Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

I see a lot of people happy and that’s awesome but…we’re still not getting high elves as an actual race/allied, this is just some BS compromise.

So when someone scrolls over my character its gonna say “lvl 50 void elf” instead of high elf? I’m gonna have void elf heritage armor, but be a high elf? A void elf mount, but I’m a high elf?

Don’t get me wrong, I wanted the option as bad as others, but this way just seems like a cheap way out. There are SO many things they could have done to have it as an actual REAL allied race. Imagine the questline to unlock high elves, the heritage armor, the mount, the badass tattoos and marking customizations we could of had. All of that is stripped from us and just doesn’t feel right :confused:

And on top of all this, the blue eye option is given to the horde when high elves ARE NOT PART OF THE HORDE.

(I already feel the “YOU GUYS ARE NEVER SATISFIED” comments…bring em on :kissing_heart:)


That was never, ever going to happen. There are two races with that racial model. They were never going to add a third.


which is fine, i’d rather have no race than a cheap compromise


Well, then yes, you are one of the few petty enough to care.

More options are always good.


Well teeeeechnically horde got high elves since we have use paladins on our belfs and they are getting the blue eyes now. So thanks alliance all the crying ended up giving us horde the actual high elves


Imagine getting the actual Nightborne instead of Discount Night Elf.

That’s probably how you feel. Plus the eyes are just a glow pretty much. Not a regular eye that the High Elves have.

High Elves should be a neutral race if they want to claim Neutrality.


High Elvers are never happy are they? Give them a centimeter they want an inch, give them an inch they want a mile.


My headcannon is like this right now:

The Highelves banded to both sides.

The ones not too attached to tradition and/or resented with the Horde have gone to Alleria’s side and joined the Void ones.

The purist ones/homesick went back to Silvermoon and were accepted there.


I just wanted Void Elf numbers to plummet

Off to supporting the next most popular allied race. Anything to cause VElf numbers to drop

(Oh and yeah we need more Nightbourne stuff and I hope the mostly positive reception to this results in more Nightbourne stuff)

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exactly u get it babe

I’m sure that, within a year or two, the daily drumbeat on the forums will shift to “Since Void Elves already look like them, give Alliance PROPER High Elves.”

It’s only a matter of time. Then you’ll have plenty of company.


Paladins and high elves have nothing to do with eachother. Blood Knights were a blood elf thing after the split.


Give us a better Nightborne model first :smiley:


Which is better than you could have hoped for. We don’t need to waste another race/allied race slot with more elves.


thank you…someone gets it :sparkling_heart:

I have seen exactly three people here that are still whining about it. So, now 4.

The majority of high elf fans always said this compromise would be more than fine with them since the chance of actual high elves as a new race was slim to none.


I don’t want Void elves.

They are Horde rejects and they have cooties ewwwww.

But we have to accept what we already have and make the most of it.


Welcome to the big boy world. Glad you could join us.


Saw this guy saying the same thing in another thread. He’s swallowed high elf fanboy headcanon and thinks high elf paladins are actually a huge thing, when I can think of like maybe one in the entire game.

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hopefully more high elf fans will see this and we will started a rebellion :kissing_heart: