The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

If anyone wants to take a peek, I made a post on the following, in the hope of catching Blizzard’s attention:


Here’s a direct link to Druunah’s post (rather than the top of the thread):


This game is getting destroyed lmao

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I would quote your whole post (because it excellently summarizes the issue and this entire thread) but I’ll just quote the most important part and folks can scroll up a few posts to read the rest.

Edit: The interview with Ion is especially “interesting.” They basically decided for us that we don’t need to use granular permissions. :roll_eyes: Walkerbo’s earlier post is only one of the many posts in this thread explaining how the poster used granular permissions to run their guild. Ion says “we’ll do what we can to solve those problems” and yet… that interview was MORE THAN THREE YEARS AGO.

I honestly don’t know if anything can save the dumpster fire this game has become, but perhaps Blizz can start by doing the things Ion said they were going to do.


Honestly with developers (both for games and some addons) you run smack into that attitude. “I don’t do this, so nobody needs to.”


I’m not sure that attitude is limited to developers. I see it here on the forums and in chat all the time. I don’t raid, but I hope I don’t go around saying it’s not important.

I get that a lot of GM’s maybe don’t need granular permissions to run their guilds. I don’t see how that justifies removing them from the ones who did use them. In the video Walkerbo linked above, Ion acted like check boxes would be a huge inconvenience. I mean, couldn’t they have an “advanced” permissions tab then? Default lets you keep them all-in-one and advanced gives you check boxes. Is that really hard to do? (Serious question because I don’t program.)


All of the 9.1.5 changes listed… and still nothing to fix this. :expressionless:




For all the good it’ll likely do…

I made yet another post on another recent thread trying (again) to get Blizzard’s attention.


I put one there, too. I doubt it will help, but it certainly can’t hurt.


Haven’t heard of any guild changes coming up with the newest patch, but I’m holding out hope that we won’t be waiting for much longer.


Oh, dear. Not getting many comments here lately. Could it be that too many people have left the game? I know that many of our original crew of regulars on this thread have moved to greener pastures. Or, at least, they said they did. I’m not the type to stalk them and find out what they’re up to.

It’s a shame that Blizzard has ignored our pleas for so long that many have just plain given up. Now, I know our particular issue isn’t the only reason folks have left the game, but I also know that healthy guilds incentivize players to stay. You would think that guilds would have a higher priority with Blizz. But no, changing (almost) bare-naked ladies to fruit is more important.


I’m still here (sorta)

We did move to Classic (mostly) but I keep tabs here most every day.

I wish I could think of something that hasn’t been said multiple times by all of us over the last several years beyond: ‘‘Blizzard! I still have not forgotten broken guilds and your promise to fix them!’’

But so far at least, I can’t…


Blizzard! I have still NOT forgotten our broken guilds nor your promise from Ion to fix them!

Make good your word!


I too visit this thread daily; each time I visit I start to make a post but get so discouraged at the lack of any movement or even acknowledgement by Bliz I just close the window.

It saddens me that this issue still remains unresolved.


I guess I make posts because I’m stubborn as heck and I’m not going to let Blizz forget about this. Well, okay, they already have forgotten about it. But, I’m keeping the thread alive in memory of our hopes and dreams. Or something like that.

Besides, I consider it a challenge to try to come up with different ways to say:



Fix our permissions, please. Thank you.

Yeah, that’s not much “feedback.” We’ve given tons of feedback in this thread–specific, detailed, excellent feedback–and it’s still been ignored. It doesn’t seem it matters what we write here. But the fact that some of us are still plugging away at this thread ought to tell the folks at Blizz something about the importance of this issue and guilds overall.

Stop worrying about pixelated paintings and work on something (guilds) that will truly help the game.


Oh, you know what would be cool? Being able to assign guild permissions any way we want. It would allow Guild Masters to customize the permissions to their guild’s actual needs. They could even use some permissions as rewards for those members who show real dedication to the guild or who are otherwise helpful to the GM.

Members would feel more appreciated and their sense of belonging would grow. Their guild could become their virtual home, and friendships would blossom. Content droughts and questionable game design would be bearable with guildies to play with. Other games might look nice, but they wouldn’t have the memories one built with one’s friends, so they wouldn’t draw players away.


Hey, if I can pretend Blizzard even cares about our issue, I can pretend all sorts of things.


I wonder if it’s just me or if the forums are borked again. Can’t seem to change my avatar.

Well, it doesn’t matter. I was just going to post about wanting guild improvements, starting with breaking the permissions up again. I don’t know that doing things for guilds will actually save WoW, but it certainly won’t hurt. It would definitely show that someone at Blizz actually cares about the game. And that would go a long way toward rebuilding player trust. (I hope I don’t need to explain why having player trust is a Good Thing.)


Well, unless someone else comments, I won’t be able to make any more posts here until I can change my avatar.

Yes, I want the guild permissions fixed. But I kind of would like whatever is the problem with the forums to be fixed as well. This has happened before and it’s resolved without me doing anything, so I hope that will be the case this time. I wish there was something I could do about the guild permissions, but posting here is the only option.


thanks for keeping this topic alive. it’s important.

fix permissikons, blizzard. guild leaders need more tools, not less.