So many guilds dying even with 9.1.5 date

Funny how people bring those up repeatedly when they have nothing to do with how accurate his predictions are. I suppose you wouldn’t listen to lance Armstrong of he said there was a problem with cycling either though.

You’ll notice I have never defended him from the potion exploit or anything but I just don’t see how that is relavent to the rest of what I said.

I’m also not going to stop watching mission impossible because their main actor who I won’t name for forum rules reasons objectively has a few screws loose. I can separate the indivual actions of people for what they are.

What makes him different then any other youtuber? Many state systems are bad not just him.

The glacial patch cycle, systems, the continuous ignored feedback… naturally people leave.

Also Lance was stripped of his titles… though in that world EVERYONE was doping

It’s bad that the game director has been a raid logger for so long, if it means he has had zero interaction with the majority of the playerbase, can’t understand how and why they play, and doesn’t want to know.

The forums are really no different from the playerbase at large. If you find the overwhelming majority of forumgoers intolerable, you would also find players outside your small circle of friends to hold the same opinions as forumgoers.

He tended to have higher video quality and more research behind what he said since he had a bunch of other people working behind the scenes. Other people absolutely got it right too though. Never said otherwise

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Well at least it isn’t the selfie patch…

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Another thing that hurt guilds was the change to granular guild controls that effectively only has officer or non-officer ranks.

This change was made when communities were launched.

There is a mega thread that has been live since that change occurred, it was started in July 2018 and currently has 4654 posts with examples of how these changes have changed how guilds operate in a negative way.

Ion made promises 3 years ago to revert those changes yet nothing has been done.

I would encourage players that want to a bit more love for guilds to check it out.

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There is simply nothing new on 9.1.5

The qol changes are nice and needed, but what would I do? Clear SOD using every covenant?

I’m glad for the changes, but I will only really use it when 9.2 comes… and it is so, so far away right now. We haven’t ever heard about it. I expect nothing before february/march, to be honest.

The only thing keeping my sub right now is that I’m leveling a character on TBC classic. Just for the sake of it, since I don’t have any intention of engaging on end game content on the classic servers. After I’m done, I’m very likely to drop my sub to play other games until 9.2 hits. Most of my guild is doing the same and I imagine that is what happening in almost every guild.

Firstly, I’m not “glossing over the ‘threats’” because I genuinely have no clue what you are referring to. Secondly, I have never heard him crap on casuals. In fact, he supports casual open world AND instanced content. He just says that the casual content in the game right now sucks and he is absolutely right.

You act like he exploited to gain a competitive advantage against other players. He used an XP potion stacking bug to level up alts faster in BfA. Sure it’s an exploit, but it is one that I would definitely have taken advantage of too. If you’re really that pressed, he even made a big apology to his community for letting him down and getting kicked from the creator summit.

Which is something that helps absolutely nobody. His “cheating” was barely even bad, and surely did not warrant a ban. If it was Classic, where leveling takes astronomically longer, sure. In a version of the game where leveling is a small part of the actual experience and you can boost to max level anyways, it was a nonissue. Should we ban all the people who leveled up alts in timewalking while the XP was bugged a few months ago? I don’t think we should.

Banning him from the summit stopped Blizzard from receiving potential helpful feedback from a knowledgeable creator which could make the game better. It was a lose lose situation by banning him from it.


Who is Preach and why should we care what he says?

Some dude with a history of being right about problems. Why should you care?because he has a history of being right about problems…

Someone who has contact with the developers regularly and talks to them outside of interviews. If they have questions about community reactions, surely they reach out to certain community figures right?

I’m sure you know he is so you’re just asking a snarky question, but there you go. Also, I gave you literally zero opinion of his, so you don’t have an opinion of his to listen to luckily. I only shared something he had heard, not an opinion. :+1:


why would 9.1.5 bring guilds back theres no content

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as someone that started off as basically an enthusiastic shadowlands shill, I think i’m with you on this. This expansion is done imo…between the legal drama they have to deal with, the mix up with management and completely changing their direction with the game, I see this as maintenance mode for the next year or so…

i am hopeful for next expansion though.

i think one thing they can do is work on uniting more servers so that guilds don’t die off, cuz that kills the game for a ton of people…i’d know - i’ve gone through a server death before :frowning:

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No, I don’t know who he is.

Ahh, sorry then. He was a WoW youtuber/streamer that played the game at a pretty high level for a very long time. He interviewed Ion several times and was always a good middle man for discussion between the developers and the community.

The only streamer I ever heard of was Asmongold(sp?) I watched a video of his once on a suggestion from a friend. ONCE. After that my YouTube sidebar was filled with silly “Asmongold reacts” videos daily.

No way will you catch me watching that kind of crap ever again. I like my forums but no streamers, lol.

Thats fair. Preach was a very different type though. He doesn’t have that same type of character Asmon does. Very straightforward and to the point kind of guy

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I won’t hate on people that enjoy that type of content. Me, I get no entertainment out of watching other people talk about/play video games. I’d rather just play the game myself and occasionally drop thoughts on a forum.


Because 9.1.5 will do absolutely nothing if the issue you are having is lack of content.
Catchup mechanics are well and good but should have been in 9.0.5 if not put into the game in beta.

Christ, i hate that I’m agreeing with a Gnome.