The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

For that specific (and I think all vanilla ogres) model the armor is baked in.

I think even current ogres have baked in armor and clothing.

This shouldn’t be an issue to really consider though.

Blizzard will make any player model able to use armor and adjust it to that end.


New models for playable Horde Ogres would need to be created from scratch regardless, but I could see the playable model utilizing the skeleton and animations from the NPC models or maybe even the newer moonkin. I’m curious how much from NPC Ogre models could be salvaged and implemented into the playable Ogre models.

I don’t really see armor as a huge problem in general. As I said, the complicated part, if I were to guess, would be at the beginning with setting up two-head Ogre models and getting the AI armor thingie to work with it. I assume once that is done, it’s mostly an automated thing with occasional touching up.

At least, I would hope it would be that simple. I’m sure there is a lot more to it than that when trying to implement a new playable race. Regardless, there might be some armors that would be tricky to design on Ogres, but I still don’t see it as a road block at all for playable Horde Ogres.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’m really curious on how the two headed ogre would work with helms. Granted I do see us having one helm slot in the name of fairness, but would it be displayed over both heads or could we have one covered and one bare.


it’d probably operate the same way you can make asymetrical shoulderpads


There would only be one helm slot, even with two heads. It would cause a pretty big imbalance otherwise. I can’t even begin to imagine the kerfuffle that would cause…well, ok, more than the usual kerfuffle on the forums here anyway.

It’s possible that equipping a helm could affect both heads graphics-wise unless there is a transmog applied to both heads. Either that or it affects one head and the other has to be transmogged separately to have any sort of helm graphic.

And as mentioned, there should be a way to transmog both heads separately. I don’t know if there would be a cosmetic-only slot for Ogres with two-heads, if there would be some special way to transmog each head separately, or if you could just do that with any transmog merchant.

I’m sure regardless of what is done, it would require a lot of planning and work to implement. I do think there would be some solution that would please everyone wanting Ogres with two-heads.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


i know some of us have given concept art ideas as to what the female ogre could look like but imagine if you were a blizz dev how could you make it look to appease the playerbase in this forum? how can we make it different from the female orc and troll? and no the april fools joke concept doesn’t count


I think a good starting point would be how Blizzard handled the male and female Djaradin, applying that to Ogres, and then make whatever other changes are needed to make proper female Ogre models.


I don’t think anything will appease the majority tbh. I have yet to see a female ogre art/concept that the majority liked. Everyone wants something different and that could very well be the nail in the coffin. If the majority doesn’t agree on a female model I see that as a huge roadblock.

I could care less about a female version. All they would have to do for me is give me female options but with the same male body or a body type B with a bra. BAM! Done.

Personally, I think of Ogres as mainly male where the women aren’t available so they do not even need a female option. The Age of Wushu did that with Shaolin and Emei where one was only males and other was only female but that was class and not race but I think that could work. Give Horde male Ogres and Alliance female Harpies with no male version. Again, the majority won’t like that idea so back to square one.

I stopped drawing female Ogres and trying to come up with different versions because no one liked my versions. I got tired of trying when no one could agree on a direction. Until a female version comes out and the majority likes it I don’t see Ogres being playable and that sucks because I’ll probably be dead before the Horde gets Ogres. :frowning:

To each their own.

Well to be frankly honest ive never been fond of the asian mmorpgs that gender lock a character it makes sense if its a story based character but if its a player character nah id like access to both genders plz ogre women exist and i want to believe there is a model that never got shipped to the live game somewhere in the game files

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Thank you for your attention


I remember awhile back that someone said the venthyr kinda look like orcs without the tusks, what if we were to take the female model normalize the hands add tusks/horn and then make the body size 1/2 of the male ogre then give it the respective skin tones

Or we could just take certain animations from the new moonkin form use the kul tiran female skeletal rig as a base and slightly alter it kinda like how they crafted the zandalari from the nelf rig, maybe make her a bit chunkier than the kul tiran female body ratio so it doesn’t look like a 1 for 1 reskin but based on how so few people really pay attention to animations and gameplay

think my ogre mage will be blue skinned


Maybe not for Orges, but what about gender-locked races? We meet a branch of decent Harpies (like the Maruuk Centaurs versus the Maraudoni Centaurs), recruit them as an allied race, but they are still a female-only race, like Dryads and Nymphs. Perhaps we end up recruiting an all-male race

(I cannot think of an example right now beyond Ogres, but I believe we have some in-game all-male races like those all-female ones)

(but I think Ogres should (a) be playable and (b) get a female option)

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The Botani? The models are more masculine and from what I understand they don’t reproduce like other races do.


Botani would be an interesting thing.

Because they’re plants they could be a mono-gender race to a race with up to 12 or more genders. lol


I have a way that Blizz can add in a lot of not currently available races as playable and make those of us that want those races happy. I suggested this in other threads years ago but the majority of players didn’t like it and that is a Peace Xpac.

I woke up with a headache this morning and was thinking again of how we could get Gnolls, Furbolg, Murlocs, Ogres and a lot more Old World races not currently available and it hit me . . . the Peace Xpac and an Old World revamp.

Here’s my revamped idea. It starts out with maybe five or so zones that are revamped with updated graphics and new quests. We go around healing and repairing the old zones. I’m thinking these first couple of zones start around Orgrimmar and Stormwind and slowly circle out as both factions mend the broken world.

As we do we help these races and earn the right/ability to make them playable. In the process we learn of their lore and of their main city or small communities so when we finally do make our characters we know a little something of the place some of us might call home. And this would happen over the entirety of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms over the lifespan of the Peace Xpac.

We could recruit the Furbolg in Ashenvale (?) or Felwood, can’t remember where I first ran into them and their tree home, and Ogres in Duskwallow or Feralas. Gnolls would probably be in eastern Kingdoms somewhere and Murlocs I have no clue but would love them to be a fun race that plays similar to HotS or the Murloc from the quest in Nazjatar with them having four active abilities that are similar to the ones you get in either of those two examples on separate CD’s.

Player housing could be introduced, if that was ever going to be a thing, during this time with possibly each zone having sites for players to use as their home including these new racial areas. Of course you would have to be limited to one place per character so choose wisely. I theme my toons so if I made a Furbolg I would most definitely make the new Fubolg city/town my home for that character.

Any way, just an idea that most of the community won’t like but I thought it could be a very good idea, in my own mind, of how we could get a whole lot of playable races, update zones, get lore and player housing all at the same time.

To each their own.


I have survived the horrors of LFR and beat up Fyrakk! Huzzah!

We wiped at Fyrakk once and did it the second time, though Fyrakk must’ve had a Taco Bell binge or something beforehand because at some point, a quick blast caused me and a few other raid members to fall faster than CM Punk’s AEW career.

While we still have a few patches left for Dragonflight, I’m not really expecting anything Horde Ogre clan related during then. However, I still think there are some offspring and minions of Onyxia still out there, so that could very much come into play in the future, as well as other storylines related to the Horde Ogre clans.

Even with The War Within not likely involving Ogre activity, I’m still marching onward while keeping my eyes out for anything to report back. We still have a few minor patches left for Dragonflight as well, so if something pops up, I’ll be sure to look at it. We Ogre fans have been at it for many years and we’re not going to be giving up any time soon!

And for those looking to brave the nightmare that is LFR in general, I wish you the best of luck!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The simply fact that Serinar has been MIA for the entirety of Dragonflight, does make me wonder if he could be involved in any story involving Onyxia’s brood. For example he could arrive to lead them into rejoining the rest of their flight or serve as their master as they continue to be hostile against everyone else. Thus an unexpected ally or enemy for the Stonemaul.

And to anyone who doesn’t remember the guy:


I quite like this and have thought about something similar. Since the Fourth War and the War against the Primals are over, it would make sense for the denizens of Azeroth to work towards rebuilding and peacecrafting