To the Devs

Can we get something about either RDF or the new SoM or even Fresh servers or Classic+ instead of just silences. I am getting to a point right now that I may unsub again but I am sure I will come back when I get the urge to play wow. Its just sad that a game I played for so long just not really caring about there player base. Anyways Have a nice day to anyone whos reading this post ty.


If “no RDF” is the reason you’re unsubbing then it’s clear you don’t enjoy WOTLK to begin with.

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Imagine fighting for a cause like keeping leveling a solo experience.



I took a few month off cause I hit 80 within the first week of wraith and I wanted RDF cause thats when I had the most fun in wow. Me and my friends we jump on togather and dungeon while using RDF. This post was not about RDF it was the silences by the devs for the most part. But I enjoy Wraith I enjoy vanilla and TBC and you at me saying that. The reasons why I wouldnt enjoy wow anymore is cause of players like you on the forms lol. So next time maybe you should rethink before you come at a person that you dont even understand the situation.


Solo levelling is best levelling.

That’s why we all raid logging.

Best way to play


RDF doesn’t really change this in a meaningful way. It still feels like a solo experience. Queuing up for ZF or whatever still feels like running the dungeon with 4 npcs who never say anything and have been programmed to suck at their class. The only good multiplayer experience when it comes to leveling is being grouped with a guildie or irl friend who you are talking to in voice chat. RDF doesn’t offer that.

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Ain’t nobody there. They all left or were laid off. There’s like one guy sleeping in the server room making sure nothing burns down.


Most of fun I ever had while I was younger was playing Wraith with like 1 or 2 friends just Dungeon grinding in RDF. and We had so much fun thats the reason why I want RDF but thats just me.


It is pretty bad. I understand dragonflight is their priority, but many people pay the sub only to play classic and they do seem to ignore us classic players.


I mean you’re in charge of you talking.

Rdf will drastically increase dungeon participation at all levels

That’s all that matters


I agree as well man it sucks and If they would make us pick either Dragonflight or classic I pick classic every time.

They probably are all sitting at home wearing masks still honestly.


so the only change if we add RDF would be that we get into dungeons quicker? sounds like a net positive to me.


It’s possible you could get a group faster. It’s hard to say. The pool of low level players in classic is a tiny fraction of what retail has. It’s a very real possibility that your queue for Razorfen Downs never pops anyway. Hard to chalk it up as an automatic net positive. I’d hate for the two devs working on this game to spend their time working on that before they fixed other things.

rdf looks for people from all servers. all servers > same server only. more people to look at in queue would mean faster dungeon groups. and if they announced RDF i guarantee more people would be on their low level alts since they could run dungeons on them while leveling


Feels like it prioritizes getting people from your server as well, when I did some timewalking on retail last week. In every group I’d get at least a player from Thrall, even though there are bigger servers out there. Best of both worlds, you’ll get familiar faces, unless they don’t exist, then it’ll pull from other realms.


I think I speak for most players when I say, even if it takes 2 hours to get a deadmines run together using an automated cross realm system, it would still probably beat not running one at all. There’s a ton of servers on here, with smaller and even medium populations, and finding 5 people in the same level range is actually kind of hard nowadays, let alone convincing them to actually come do it with you. Even mega servers struggle with this. The population of classic Wrath vs OG Wrath TM was like ten times or more less. It was needed back then with a ton more people, and it’s definitely needed now with even less people.

Litterally the only arguments the few people on here with thousands of post counts have is that it goes against their lore or some nerd crap. Or that it killed the game or something even though sub counts increased well into cata, which was over a year of having RDF in the game.


How about we address wotlk classic before that?

The rampant bugs, horrendous PvP participation, bots galore, etc

You want them to release new content and they can’t even maintain the content we already have

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Lmao seriously? THAT’S your reason for not liking the game? Forum posters? From a person who had 5 total forum posts across two forum topics?

Dude get outta here.

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