So, the foruns are on fire

For everyone that dont give a crap about the whole elf debacle, grab a popcorn and enjoy the show :popcorn:


I have been. It’s been weird, too.

I like the smaller ears. That’s one of the best things yet hardly anyone mentions it.


Nah, I’ve just been giving my fingers exercise by muting any thread remotely related to all these elf shenanigans. Like this one.

I think its nice, but i dont play a elf myself so im not in a position to judge

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I never really had any horse in the race. I don’t particularly care about High Elves and extra customization is always nice.

But it is amusing to see people upset because they actually thought with both Void Elves AND Blood Elves in the game, Blizzard were going to make a completely separate race for High Elves.


I guess I’m just not a huge fan of any of the elf races in WoW. I just like my cute Goblins, Taurens, Trolls, Dwarfs, and Gnomes.

Can’t really say I care about Blue Eyes and Pale Skin. Or who gets what or not.

More customization is good tho.


Tbh blizz should have expected this, this crowd can never be pleased


They look so wierd on the males though. Maybe it was just the hairstyle that wowhead showed it with, but it looked not right.

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I’m so sick of hearing about these damn elves


Everyone’s a high elf now. You’re a dead high elf. That guy above my previous post? He’s a buff green high elf


So these new elves must be jealous that i get blue eyes before them :sunglasses:

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I can only imagine the number of resubs/tokens sold on this day alone. Probably going to outpace the brutosaur at this point.

A better question is when are the forum not on fire? Burning is our life here. :sweat_smile:

It’s a buzz topic for now, shiny and interesting. Understandable. But I’m with you, I really can’t wait for these threads to go away. The elf topic got old ages ago.


It always baffles me what complete nonsense people will viciously argue about.

Now they’re attacking each other over eredar.

Well i wouldn’t mind some red goats in my faction…



The forums are always on fire.

This fire is just fueled by blue eyed elves and horde tears.
Yesterday the fires were fueled by the top 1% and their covenant abilities.



EVER … apart from cute, adorable Vulperas :slight_smile:

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No I’m sorry, Goblins are now short green elves.

Also known as short furry elves.

I want more Troll options

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