The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

As I posted in my Saurok megathread, coming up with character names, while very important, can be very annoying. Sometimes you come up with something and it’s already taken or you just can’t think of any names. It can be a very frustrating process. Not to mention getting disconnected from “inactivity” off the character creation screen, where you have to remake your character again and then try to figure out a name.

In such cases, I search for name generators online for inspiration, and I came across a website that offers name generators for several different fantasy brands and worlds:

And as luck would have it, it does have a few Ogre name generators on there. I thought I would share them for anyone interested in coming up with Ogre names in case we’re lucky enough to get playable Horde Ogres someday!

Warcraft Ogre Names (Male and female!):

Unsure how they came up with female Ogre names, but still cool to see that as an option!

In-General Ogre Names:

Warhammer Fantasy Ogre Names:

Magic the Gathering Ogre Names:

So far, that is all I found on the web site for Ogre name generators.

If Two-headed Ogres are an option, I imagined the idea of some players combining two names into one to represent each head. You would only be able to have one name, due to how the game is coded, so I could see some name combinations being used in such a manner. It would be pretty cool for roleplaying possibilities, too! I can imagine both heads having different personalities, for better or worse.

As for me, I already have an Ogre name in reserved that I got from the Everquest 1 character creation name generator and is very important to me, as my Ogre Berserker was one of my favorite characters. I hope for the day I get to remake him in WoW, which would be a dream come true to be able to roam the world (of Warcraft!) with him as a champion of the Horde! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: