To the Devs

Then why’d you ask?

Fishing for a Freudian slip.

Well. Good luck with that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m so exhausted with the “blizzard doesn’t care about their customers.”

No. Stop speaking for others. You know what this is rooted in, right? Ego. Just bc you’re unhappy with X doesn’t mean everyone else is. So perhaps Blizz IS listening to their players — they’re just not listening to YOU.

In this case it is somewhat warranted.

SOM and/or classic + could be a very simple and plain…no. Or yes. Era has got a slight resurgence with the HC fad of the moment. NGL…I’d like to know if we got SOM2 or classic+ coming to run that in.

RDF being honest could be the same really. Are we getting it in ICC as it was (with RDF) or no. Some will say they said no. they didn’t actually…it was words to the effect its not an option being looked at this time. It was not yes to rdf. But it was also not a no lol.

Ret paladin and druid buff were not being looked at either. Yet here we are. Something changed, again lol.

3 questiosn asked by players. all 1 of 2 words. Yes or No.

Okay, 4. even I out of empathy for the warriors am going can they get a buff too. Yes or no answer.

I don’t think people are saying the social things in the game don’t matter. They matter to me and to most of us. Not over all else but they’re an important part of the game. What people are saying is what happens in a pug with four strangers is such a meaningless social interaction it doesn’t matter. I’ll admit I’m not much interested in socializing in a pug with 4 strangers. But I’m just one person. I’ve been in hundreds of pugs and I’ve never seen the other 4 people chatting away while we’ve run the dungeon. If most people were into chatting with strangers in pugs I’d have seen it in party chat. Just an occasional business comment like who’s going to the stone and a “good run” at the end.

Are you seriously claiming that most of the pugs you’ve been in have been full of people chatting it up?

To me, the social experiences that have mattered the most to me have been things like playing with my long-time guild and even getting to know some others from my server in whatever way that was. I don’t think I’ve EVER posted to say that my peak social experiences have come from chatting it up and pugging dungeons. I don’t even tend to post on RDF threads and I’ll probably go back to that after this.

Some people and I’m not even saying you, seem to say that as a player of an MMO nothing social should matter and I just don’t agree. That’s because I play for what I play for and that’s kind of it. Which should be fine because everyone plays for their own reasons.

RDF isn’t in the game so my post wasn’t at all about that. it was more that since I can’t raid with my guild anymore because of a schedule change, because I don’t like my mega server, and because I do not like the direction Wrath Classic has gone, things are at the point where I’m done. I have friends playing Era who asked me to play with them so it’s tempted me to go there. I guess I was just sharing my thoughts randomly because Misanthra mentioned Era having a “working social model”. So I was replying to that. Maybe I shouldn’t have posted that all on a thread where no one cares but on the other hand I wanted to. So it doesn’t matter. Plus the OP mentioned Fresh and Classic + etc.

I was in this thread originally just to say that I don’t even think the devs care about that “social” line. They are focused on what they are focused on and that’s class changes. Truthfully a lot of the people in these RDF threads, and again I’m not saying you, seem pretty content with the devs spending all their time working on class and raid changes so that’s cool. If that is fun for them that’s awesome. Personally, I’ve been dissatisfied with the direction and for me, if dungeon running was such a huge focus I’d be asking the devs what they are even doing with these useless changes, but that’s just me. I actually just wish Wrath came out as it was with RDF and all and maybe a #nochanges focus even. Maybe I would have had more fun, but I’m not sure.

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I’m just saying I haven’t seen anyone saying that. But I don’t read every post and even skip many topics. If some people have said that nothing social should matter in an MMO I also don’t agree. But you know, no matter how ridiculous an idea is, someone has said it on the internet. Rdf probably wouldn’t have made the game more fun for you. Rdf is a completely non social way to more easily get groups for dungeons.

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It is basically just us talking amongst ourselves. The last peep we heard from the devs was a January 4th private Discord leak where a game dev talked about how they had “great ideas for potential new seasons”. That’s literally it. So yeah I’d say people have the right to ask for more communication when they are investing time and money into a game and want to invest even more time any money into it, for which Blizzard should be thankful for.


Just still waiting for a dev to see this and let me know that they have read my posts.

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