This is what (some of) the Community Council posts about?

I don’t know. I’m not going to bother looking at an entire thread filled with “give Worgen tails” I’m not disagreeing that you guys shouldn’t get tails though, Ijsut don’t think the joke is a big deal.

This is what you started out with. You are not offended. And I said, that it doesn’t matter if you aren’t. You are not everyone. Meaning that obviously someone is or it won’t be an issue.

To which you said.

So it isn’t 30 people? Okay, then I asked you for the survey results. You must have done a survey of all the people playing this game to know who finds the joke offensive and who doesn’t. I asked you for that.

But then you go with.

Okay, so I asked you. Is it only 88 people who play this game?

The two posts in terms of likes and dislikes don’t even compare to the population of the entire player base. That would be the survey results I was asking for. You’re not everyone, how do you know if the others are annoyed by it or not.

And even if you forego that and compare 30 agreements to 58 disagreements. That’s pretty much close to 50% people finding it offensive. Not to mention, the whole idea has so far with the changes made have been to be inclusive about the minorities. So even if am minority dislike the joke, then their thoughts on the matter should not be dismissed.

Do you understand what I am saying now?

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I would be fine if the joke was more in-universe and lore related instead of more at the people that play them, especially given Blizzard has a bad history of doing so at Alliance players in poor taste because of their heavy Horde favoritism


A little bit, but I’m not saying I’m everyone. And you don’t speak for everyone, and I’m not speaking for everyone either. If you look at this whole thread, many people are attacking Maiz for the stupid joke, while many others are also defending her. I’m not saying worgens shouldn’t get tails that’s not what I’m saying at all, I’m just saying the joke isn’t all that a big deal. But people should definitely not be trying to turn the joke into something dirty.

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Except it’s a blatant mockery to Worgen people asking for tails. Lmao.

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Oh the irony of this statement :roll_eyes:

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Ok full stop I am in no way friends with anyone on these forums just because I happen to like something they said doesn’t mean they are my friend. I have never ever been rude to you or attacked you hell I don’t even know you except for what I read on the forums.

Again, falsely accusing me of something I AM NOT look I am sorry you have a rough life but we all do but attacking someone on a forum for no reason isn’t going to help.

Calling me a right winger what a joke I voted for Biden and despise the orange monkey.


So I’m not American myself, and I know attacking America is a bit of a meme (I have fun with it too), but there are good values as well such as encouraging discourse. In my country, political arguments quickly get shut down and and in the worst case scenario, you get jail time simply for having an alternative point of view. Sure you get more stability, but you also get more censorship and a reduced ability to express your individuality.

Secondly, I find that people often start attacking/insulting when they don’t have respect for the other person. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t do it myself, but it’s also why I can recognize it when it happens. I personally just don’t see how Maizou deserves that kind of treatment cause I don’t think they’ve personally attacked people like the OP or those who have some form of dislike for them. But perhaps they did feel attack depending on the way they argue, so who knows. I just don’t feel very comfortable with the hate brigade.

But overall, the spirit of which this thread was created is malicious in my opinion. Especially when it’s over a ‘joke’ and different people perceive jokes differently, especially based on their own world views, and personal values.

And tbh, having those kind of differences shouldn’t be villainized or attacked. Disagree and question it, but I don’t see why the person needs to be dragged through the mud.

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Your post in the Worgen thread got deleted that did, which led to my response to you in another thread since but go off.

“I am not attacking you.”

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Word. /10 char

I mean it takes effort to post my thought process, so it’s easier to clown around :stuck_out_tongue:

But overall, I will still disagree, SL is a bad story.

The same way I’ll still say BfA is a bad story, even though it had good individual parts. Even with good zone storylines and at least 2 of the best character arcs, the expansion narrative failed.

Blizzard is notoriously bad at creating an overarching and coherent narrative that keeps people immersed. Lore nerds tend to do a lot of work to fill in gaps that the writers should be doing themselves.

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Just imagine being genuinely upset about a joke about an anthropomorphic wolf races tail in a video game. Good lord you people.


What do you mean by “You people”?

Generally the messaging of people you heart is very telling, as it’s an endorsement of what’s said in that message.

This person literally came into this thread and started talking about me and not the topic on hand, just like you are doing now. Exposing yourself again.


Yeah, they purposefully look at who you heart, what you respond to and try to build up some sense of who you are based off of what they perceive you to be without actually trying to get to know you.

From my own interaction with this person, they’re always combative and rather talk about you rather than the actual topic, at hand.


I mean this OP is a bit disingenuous - It was one Community Council post? It’s not like a big topic? Nobody replied except someone who shut them down and has more upvotes.


1 solitary dev is seeing “male/female” substituted for body numbers. Either that 1 dev is going rogue operating on their own personal belief regardless of everyone else. Or they actually have been in talk with community members, other developers and blizzard/activision as a whole.

So that “30 likes” is still a TON more than 1 dev. And that dev got their requested changes added into the game, the forum thread hasnt been confirmed as a catalyst for change yet

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That’s a lot of speculation and reaching, migh want to get yourself checked out at a psychiatrist. I promise you there is no gay agenda trying to turn you trans through video game gender choice.

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This is coming from a level 50 troll forum alt.

How are you muted and I still get notifications?


The people who take something like that seriously and get “offended” by it


It’s a troll. They are offended by everything.