To the Devs

Oh and also the tickets I have been posting to the GM cause of there not having a feature that was in The first WOTLK (rdf) I was told to post on the forms so that the devs can see that people want it in the game.


That’s just a generic response that GMs give when they can’t help you with a problem, but they also can’t straight up say “No.” The CS reps aren’t coordinating behind the scenes with the WoW team, forum Community Managers, or other entities under Blizzard. Just so you know.

I’m no Blizzard employee and I can’t put words in their mouths, but certainly, if the GMs actually specified how you could constructively suggest Dungeon Finder being implemented, they’d have probably asked you to contribute to an existing thread rather than making another one.

Though I can tell from our interactions (and your post count) that you’re not just maliciously spamming like the International Brotherhood of Dungeon Finder Sychophants. :stuck_out_tongue:

silence ? there is no SoM , no fresh , only Wotlk , that we are all playing at the moment and for RDF , they already did comment. move along

Like i said before I do it every few weeks with alts lol.

Again man thank you for comment but sorry Nah I dont think I will move along. Cause it was in the first WOTLK so I want it in this one. If you dont want RDF just dont use it. Its that simple.


you mentioned “silence “ which they did actually answer

Well I havent seen anything updates talking about RDF even though people are still asking for it. And they been silances for the most part for all the things I posted at the start. So I understand you told me to Move along I wont. but ty for your imput. Not going to change my mind though. lol


We don’t think it’s spam, and apparently neither does blizzard. But the difference it makes is that most of us bump the thread by disagreeing with someone against rdf. You think we’re having a conversation but we’re not. I’m not interested in what you have to say. I barely read your posts. If it’s a long post I never read the whole thing. I just skim to find a sentence I can disagree with. But I am grateful that you bumped the thread and gave me an opportunity to bump it by using you as a stooge to hook my reply to. In fact I saw your reply last night but decided to wait until this morning to reply since that would give the thread time to need a bump. I only want to keep the rdf threads on the front page so the devs know that we’re not getting over it, we’re still unhappy it wasn’t added, and we still want rdf in the game.

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Devs, please answer my questions about this dead horse. I know you told me to stop beating this dead horse, but I’d like to confirm your silence on the matter. Should I keep beating this dead horse or not? Something something unsubbing all of my accounts and playing retail instead.

Poor social experience is still better than none.
Classic promotes solo play.
If classic was going to promote group play as it is an MMO after all

  • There wouldn’t be extra badges for leveling in SP/IC
  • There wouldn’t be exp penalty for grouping up.
  • Quest items would be dropping for everyone
  • Dungeons would actually give better experience than questing, as it’s group content.
  • Dungeons would simply be more rewarding
  • JJ wouldn’t be a thing either.

Open world is dead. 15-60 group content is deader.
Solo leveling is the most effective way to quest in Wrath. Nothing short of single-player game mode.

In an MMO, players should be encouraged to play in groups. Not be punished for it.

P.S. On Retail doing keys, I’ve had much more fulfilling social experience than in Classic. To the point that I’ve even jumped servers/faction to join another guild/community.

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The silence from Devs is appalling.

People post daily on the forums, and you get 1 dev reply to a post once a quarter.

They do their own posts etc of “upcoming news” usually after they already pushed something (that alone speaks to how mis managed their communication is)

There is never patch notes in the launcher, if we are lucky we get a blurb on forums.

They created this community group thing to improve the communication, and basically did the exact same thing as before, just ignore players and cease communication.

Even EverQuest, a tiny company now barely surviving communicates with it’s customers more often… But… Still doing it better than Blizzard.

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People really should focus on what is clearly going on.

The devs are putting all their focus on one specific group. That is raiders and especially raiders who have a lot of fun looking at gear stats and pouring a lot of time into reviewing spreadsheets and parse data. This is VERY clearly the current target audience.

Note that people doing this are already having fun. The devs want to have fun too and be surrounded by positivity. Psychologically it’s better to focus on those having fun then really drill down on things that aren’t fun and people who aren’t having fun.

Some examples of things in a rough state: Dungeon grouping, leveling, PVP, server statuses etc. I’m sure that to the devs it’s much more fun to sit in class discords all day and talk to people who are already having a blast playing. Working on this other stuff appears to be just far too challenging.

Basically they are choosing to focus on those who are already very satisfied because that’s more fun instead of those who are between dissatisfied and somewhat satisfied. That’s not the decision most businesses would make because most want to retain as many people as possible but it’s what they are doing.

Players should keep that all in mind and not expect anything to get better for them from the devs end if they aren’t happy especially if it does not have to do with raid or class balance changes.

If people in general would have fun by changing things on their part, such as rerolling on a different server or as another class, and that makes the game worth playing that’s the solution. Otherwise people should consider if what we have now is fun enough for them to continue.

Trust me, I know. :rofl: There’s no need to tell me; I diagnosed you a long time ago.

Miregrim, the Canonically Disagreeable

^ Link

A few days earlier…

^ Link

The plot thickens…

^ Link

So the real question here is, are ya bloom or redheads alt?

removed misquote.

I’ve seen more social in HC dabblings lol.

We get quite chatty there lol. which is odd…many are not emo-raging as they redo it all since they lost a say level 19 10 minutes ago.

Why I go “what is social?” sometimes.

5 people clogging up the whole chat having epeen contests in guild chat over parses/logs is not social to some. Myself included.

that to me is why discord/ts/others are way better. Go take that to a side room chat. this is chill general chat. I want to hear about player x’s cat doing stupid but cute things.

As I reroll from a dead 19 hunter…random guild mate saying what cute thing their pet is doing…is kind of nice. I gladly take that over parse urination contests.

I’d think SOM or classic+ could have that too. they’d need to tell us more. as yeah…classic era is actually kind of the only game their social model is working well, imo.

True. I play WoW for social and community type reasons and came back to Classic in 2019 and kept my sub because I got the experience I wanted. Sadly that’s tapered off and so I’ve stopped loving Wrath Classic, although my guild was great and kept me going for a long time. I would have “noped” out before my 1 month sub lapsed back in 2019 if I resubbed to whatever this game right now is. Classic and TBCC to a much lesser extent were great though.

Anyway I’ve found that a lot of people who play for the same reasons as I do are on Era right now.

Even just a random story from a stranger. I logged onto Whitemane Era like 6 weeks ago in Undercity on my Mootwo clone and someone messages me within a minute and says “Hey man, awesome name!”

A few people who I really like suggested I go back to Era and even PVP again but I’ve let them know I’m taking a break. I think I need like a month off from everything WoW including these forums that I’m more addicted to than the game. Then I’ll go from there, but I really enjoy the social type things in this game over all else. It’s tough when you want to talk about it on here and get told by people that it doesn’t matter. That’s this forum now these days now though. :frowning: The 2020 forums were super fun and way better. Oh well.

Thanks for sharing the HC story.

You know I didn’t at first when it took you so long to reply. But you came through and bumped the thread to the top of the page for us again. Thanks for that, I’ll never doubt you again.

Are you talking to me? cause Supercyan is one of my alts. But I do not know bloom or redheads.

I am no one’s alt.

That’s what they all say.