The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

That’s a pretty cool name.

With my Ogre, I’m going with Thargar. I’m leaning towards doing a warrior, but I’m lowkey thinking of other possibilities like having an enhancement shaman or something else.


I still have the name I used for my Ogre Berserker in Everquest 1 and 2 reserved. That character was very important to me, so I’ll be keeping it reserved until the day hopefully comes when playable Horde Ogres are a thing. I’m also still planning on him being a Fury Warrior.

I’ll share that name if/when that time comes and I get to make him. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yes, they should have been playable a decade ago.

You have my support.


I know its meant to be a joke but unless we ever visit ogrezonia where they claim the female ogres are at we likely wont see ogres for awhile because its one of the few ingame references that we have, or maybe the ones on that secluded island are a different group and or clan that split off from the horde like most ogre clans did after the first 3 wars

Happy December everyone! :christmas_tree::japanese_ogre:

Next to Halloween, this is another favorite time of the year for me. I’m planning to make the usual festive posts once Winter Veil starts in-game for here and a few other race request megathreads. I’ll likely make the usual couple of New Year’s posts as well when it gets to the end of the month.

Hoping everyone has a fun, happy, and safe holiday season! :snowman_with_snow:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


maybe i’m giving blizz too much credit here but maybe in the big present this year for winters veil we might get a quest for a race recruitment scenario but thats just an out of the blue hope


At the very least we should be able to visit Santa Og, the friendly Ogre Santa Claus that gives gifts to the nice and smashes to the naughty.


Since the multiverse is a thing and an alternate timeline could again mesh into ours like yrels lightforged inquisition my question is for every bad guy we have there’s also a polar opposite what if in the warcraft multiverse theres a good guy cho’gall?


Statistically, it is possible to have a good guy Cho’gall within the Multiverse. The fact both the MU and AU versions of Cho’gall were void aligned, however makes me wonder if the Void would allow such a thing to stand.


So I finally went and revamped the classes section of the megathread!

It’s not entirely perfect, and it wouldn’t surprise me if I missed something or goofed somewhere as I tried to figure out some things to say for each class, but I’ll leave what I typed in the post below so you don’t have to hunt for it in the main post of the megathread. I also thought of leaving the druid forms part of the druids section for a future update to think more on ideas in addition to the ones suggested in here.

Anyway, here is the current updated section at the time of this post:

Class Choices

Given that Blizzard is moving towards all races being able to be almost all classes, just about every class is now a potential option for Ogres with one exception.

Before, class options of a playable race would be something very limited based on a variety of factors, such as lore and culture, and you’d have to play the role of Simon Cowell in determining whether a race/class combination makes sense or if it is too ridiculous and gets thrown out. However, since classes have been opening up for almost all playable races, with Dracthyr likely getting more class options at some point, a change is needed for class selection for playable race requests.

Now, it becomes a matter of looking at each playable class and seeing how it could fit instead of if it can fit. As such, I’ve gone over every current playable class and gone over how it could fit Ogres, with the exception of one class of course. Click a class below to read out my thoughts on Ogres being them.

Death Knight

Despite the events in Shadowlands, much as I try to forget them, I don’t see Death Knights never being an option for future playable races.

It has been discussed in here that there are ways that Death Knights could still raise others fully, and not as random ghouls or skeletons. Especially since raising undead in general is still a thing, so it wouldn’t be too out of the question for new Deaths to be created for a very good reason.

All that really needs to be done is to edit the Allied Race/Pandaren DK starting area to have Lich King Bolvar removed, add new race NPC’s when applicable, and quest text changed to be more expansion neutral. Letting WotLK/Cata races also start there would also be a good thing if that hasn’t already been done.

As for Ogres, it makes perfect sense. They’ve been on Azeroth during Arthas’ reign as the Lich King, so it is very likely that some could’ve been been strongly offered a once in a lifetime opportunity to join the Scourge, crappy health benefits and all.

While Ogres could fit in the original Death Knight starting area, I would guess that they would start in the newer area. It would be less work to start them there as opposed to making sure they work in all phases of the original starting area.

Demon Hunter

While I do see Demon Hunters opening up to other races, a lot is really going to depend on what exactly is done with that story-wise and to what extent.

I know there are races other than Blood Elves and Night Elves that are Demon Hunters, so it isn’t out of the question to see more races become them. I know a new starting area would have to be created like with Death Knights, though preferably expansion-neutral so future playable races could get added to it.

