So, the foruns are on fire

You know, just because of people like you I sincerely hope that Blizz adds story into the prepatch that says Varissa and all of the remaining High Elves join up with the Void Elves as explanation for the new skin tones. Just to shut you up about it.

Um…sure bud.

There’s others. Just thought i’d give you a few since you’ve apparently only seen Alliance ones.

No they aren’t. What little lore the 'VE have show they are rejects of the BE rejects from the high elves which never left the alliance.

It really doesn’t bother me in the least. I’ve been playing as much as the next guy, but it’s still just a game. People should go experience the real world if they want to see what’s really unfair & difficult. They’ll learn what it’s really like not to get their way.

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That first guy you quoted was posting on a Horde alt. The second one, sure.

I never said that. I said the majority of what I’ve seen today is primarily alliance complaints.

Except there are literally High Elves walking around the Void Elf starting zone.

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Am I the only person that plays this game that doesn’t stand around looking at their character 24/7? I like customization options as much as the next person, but I spend like 1% of my game time thinking about the way way I look, the rest of the time I’m seeing my back whilst going on a blood thirsty rampage.


All I saw were blood elves, but if you say so.

Horde alt?

Look at their allied race unlock achievements. All horde besides void elf.
I think you got it backwards.

Either way. I’ve seen majority Horde complaining.

No need to be so defensive about it. lol

Good for you. Next time, use your eyes.

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I can head back there it’s not hard.VE are expelled BE. I guess some HE might convert but they’d no longer be HE if they did…

I wasn’t being defensive. At all. You’re the one who just spammed 3 threads. I didn’t even really care about that.

Read his posts. He’s complaining Alliance didn’t get true High Elves.

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See, you’re horde.
And the horde is very mad today.


edit: if you didn’t care about it, you didn’t have to say anything.


I have sour cream n onion chips

Blizz should just ban all this elf thread crap. It’s getting obnoxious people taking datamined garbage as gospel


Yeah this all the fourms are gonna be about for at least like month+ if I’m underestimating that. Now seems like a good time to take a break from the fourms.

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Actually it was posted by Blizz here in the forums

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Kay. Still a non issue. Just ban these elf threads it’s annoying

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