I support you Worgen players

You deserve tails and you should get them.

A no tail Worgen/Werewolf/Lycan is boring and unoriginal.



One does not simply make fun of the Worgen tail thread. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the Furry eye is ever watchful. Tis a barren wasteland. Riddled with fire, ash, and dust. And every post you read is a poison fume. Not with 10,000 tails could you make them happy, it is folly.

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oh trust me… unoriginal is worgens with tails.

They’d just be boring werewolves then

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Always weird to hear this line of thinking from someone that plays human in a fantasy game tbqh


I ain’t mad I got the best tail in game.


Who am I to question why Moon-Guard asks for the things they ask for? I don’t want to know. But you can have your tails and whatnot.

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Does nobody care pandaren don’t have tails?

I mean, why should vulpera hog all the fluffy tailness?

Says the worgen on a crusade to get only a tail…
but im not denying yer right to it, just sayin it makes ya feel lil more like a regular werewolf.

A werewolf can’t be boring, that’s an oxymoron.

I never noticed that, that is odd.

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When they lengthened our tails you got no tail and probably never will.you guys wii be stuck playing vulpera if you wanna call their little stub a tail.

Twilight was one of the greatest comedies ever written.

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Oddly, only male pandas. It makes even less sense than anything else.

Not the only customization crusade for Worgen I’m on to be quite honest.

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whats the other ones?

well i suppose its probably better than a love interest with a zombie…

Upright options, so no more hunch.

True black fur option, more hairstyles, ears, beards.

Jewelry options for Worgen form just like Human form got, tooth piercings and the like (As seen in some of Genns art.)

More body types, but that goes for a lot of other races. Gief big muscular options especially.

Snout options, simlarly to what Vulpera got.

Off the top of my head.

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Actually this is false.

Originally Werewolves have no tails. It wasn’t tell recently they’ve been coming out with them with tails in fantasy games, movies and video games.

The reason for it is because Lycanthropy has changed the aspect of what a Werewolf looks like.

It used to be a beast man look but some have gone beyond that interpretation to include multiple stages of transformation.


Stage 1 = Man
Stage 2 = Wolfman (original Werewolf)
Stage 3 = Werewolf (Usually with tails and wolf like snout)
Stage 4 = Weredog (looks like a Werewolf but walks on all four like a Werebear)
Stage 5 = Wolf (Twilight)

Modern day concept is so much more interesting and should be used to stay up to date on what is cool and awesome.

Don’t be boring :grin:

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those are also good things to go for.
wish of luck!

originally it came from the bible, and later sightings just turned out to be people with a hair disorder.

Like I said they were originally depicted with no tails.

it’s weird on sources in folklore, bibles and just in history in general.

but i guess im just too used too werewolves with tails i guess, :thinking:
alas least i dont try too crusade against em, just say whats on my mind an wish for the best.

Sure whatever you say. :relaxed: