The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Hey, not get to get hopes up too high but I’m seeing a trend among our guild leaders on our server…and in some other threads on the forums.

A lot of elitism about Raider.IO, Mythic+ Score, and such has trended players back into guilds to get things done! People can’t even get Torghast done now without an interview and “look up” on Raider.IO!

So, definitely our guild leaders have noticed more guild activity and more people joining looking to get M+ and Torghast done. In my mind anything positive, away from communities, back to guilds, is good. :slight_smile:


This again shows the importance of guilds to WoW–something we’ve been saying all along. Dare we hope someone at Blizzard takes notice? While most of us here have been focusing on getting the permissions broken up again, I believe we all can agree there is much more that could be done to help guilds. It would be so awesome if Blizzard actually took the time to improve guilds rather than shove them off to the sidelines.


I mean, the only reason I’m on about the community permissions is because guilds cannot be cross-server. Yet, when I’m out in the world, I almost NEVER see anyone from my server despite being on a higher population server. This makes finding guildies very difficult…which is why I’m treating the community as a cross-server guild.

Possible solutions:

  1. Make guilds cross-server.
  2. Put players from the same server (same faction would be nice too) in a shard together
  3. Expand communities.

This should always be a thing. I personally don’t understand how sharding works at all. It doesn’t make sense to me that players on the same server are in different shards while being stuck in shards with players from multiple other servers. The default should always be to keep same-server players together.


In what feels like another moment of ‘in case of emergency, break glass’ (as I’ve seen it called), Blizzard has rolled back their initial stance of ‘no more customizations in Shadowlands’ to now say ‘okay, some customizations in Shadowlands’.

But how about fixing the guild permissions, which I’d argue much more deeply negatively affect the actual structure of the game itself? Customization is nice, and I’m genuinely happy for the lightforged, nightborne, and void elf players, but it still feels a bit like a band-aid and a pat on the head instead of addressing the deeper issues.

We need granular permissions back. We need communication. (And obviously, we need Blizzard to do better as a company in how they treat people, but that’s something that -should- be a given.)


Yeah the guild permissions could use some love. Show you care about the social aspect Blizzard. Fix this abuse-able stuff which makes management a nightmare.


It seems like they’ve been grasping for things to throw into Shadowlands. I think this would be a great time to show some love for guilds. Break up the permissions again, and maybe look into implementing some of the ideas presented in this thread (a very long time ago). Guild Halls were a popular topic.


Good news, Blizz! “Guild” isn’t anyone’s name, so you don’t have to change it! Feel free to highlight guilds without worrying about looking bad. :+1:


“and many more changes to help you play the way you want.” – World of Warcraft Development Team

Dare we actually hope for changes to the guild permissions? Probably not with this patch, but… soon? Maybe? :crossed_fingers:


Crossing my fingers as well my old forum friend(s)!

Here’s to (at least a little) hope! :crossed_fingers: :smiley: :crossed_fingers:


Wow! There really is a new sheriff in town at Blizz!

This is it folks! If it’s gonna happen, this seems like the most likely time! :v:


I think Che may very well be right!

Is this what you were referring to Che?

Development Update: A Message to the WoW Community

August 28, 2021

To the WoW Community,

Over the past few weeks since we shared an update, the WoW team has been focused on the immediate future—both for our people and workplace, and what’s next for players too. As a part of that, the entire team came together to ask: What are the biggest things we’re hearing are getting in the way of your fun, and what are the most impactful changes we could make to WoW today to fix that?

Shadowlands Update 9.1.5 will be going on the PTR next week, and a lot of what you’ll find in it is the direct result of your collective feedback. It includes long-asked-for changes to make it easier to swap covenants and conduits, updates to make it so you don’t need to repeat covenant campaigns on alts, new character customization options for some races that were lacking them, and many more changes to help you play the way you want.

It also has updates to improve the game environment for our community, including additional changes to some content to better reflect our shared values, better visibility into the impact of your in-game reports of harassment, and more serious penalties for people engaged in disruptive behavior.

We hope you’ll see something from your own 9.1.5 wish list when we post the patch notes next week, and we’ll keep listening, refining, and building on that as we continue PTR testing and development of what’s next.

For our Burning Crusade Classic players, we’re excited to let you know that the first major content update, Overlords of Outland, will be going live soon. Starting September 15, you’ll be able to take on Prince Kael’thas and Lady Vashj in a pair of iconic raids, engage in a new season of Arena combat, and more. We’re also working on something for WoW Classic players who’ve told us they’d like a chance at a fresh start, and will be sharing more on our plans soon.

Creating World of Warcraft is truly a collaborative effort between the people on our team, across Blizzard, and all of you—and as we build, iterate on, and talk about what’s next, we hope we can demonstrate our commitment to making Azeroth the best place it can be for everyone.

— World of Warcraft Development Team

Lets all hope and pray :orthodox_cross: that guilds, their permissions, etc… are included in Blizzard’s definition of ‘‘collective feedback’’ and ‘’ long-asked-for changes’’

For me at least, I’m definitely feeling it’s now or never. :crossed_fingers:


My concern is that if it is now or never I am afraid that they will choose the never option.


Yeah, me too.

It’s okay with me if they haven’t had time to get to guilds by this next patch, but guilds should really be a priority after that. If they want to pull this game out of the dumpster fire, they truly need to bolster the one thing (guilds) that keeps players playing through thick and thin.


Yup! I’m prone to overstatement so…no, it’s not now or neva, but…this the window of opportunity imo :smiley:

I would advise a way to draw attention to this post. Yes, it’s been done before with mixed results. Create a new thread that points here? I dunno, this is not my forte. Maybe ask for help from the now more responsive community managers?

Let’s get some positive creative juices flowin’ guys! In my mind this is the time to leave the negativity behind and throw all the energy in positively! Yes, reminding them that the bad old days meant ignoring issues, that’s fair! Focusing our newly unleashed community managers on specific things that we want is one way to go, in my opinion!

Si se puede!


I agree. And one specific thing that I (and many others here) want is granular guild permissions once again. Having check-boxes by each permission would work perfectly for me.


More detailed patch notes were released- on first read I don’t see anything about guild permissions or … anything related to guilds, or communities, which are both still horrendously broken. A lot of good improvements are in there, certainly… but I really hope Blizz hasn’t just forgotten in the hopes that we, too, will forget.

An MMO is only as strong as its community- while I see some positive changes including an opt-in to what seems to be their equivalent to the Sprout system from FF14… guilds still badly need addressing. Communities are outright broken and breaking more every day it seems.

It’s sad that it’s taken this degree of bad things happening (to make a massive understatement) for them to finally think about everything else that should’ve been fixed (or never broken to begin with)… but baby steps forward are better than none at all I suppose.

Restore granular permissions to guilds, Blizz. Fix the community and guild interfaces to not be so horrendously broken anymore.


I agree!

Blizz. I originally told you via this thread several years ago now that I would not forget about the borking of our guild permissions. I still have not forgotten

I found this first of several ‘‘quotes’’ on another thread on these forums. It rang true there and it also rings very true in this thread’s context as well:

More truth:

Che posted some great advice in my opinion:

As by seen above, Che states it quite well.

We’ve already told Blizz what we’d like done with guilds etc…over the several years that this post has been active.

Trying again at this particular time could be very beneficial in my opinion.

Guilds should be a priority because as has been stated both here on this thread as well as elsewhere on these very forums:

Where do a lot of friends hang out together on World of Warcraft?


Blizzard, I for one still want the old granular guild permissions back.

Anything beyond that would be icing on the cake and there have been a LOT of good ideas posted on this thread over the years regarding said icing.

Blizzard stated to the people on this thread that a fix was in the works for guild permissions years ago.

I for one am still holding them to that promise.

Now Blizzard has stated that :

I’m going to hold them to that as well.

Come on Blizzard.

Make good on your word!


Please return granular control to guild rank permissions

In July 2018 Bliz introduced communities; an unintended result of this launch guild granular permissions controls were consolidated to just two ranks, essentially guild officer or not guild officer.

There were many threads that requested a return to the previous guild permissions functionality, which were close with a master thread started.

On July 25th 2018 a blue, Ythisens, extended the cap, and once again August 7th 2018; unfortunately Ythisens was one of the 800 Bliz employees that were culled and it seems they were the only one that was monitoring this thread.

In the WoW Live Developer Q&A w/ Ion Hazzikostas - August 23rd 2018 Ion said that they were looking for further feedback, he even stated “let us know what problems you are having and we do what we can to solve those problems”.

Well here we are; more than 3 years after the statement from Ion requesting further feedback, the thread has 4620 posts full of feedback without any further acknowledgement or a fix.

Here is one of my posts within the master thread that details my feedback and reasoning.

I just wonder now that Bliz seems to be “listening” to players once again that we can refocus them to finally resolve this issue.


Good stuff

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