To the Devs

I prefer questing while leveling. However, dungeon quests usually provide with a nice change of pace, yield a lot of XP (between kills and quests) and have a tendency to provide with useful item upgrades.

Being able to queue for a specific dungeon while questing is great. I can still go do my thing while a group forms in the background. One might be wondering why I care about random dungeon finder if I queue for specifics… Well, I get put into the same pool as all those who’re queued up for random dungeons. There’s no need to sit in town and staring at chat or a bulletin board.

RDF was one of the best changes ever made. Elitist morons voted it out.


RDF does not prevent you from doing that.


solo leveling is by far the worst leveling. you know, cause this is an MMO.

if you want a solo leveling experience then there’s tons of single player games for you


WOTLK is awesome. The problem is that we can’t do what we did back in the day mostly because those of us who played it are no longer in Middle / High School with infinite time on our hands!

We have careers and kids and responsibilities and RDF significantly reduces time in-between 5-man dungeon runs and increases socialization.


Bro its a wotlk system you absolute clown keep quiet


This is not my only toon. I have about 30 diffent toons I play in classic all are over lvl 60+ But yes and your one of thoses posters who are toxic player.

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Anyone else wanna tell him?

They’ve answered your questions about Dungeon Finder multiple times. I mean, if you need a weekly newsletter saying “Still no.”, I guess I can’t fault you, but it seems like the WoW team doesn’t think that answering the same question every single day is a good use of their time.

Here I agree with you. They haven’t been forthcoming about their plans at all.

SoM was a good start the only problem was that not a lot of people played it because it was released only a couple months after TBC launched.

The initial cost to transfer a character to Classic Era was announced at $35 each until being lowered so that killed a lot of the initial hype there as well.

Communication would be appreciated about SoM, Fresh or even the hope of Classic+ now that a lot of people are excited for SoM S2. Blizzard should be thankful that hardcore made the comeback it did because it is the biggest reason that Classic is growing at the rate it is. I don’t play or even like hardcore, it’s just not my thing but I love what it is doing for the community and am happy so many people are enjoying it.


Reason why I still post about RDF is cause I seen the devs say if you dont like something post on the forms. Thats why I post stuff still. But everytime I post I get told I am dumb and you should just give up. Yet I still post and keep on posting every few weeks or so.


Yes cause I want RDF and they arent doing it yet the reason was cause they wanted to save the committee which was a stright lie to me. Since they dont care about all the Bots or the GDKP then allow players to que for Random BGs and countless other things. So I will keep on posting about theses things. And if you think that blizzard wont change there mind well then we should have classic right now yet blizzard change there mind.


They’ve gotten more than enough feedback about Dungeon Finder. If you truly want to make a statement beyond just spamming the forums with another thread that will be ignored, canceling your sub and listing Dungeon Finder as the reason would be something they do care about.

That’s definitely not okay. People who resort to senseless insults and name calling have no argument.

If you’re convinced asking for rdf on the forums is a waste of time it certainly is much more of a waste of time for you to be in every rdf thread telling us it’s a waste of time. Any person with half a brain would know your posts telling us to stop asking for it will have no effect.


My point is that it’s spam, not that it’s a waste of time. I’m unconcerned about how you or other people spend their time on this forum.

I hang out here because I like forums. Calling people out for needlessly spamming is no more a waste of my time than anything else I do here on the forums.

I guess this is one place where you’re correct. It is folly to think that the International Brotherhood of Dungeon Finder Sycophants are physically capable of controlling their obsessive compulsion to spam forums. :rofl:

I don’t think anyone cares what your point is. If you think it’s spam report it and move on. I never feel any need to inform the whole forum when I decide a post needs to be flagged. But instead you bump the thread to keep what you consider spam on the front page longer. That doesn’t seem to be a smart strategy but it’s what I’ve come to expect from you.


Likewise. :man_shrugging:

What difference does it make, when people like you are literally bent on making sure the spam is always at the top of the stack anyway?

I have like I said before within the first 1 week of wraith I hit 80 and was not happy so I unsub for serval months just now coming back maybe been playing for maybe a month or so atm.

Ah, interesting. I’m curious, when you unsubbed back then, what reason did you give?

Not happy with the way the game was going then had to do a survay and said lack of RDF. Just now came back cause of a friends whos already quit again lol.


I see. That’s quite a rollercoaster. :rofl: Sorry to hear your woes. Always sucks when you can’t play with your friends.