Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Yes absolutely. It’s simply not possible to have real relationships and friends and be so attached to spamming chat lfg for dungeon x and valuing “invite please” and “thanks for the run.” You must be desperate for any connection no matter how trivial to call what happens when manually forming a group a social interaction. That’s like thinking it’s a social interaction when the walmart greeter says “welcome to walmarts” and getting excited if they ask you for your receipt when you exit the store. You’re a very sad pathetic person.

If you could read you’d know I only claimed that often people will choose the harder path. I can think of many examples. Mountain climbers will often look for the more difficult path up the mountain rather than climb the path of least resistance. Sometimes risking their life and even dying when there are much easier paths to the top.

I agree that “There is no real evidence that specifically points to dungeon finder, good or bad, in the sub counts,” but the arguments you made could be made for many other changes. For example some people hated adding dual spec. One could just as easily say In all of WoW’s history there was never a dip in subs until after dual spec was implemented. And one could easily say that the fact that there was no loss in subs during a year long content drought was because of rdf.