However, would all existing playable races get that as an option or would it just be a few races initially, with more being added overtime? This is the uncertainty that makes it a bit tricky to speculate. Ideally, all races could become them eventually, and it could be likely with Blizzard’s new philosophy on race/class combos, but it’s something to keep an open mind on.

As for Ogres, I don’t see why they would be excluded if Demon Hunters open up for more races. Maybe some have beef with demons since they messed up their home world or perhaps during Legion, some clans like the Dunemaul Clan wanted to hunt them after they attacked their territories. Definitely some good storylines could be made for Ogre Demon Hunters.


Likely one of the last classes we would see open up to all races in the future.

One of the tasks needed to be done with new Druid races is that each form would have to be made for every playable race. It would take a long of designing and planning, but not impossible. My hope is that each playable race would get to have unique animal forms as opposed to a generic model being applied to all future Druid races, which would be very disappointing.

For Ogre Druids, there are some complications. A lot will depend on whether we get two-head customization options and if so, would we see Druid forms with one and two heads depending on what the Ogre Druid has? Or would Druid forms have just have one head regardless? Hard to say what would realistically happen with Ogre Druids.

Speaking of forms, there has been some discussion on what Druid forms Ogres should have. A general agreement is that they should mostly come from Draenor, which makes a lot of sense. At a future date, I’ll gather up the suggestions and edit them into here.

As for why Ogres would want to be Druids, maybe some could appreciate the importance of nature when it comes to ecosystems. Or maybe some prefer places like woodlands over rocky or sandy areas. A lot could also depend on any storylines that are made for when Druids open up to all races.

Not entirely impossible for an Ogre to feel a strong connection to nature.


This is the on class exception I mentioned. Evokers currently are locked to Dracthyr, with no plans of opening it up to other races in the near future.

So for now, I don’t expect Ogres to suddenly fly and belch fireballs unless they experimented a bit too much on making spicy Ogre chili. If Evokers open up to other races in the future, I’ll be sure to edit this section then.


Pretty much a given for any new playable race going forward, really.

We’ve seen Ogres tame pets in-game and they likely go hunting with them. So there is precedent for them being able to be Hunters.

For starting pets, I would guess a Draenor boar, likely brought with the AU Stonemaul Clan when they came back with us in BfA. Otherwise, I could see the MU Stonemaul Clan potentially use crocolisks, since they are in a swamp, or the nearby thunder lizards in the barrens.

As for starting weapons, it seems fitting to me for Ogre Hunters to have guns instead of bows, so I could see them start with that. Big loud guns just really fits the image of an Ogre Hunter to me.


Mages have been opened up to all current playable races, aside from Dracthyr at the time of this text being typed, so I see future races being able to be them as well.

Ogre Mages are already a thing in-game, so I see no reason why they would be an exception. With the MU Stonemaul Clan, some could have been trained by Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh, since she has trained a few members of the Horde as mages as mentioned in the Horde quest “Seek out Tabetha.” I’m sure she would have trained some of the Ogres as well.


With all current races being able to be Monks, I would guess that future playable races would also be able to be them. Even ones with models built from the ground up.

Some time has passed since MoP, so it is possible Pandaren visited Dustwallow Marsh and helped to train some of the Ogres there. I could see Ogres making really great Brewmaster Monks as well.

A bit weird to imagine Ogres doing flying kicks, but not entirely impossible. Maybe some animations could be more sumo-like to fit the image better. A lot depends on the playable Ogre models.


Speculation is that Paladin will be the next class to open up for all races.

We’ve seen Paladins of races that can’t normally be them on the playable side, granted some might cause some debate. We’ve also seen some Paladins get liberties taken to give them an interesting spin, like with Zandalari Paladins.

With Ogres, either they would have something like Zandalari Paladins or maybe some from the AU Stonemaul Clan escaped from the Lightbound and went to teach others how to utilize that power.

As for Paladin mounts, maybe a more regal looking Draenor Boar would be fitting. That would be my best guess.


Another class that was opened up for all current playable races.

Ogre Priests have been a thing in-game, so it isn’t something that would come out of nowhere. Maybe some would be more inclined to use the light and heal others. I can also see some becoming Shadow Priests as well very easily.

Not the weirdest combination to think about for Ogres. Especially since other races like Orcs can be Priests now.


And yet another class opened up to all current playable races.

