible to know what caused a person to leave group, and not all reasons are worthy of a penalty.

Weird way for to respond to someone who did nothing but state objective information.


Iā€™d like to know where exactly I insulted people?

I even said itā€™s fine if people enjoy the hamster wheel, but that it isnā€™t fair of them to claim WoW has no sense of adventure or enjoyment outside of M+/raiding if thatā€™s all they choose to do.

You dont find calling people ā€œmiserableā€ if they enjoy things you dont (focusing primarily on m+/raiding)ā€¦a bit negative or insulting?


I only did M+ when my guild was active and while the loot was good, the experience for me was not.

But it seems from what I have read on the forums that if they implemented a simple rule of not downgrading a key if someone simply leaves, it would address some of the issues. If they downgrade for not making time, it makes a lot more sense.