Genuine question

Okay I don’t really wanna sound like a broken record here but I have a genuine question in regard to the tail joke from the dracthyr, why is it a big deal to some of you?

I get it, you probably feel mocked or ridiculed for your desire but how much of that feeling is actually founded? Like does it make sense to get mad at something that is very clearly a joke? I get that you might not find it funny and that’s fine, humor is subjective after all but what’s the point of getting up in arms about something like this? I want more customization for all the races as much as the next troll but should I be upset about
A joke made of that desire? No and you really shouldn’t either, It makes you look incredibly sensitive and unhinged, but to each their own I guess.

I don’t get why people are SO angry over it. Hopefully most, if not all, are trolls.

There’s absolutely no logical reason to be this mad.


Aren’t there multiple 100+ threads that could have answered your questions?

The worgen tail thing is a meme anyways, I don’t see the harm in making fun of it.

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I personally don’t belong to the “give worgens tails” club, but the reason they’re mad is because they’ve been begging for it for so long, and after hearing the joke line from the female Dracthyr, it’s like a slap in the face to them.

Imagine if you were a teenager begging for a car from your parents, and they give you a hot wheels for your birthday as a joke, that’s the best way to explain it.


My question is more broad than I anticipated, I guess what I’m really asking is why people seriously can’t take a joke? I mean it’s under /silly like wtf how is it not a joke regardless of if you find it funny or not

Everyone needs their own personal thread these days.

:volcano: :dragon: :volcano: :dragon:

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Have you been on the Internet before?

Half (or more) of them are trolling, and the rest are probably just way too invested in whatever their unique fixation is - in this case I guess some cartoon wolf people getting tails or whatever.

This is why I’ve made like two threads in all my time here, and both were just to discuss Wowhead news posts that I hadn’t seen any threads for yet lol

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Very strange to see what constitutes as a personal attack, these days.

Its only a big deal because they are searching for something to be “outraged” about. The tail one has to be one of the silliest.

I’m aware of how that internet is, I just can’t help but be baffled by some things sometimes. In old posts I’ve talked about my distain for the negativity in the community and I would like it to be more constructive, maybe I’m insane for thinking so but one can only dream right?

The WoW community (or at least WoW forum community) has a persecution complex


People are misinterpreting a joke about a fictional race in a video game as a mean-spirited personal joke about themselves.

Related: people may believe they’re actually Worgen IRL.

I’m not really all that bothered by it? I just think it’s not a good joke made in a seemingly mean spirit.

But, as I said before, it’s a throwaway line you may hear once and never again! Not really the biggest deal.

Hilarious coming from someone using the new night elf eyes tbh.

Fact is, if it was a joke about the race and not the players it would’ve been fine. But the race itself isn’t even aware of the lack of tail, lore wise, so it’s an attack on the players and not the race.

If someone finds concrete evidence of a dev stating “we totally made that joke to attack players and make fun of them” you have a point.

Until then, its just assumptions based on individual perception and bias.

I guess I can kinda understand that but it’s labeled as a joke, regardless of if you find it funny or not it doesn’t change the fact that it can be said when you type the /silly command. It may seem like mockery to you but that’s just simply not what it is. I think every requested customization for any race should be possible but if you choose to get upset at something that is very clearly light ribbing at best then you need get a grip. I can’t force you not to be mad but can you at least consider it because it is not a good look for you or your cause.

Sure did, their lack of response to the Worgen tail thread that’s over 10k responses, their comments previously about high elves too where they gave off snark and said “Lol if you want high elves just play horde.”

There’s no lore in game that mentions Worgen being sad about the lack of tails, therefore this is indeed meant to be an attack on players which is very Blizzard. They do that a lot.

You mean like your entire post is? :3

Got a source for your previous post? No? Wonder who you are that you had to alt-hop and start all over.

Ah? So no source then? Not surprising, contradicting yourself.

If you say so, Pawzer.

And those people are weirdos and yes that is a personal attack

Oh are you one of the ones being ridiculous about this? I’m not even slightly surprised.