Ogre Rogues are one of the weirdest combinations to think about, but there is some precedent in-game. Dagg from WoD is an Ogre Rogue, even if he operates a bit differently.

Perhaps some Ogres would want to sneak up on enemies to bonk them on the head as opposed to trying to take them head-on. Sure makes it easier to beat them up and such. So a weird combination, but there is some precedent for them in-game.


This is another class that is speculated to open up to other races. I would guess all races eventually, with each one hopefully having their own racial totems and some having their own spirit form.

Ogre Shamans are very much fitting and are already in-game. I assume their totems would be Ogre themed in some way, and maybe they would utilize a ghost warg or boar for their spirit wolf form. Something for me to think more on in the future.


Since Warlocks have been opened up to all current playable races, I would say that would carry over to future playable races.

Ogre Warlocks are already in-game, so I fully expect them to be an option for playable Ogres.


Ogre likes ta fight. Ogre get big club. Ogre smash tings.

If any class defined Ogres, Warriors would be it. Need I say more?

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I definitely agree with you there. To be honest I think the origin of Ogre Druids depends if we go the Stonemaul clan route or multiple Ogre clan route. For example, Stonemaul Druids could have been taught by their Tauren and Troll allies, while the multiple Ogre clan route could actually give us a clan of Ogre druids or something.

Another thing to consider with Ogre Priest, is that the Stonemaul clan actually had Ogre Priest NPCs in their village in War3. So beyond Dragonflight making priests a common class for the playable races, there is precedent the Stonemaul clan having priests.


while not wanting to get off topic about our desire for ogres to be playable i’ve created a thread to bring back SoTA

Each year, the Horde Ogre clans come up to Greatfather Winter in order to ask for full membership to the Horde as their Winter Veil wish. You too can wish for this and help make some Ogres very happy!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

I know I’ll continue to wish to see a few new playable races under my Winter Veil tree! :lizard: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :tiger2: :polar_bear:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I haven’t held good ties to any of my other ogre names… Thinking I’ll run with something when they become playable save for Dral’ramith.

But I intend to have an ogre monk, death knight(or necromancer) and a priest.


On the subject of names, I came across a few more Ogre name generators. I had linked some previously, which I’ll link to that post below the new links. They also focus on male Ogre names, but the Names Nerd website below does have a section with some examples of female Ogre names.

Here is what I have found:

And the post where I had some other Ogre name generators is here:

I’ve seen some really good Ogre names in a few of them. I’ll have to see if I can find any that have a female Ogre name generator.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Goood luck fitting one of them in your ROFLcopter.

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Still waiting for Ogres man, I want them so bad. such a cool rp idea

get an orge guild, troll guild, and orc guild and make a large rp group for something akin to the Dark Horde.

or at least an Ogre guild that does merc work in exchange for food or cash


Oh yeah new Alliance race sounds great. But I prefer the ones with 2 heads.

the armor on this ogre model is that coded into the npcs skin or is it like player armor kinda like how some people have went into the model viewer and stripped the armor off of characters like rexxar for example

because if its not coded into the model then ogres never had an issue wearing gear its that blizzard never took the time to develop it further and yes i realize this is a vanilla style model but we have to start somewhere. plus fact being if they can use AI tech to fit boots over undead player character toes and make every set fit every race i’m pretty sure its not impossible we’ll see ogres at some point


My understanding is that nowadays, Blizzard uses AI to outfit armor graphics on models, whether they’re playable races or NPC races.

I would think that would be utilized for Ogre models as well, both the newer NPC models and what would be the player models. Obviously, some touching up would need to be done to get the coding working for Ogre models in general, but I don’t see armor on Ogres being a huge issue once the initial testing and coding is worked with. And of course, getting two-head customization armor working for male and female Ogres would also be part of that.

As for that model above, since it is an old model, I assume that the armor is part of the model as opposed to being a graphic separate from the model. This was a NPC race and it wasn’t until much later that they put NPC models in the file folder with playable races so they could better put armor on them. Again, this is just a guess, as I’ve no idea how anything in WoW is coded and trying to understand it would likely cause my brain to bust out of my cranium and run screaming and crying.

But ultimately, I don’t really see armor being an extreme problem on Ogres. Yes, the initial designing will take a lot of work, but I don’t see why it would be a huge issue afterwards. Even two-head customization could work once the hurdle of getting it as an option is implemented.

I don’t see playable Horde Ogres as an impossibility at all with the issues others bring up. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: