Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

It is literally a universal, undeniable truth. That’s how the path of least resistance works. Generally speaking, when talking about the choices people make en masse, “default” is essentially synonymous with “path of least resistance”.

I’m saying that people who want to form groups manually would be cornered into using dungeon finder, not vice-versa.

Because it’s not a popularity contest. It’s about what’s better for the experience based on the design philosophy. And dungeon finder is basically the antithesis of the game’s original design philosophy. It changed over the years, but clearly the current WoW team (a handful of whom are some of the original devs, by the way) agrees with many of us that dungeon finder, and maybe some of the other Activision cancer, was horrible for the game in hindsight.

Just a note, what we got in TBC actually wasn’t helpful. It wasn’t very intuitive, and it added some unnecessary extra steps that made it feel bad to use. I see no comparison to draw between the TBC LFG tool and the Wrath Classic one because they have very different functionality and usability.

Wrath Classic’s LFG tool works absolutely fine with the exception of some bugs which are admittedly annoying, but in almost all cases, don’t stop you from creating or joining groups.

Also, I couldn’t comment on how much it’s used because I’m guessing that’s realm specific. Which realm do you main on?


You must be trolling.

Your point is pointless. You know what else would be more efficient? Deleting the game so hundreds of thousands of people don’t waste their time playing it. Games are not about efficiency. You’re drawing a comparison to something that simply didn’t exist in old WoW.

The kind of efficiency you’re talking about is the sort of thing we see in stock trading neural networks or weather forecasts, or modeling realistic simulations in microbiology. The games industry is absolutely a part of the tech world, but the point of it isn’t to maximize the amount of content they can blast through your screen per hour. It’s about creating fun.

Some people enjoy maximum content per hour, but that is not the standard (and certainly not the healthy) way that media was designed or consumed before the recent social media age took off. WoW was never meant to be a “quick fix” game before Activision took over.

Poor Ziryus, his school never taught him how to read. :pensive: :pray: It’s amazing how he overcame the insurmountable odds and became a master debater in spite of things. What an inspiration.

You’re alllllmost there. Almost. Maybe if you just read more than the first few words of my statements, you’ll realize that those conclusions you jump to are just figments of your very special imagination.

More like, the trolls have no real arguments, so they made a feeble attempt to latch onto one term I used to try and red herring me out of the conversation. You’re a master at this, you should know!

I’d welcome that because then all of the whiners would immediately be filtered out. :rofl:

And to this day, Vanilla/TBC/Wrath are hailed as some of the very best WoW has ever offered. No dungeon finder in sight for the overwhelming majority of the “holy trinity” people love so much.