This is what (some of) the Community Council posts about?

speak for yourself please. I am actually a little appreciative that they at least tried to speak up for that community. Granted I don’t agree with everything they said and how they said it but blizzard needs to take notice it through some medium or another.

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This is about a joke that doesnt affect the majority so yeah the minority it does affect should bet the one discussing it.

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We shouldn’t have to change everything because it upsets 30 people lol.


Yes, really. Because there’s literally been a bunch of people offended by it. Going past whether they should or should not be offended by it, the concern of the Community Council is valid because there are players who have been upset because of this. And just because it doesn’t affect you, doesn’t mean that its not affecting other players lol Also not sure if you’re trolling by opening this can of worms, there have been 2-3 big threads of arguments going back and forth over this.

In addition to that, you’re trying to berate them like its them doing their job wrong and you’re their boss. They don’t get paid for it, its voluntary work. And this is why we can’t have good things in life.

Because people will like the OP will complain, whine and cry about just anything and anyone. Forgetting that what the people there are doing is voluntary work. I don’t agree 100% with everyone from there. And I do quote them if I disagree. That’s one thing but talking about it like they are the reasons nothing gets fixed is nonsense. Bruh, if you can do a better job then why don’t you do it. Lets see how many good changes you’re able to bring about with your feedback.

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I’m not offended, and I don’t think OP is trolling, just because you disagree with him over a joke doesn’t mean hes trolling

I didn’t know that council even still existed.


Are you like everyone? ALL OF US. lol

And if its a joke then its clearly trolling because those threads about it weren’t pleasant for anyone regardless of what they thought unless they sat there /popcorning over it.

Everyone isn’t 30 people but alright. I’ve only seen two threads on this so far and I am on the forums every day and the two I saw was Maiz and this one. If you consider this trolling then boy, everyone who must disagree with you is trolling.

Isn’t 30 people? Please post the survey results then. Since you have them.

Maiz post has 30-something likes on it, this one has 58.


Is that all the people that play Wow? 30 + 58?

No? I don’t know what point you’re trying to prove here. Why don’t you think on it and then come back to me, because you aren’t making a lot of sense.

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This post isn’t regarding the joke.

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scroll down. the current contents of the discussion are about the joke.


They have said no to worgen tails in the past though. It’s been asked several times during the Blizzcon QAs, each time it gets asked the devs have said no. Because worgen have never had tails. (I’ll see if I can find a Blizzcon video about it) Each time though, the people posting in that thread ignore it and pretend the answer was never given.

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Because according to your “survey” results, there’s only 88 people who play this game. Surely, that makes sense. Thanks for your feedback. See ya.

and this is why giving the alliance high elf customization was a mistake. people realize they can just cry and moan until they cave. their word means absolutely nothing to people given that history.

What survey? I was comparing the two posts in terms of likes. I was just saying I don’t agree with what you or others are saying about the joke. I can disagree to agree with what both sides are saying.

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What, as in name names? Technically not allowed to do that, since it’d be ‘calling them out’. It is quite ironic you bring up strawmans, though!

‘leaked’ and ‘confirmed’ I’m sure.

Again, seems more fitting for yourself not me.

Says the one intentionally misgendering and doing al ot more? Pretty bad faith off the bat, and have been in this thread but go off because that’s all you know how to do is be literally all the things you claim others are being.

As it turned out not in the same server, just friends with the same people that are in that discord server - all posting the same things and showing up in the same threads with the same wording in some of your posts (Which you later edited out~)

Which is ironic, because you both literally do it right in this thread. But what are right wingers except ‘rules for thee but not for me’ types?

Haha, thanks. Glad to see you around too. One of the good ones.

Coming from the person that just threw personal attacks and ignored all of my post.

As others always say “Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they’re a troll.” I can tell you, I actually believe in pretty much every thing I say and I’m not saying stuff to provoke any sort of negative reaction except in those that are already doing that to others.

At least I’m not someone that had to hide from their main posting char so much they had to make an entire classic char to post on to avoid their name being associated with their posts. <3

Yeah, because Blizzard has a VERY bad history about antagonizing Alliance players and generally not doing so to the horde - because the company has HUGE horde favoritism up to and including CORPSEGRINDER.

I also, already explained the difference between the two. But :Shrug: you do you.

Also ironic.

Which one’s posted in GD, again? :3 Worgen tail thread has how many likes?

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