The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Never give up the fight bros :+1:


I would actually feel good about this because it would mean they read it. I honestly think they donā€™t ever even look at it.


No reason for me to be here except my sheer stubbornness. I would like the granular permissions Ion said were removed unintentionally. I know there are more important things for Blizzard and its employees to deal with right now, but whenever theyā€™re ready to get back to working on the game, Iā€™d like them to have a look at our issue.


Whelp. Time to make another post. Just because.

I feel like WoW is going down in flames around us. Our issue is just a tiny mote compared to the much larger problems facing Blizzard these days. Still, I canā€™t help but wonder if this thread (and how weā€™ve been treated) wasnā€™t some kind of a sign. People have complained about the company being ā€œarrogantā€ toward the players for some time now. Was the workplace culture affecting how developers looked at the game and its players?

I donā€™t really know where Iā€™m going with this. I just feel a bit disrespected by being told a fix for the permissions was in the works when that was clearly a lie. Now that all this other ugliness has come to light, I canā€™t help but wonder about all kinds of things.

Iā€™d like to think there are still good people at Blizzard that still want to make a good game. Perhaps they can start by showing some love to guilds, the backbone of WoW. Or not. Itā€™s not like anyone at Blizz has looked at this thread in forever.


Here we are 3 years later.

All we want is for Ion to uphold his promise and return granular guild controls.

But I guess that when Blizzard doesnā€™t listen to their own people about predatory behaviour, it is not so surprising that they do not listen to players at all.


Iā€™m posting just to show my support for guilds, and for those people at Blizzard who arenā€™t predatory jerks. Iā€™m certain the majority of employees there are decent people (just like Iā€™m certain the majority of players are decent people, too).

Though I have no idea whatā€™s going to come of all the stuff thatā€™s hit the fan, Iā€™m going to be hopeful that things will get straightened out and everything will wind up for the better. And Iā€™m going to be optimistic that this game we all love (or maybe used to love) will the attention it needs to be awesome again. Which means (among other things) guilds will get the spotlight, and (again among other things) weā€™ll get our granular permissions back.


Well, this issue is important enough to me that Iā€™m posting again even though itā€™s 10PM and I just got back from spending all day at the hospital (a two-hour drive) where they admitted my husband because of heart failure. (Itā€™s not nearly as bad as that sounds.)

I wish guilds were even half as important to Blizzard. Yeah, yeah, they have other things to deal with right now. Well, so do I. Doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ve stopped caring about getting our granular permissions back. Come to think of it, when I stop caring is when Iā€™ll cancel my subs and move on. Pretty sure more than one poster in this thread has done just that (though not necessarily because of this issue alone).


Hey, know what game has good granular permissions, a guild hall, and great ways to communicate with other GMs? Runescape, an MMO released back in 2001. Thatā€™s how far behind Blizz is on their community features compared to others. Even if weā€™re being technical, the last major revamp of the guild system in RS was over 6 years ago now, and they ADDED more granularity, not took it away. Itā€™s just sad seeing this still being an issue after we were promised it would be fixed.


Wishes for a speedy recovery coming your way.


I assume youā€™ll tell me? 8)

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Iā€™ve been sitting in my community window and scouring the internet for about an hour, scratching my head as to what permissions each role give and how to change roles like you can with ranks in a guild.

WTH Blizz, LAZY!


Hi Thahl! Sorry to hear about your troubles. We know, weā€™ve been there. Many of us found that using the Classic interface through the


command is easier than the community interface. In addition, sometimes changes you make in the community tab donā€™t take effect right awayā€¦or at all! One last bit of advice is that everyone with guild control should use the same interface. So if you all decide you hate the Classic guildroster, make sure everyone uses the community interfaceā€¦and of course, the reverse applies as well. Bugs abound when the two interfaces are used by different officers, apparently.

Good luck out there!


Great tips, Che. I have the /guildroster command macroed to my barsā€“not that my guild needs any real management. But I do like it better than the communities tab.


Thanks for the suggestionā€¦unfortunately though, I want to change the role permissions of my community, not my guild. Is there a /communityroster or something? I basically want to control the ranks (i.e. moderator or member) in my community just like I can adjust the different rank positions in my guild.

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Hmmmā€¦ok I created a Guild leader community on my server. So, since everyone is a verified guild leader, I gave them all a kind of community leader assist. The community controls are even more spartan than the guild controls. Ranks are like 3 things as I recall. 2 of them give pretty much complete control, right? And the last one is the most restrictive. Iā€™ll go look again, if you have more questions.

Keep in mind this guild leader community only has about 20 people in it and required no management. I am in several communities with hundreds, and of course PerkyPugs has nearly 100k members, but Iā€™ve never thought about all the management controls. People with large communities do a lot to keep things in order. Letā€™s also take a look in the forums to see if thereā€™s a dedicated thread to community management? This thread is dedicated to somethingā€¦a little different :slight_smile:

I can ask around what it takes to control larger communities. This might take a while lol, weā€™re also trying to progress in H SoD, so a lot of my time is being eaten up with encouraging guildies on improvement, and keeping the lid on the boiling pot known as officers. :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll check back if I see you have questions. This can be a learning experience for both of us!


I honestly lolā€™ed.

But youā€™re right, it would be a good idea to find (or start) a thread specifically dedicated to community management. Iā€™m sure it would be much more helpful to folks than mixing the topic up with this one.

And speaking of topics, Iā€™d just like to mention that we still donā€™t have the granular permissions Ion claimed they were ā€œworking onā€ more than two years ago. Good thing I wasnā€™t holding my breath.


Hey! You forgot my :slightly_smiling_face: in the quoteā€¦lol

Sorry. It didnā€™t copy and I was too lazy to redo it. :frowning_face:


You should work for Blizzard. Theyā€™re probably hiring :man_facepalming:


I see itā€™s time to poke the dead horse again.

It seems to me that one way for Blizzard to stem the hemorrhaging subscriptions would be to bolster the core of the game. Guilds are a huge part of that core. I donā€™t blame anyone for trying new thingsā€“innovation is never all badā€“but sometimes itā€™s not necessary to reinvent the wheel. Go back to the things that worked.

People stay in an MMO because of the friends theyā€™ve made. Guilds foster friendships. Help guilds rebuild WoWā€™s community. Give Guild Masters the tools they need to customize their guilds and run them effectively. Give us back our granular permissions.