This is what (some of) the Community Council posts about?

If you look on the Community Council forums, you’ll see there is a thread about one of the jokes that the dracthyr will have, basically calling the joke disrespectful or something against people asking for Worgen tails… REALLY?

No wonder people had doubts that the community council would fix anything related to feedback and suggestions to the devs. Because you have people like this that nitpick on the smallest thing, which makes it just laughable and hard to even take seriously.

Don’t get me wrong, there are some great people with actual professional posts on the Community Council. But those who are borderline trolling with complete nonsense posts probably shouldn’t be on the council. Just saying.


I don’t really think blizzard is in a position to be cracking jokes to be honest.


Honestly most of what I’ve seen of the council is a joke. They have silly takes that usually aren’t actually representative of the player base (with a couple exceptions). But Blizzard doesn’t listen to their feedback anyway, so it’s a net neutral I guess.


Am I allowed to say in before I already in b4’d this thread:


Did it ever occur to you that different people find different things important?

I don’t find M+, PvP, or Normal+ raiding important. Should I be posting threads about removing them, since you only want important things posted?

The post you are talking about already has over 30 likes, and there’s been constant discussion about how bad taste the joke is in multiple threads. It’s important to some people. Just because it’s not important to you doesn’t make it “trolling.”


Yeah, this is how I feel. The joke in question was in poor taste, given the request for worgen tails being as old as the race itself.

Granted, Dark Iron Dwarves got to joke about Teldrassil being burnt to cinders, which was a major point of contention with the player base, but that didn’t really feel like shade being thrown by the developers themselves. It was something I could totally picture a Dark Iron saying.

The worgen tail joke just feels out of place and looks like it was added more out of spite than amusement. I wouldn’t call any of the Drac’thyr jokes or flirts entertaining by any means, but maybe that’s just me. I’m certainly not going to be playing one for the jokes or flirts, that’s for sure.


I believe the point of this criticism is that this particular thing appears silly. Merely an opinion, and as a subjective, an inherently valid one.


You are entitled to that opinion.

Just like we are entitled to the belief it was in bad taste and disrespectful.

As I laid out in the thread - the issue is they used the joke as a means to answer the multiple-years-long-request for worgen tails.

Instead of simply posting “Sorry, we have no intention of giving Worgen Tails” - instead, they took a jab at the players. As I said, even if they had made a blue post a couple days before the reveal of the joke, then had the joke reveal, most people would find it funny.

It’s about how it was executed. It was poorly done, disrespectful, and in bad taste.

This would be like if after years of asking for Master Loot, one of the Dracthyr jokes was about Master Loot never coming back. The Master Loot crowd would be just as mad.


Are people still salty they didn’t make CC?


I’m not necessarily bothered by it myself, but I am perfectly capable of recognizing when a joke is ill-placed. I might feel a bit differently if I played a worgen, but it’s hard to say. Either way, I won’t/wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.


I’ll be honest.

I already had a death threat over the thread because people “think I’m a Karen” so respectfully, I don’t care what you think since you decided to go that route and call me one. :slight_smile: (Yea, people take things WAY too seriously)

It was disrespectful. You may disagree, but you won’t change my mind. It’s your right to believe it wasn’t.

EDIT: To the mods, since people decided to flag this: This is not trolling. I have all the evidence you need if you request it, that I did in fact receive a death threat on a discord over the thread. (And I mentioned it in hopes people would understand that some of the community are taking it way too seriously but clearly that didn’t work. I have spent all day being attacked over the thread on discord, and god knows this forum too (I have been avoiding the forums, and only got on my computer to log myself out), but seeing as there’s hundreds of posts in this thread and a few other threads, I think it’s a safe bet.

This community has crossed a line that should have never been even thought about, and the fact the mods are letting it (including this entire thread) go on for so long just reinforces the fact you need weekend moderators. And the fact there’s at least one poster in this thread that said I deserved it is disgusting. (And no, I won’t call them out, they know who they are and that it was wrong. Yes, again, it was on discord. Where I’ve been most of the day, and I’ve left multiple WoW servers over it today. I have more class than to call someone out, especially since it’s against the CoC.)

I am logging out of the forums and god knows when or if I’ll be back.


Oof. Death threats over this? I wish I could say I was surprised, but this is the internet after all. Sorry to hear that though. I’ve seen my share of “Karens”. You are no Karen.


Speak for yourself i find it distasteful but i guess some people don’t mind jokes that are a put down .


Same, but WoW community be the WoW community I guess.

It’s been dealt with thankfully, but it still shouldn’t have happened. shrug


It’s so childish to reduce the usefulness of the CC to this one post. There is a lot more to the CC, some really important topics, and I’m glad they are speaking up.
There was the expectation that the CC would be full of yes-men, but I actually appreciate some of the topics there because there is a good amount of reasonable criticism.


i don’t look at it and have no idea who these people are.

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I’m sure it’s not important to more people than it is important. Of course the crowd offended by the joke or just hating on the joke will be much louder than the crowd who sees nothing wrong with the joke.

I didn’t think you were the only one that this was important to, so I’m not at all surprised that people swarmed your CC post with likes. I suppose you aren’t trolling, but it’s still, in my opinion, a very silly feeling about a joke. There’s a reason another CC member thought your thread was just nonsense.


Few of the golds I’ve seen are insightful with good posts and then there are some that come across as a pr team. The rest seem to be like a lot of the beta “testers.” Just there because they can be with nothing else behind it.


I could care less about being on the CC.

I read the OP and was like “yup, he definitely read a Maizou thread”.


One community council member made an irrational thread whining about a totally innocuous joke.

It does speak badly about the council. But I never lent that council any credence, so my opinion of it is unchanged. I never read that section. I only hear about their drama when it spills over to GD.