So, the foruns are on fire

Im with you, i dont care any more because the debates over, high elves are in the gave via customization who cares anymore its all moot and pointless to argue now.

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OI! :frowning:

Is just fun to see people turn on each other because of an customization in a video game

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Do not include me in your elficiation! I defy elfdom! No offense to the BEs in the thread hehe. And yes, it’s been quite the entertaining day on the forums.

Bruh, people loose their gak over the stupidest thing. I dont get why people are upset about more customization, like, for me as long as its something that literally break the lore beyond recognition i dont care.

Yeah, but generaly the fire is burning car level, today is like a fireworks factory on fire trying to be erased with gasoline

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So everyone’s mad because of eye color?

Anyone who thinks WoW is no longer an RPG, just take a look at all the QQ over EYE COLOR. It’s hilarious…this place is still obviously full of RPers

I’m just over here, patiently waiting for a non-elf option for Demon Hunter. Personally I’m rooting for Worgen.

Here’s some fuel: throw sylvanas in the mix :yum:

Except from what I’ve seen the majority of it is coming from Alliance claiming this isn’t what they wanted, as they wanted an entirely new race for whatever reason.

Which makes zero sense to me, because I have yet to see anybody complain about Wildhammer, essentially the same thing as High Elves but for Dwarves, be a point of complaining.

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Khloros, even if it doesn’t break the lore these people will find a way to complain about it. Remember the introduction of darker skin tones for Blood Elves a few weeks back? Something awesome and brand new?

Yeah, some crazies went nuts over it.

Some of these whackos will complain about literally everything and anything and use the excuse that it’s “about lore.” When it’s really about either their desire to complain about something or… other things.


nom nom nom :meat_on_bone:

Garbage. All blizzard had to do was allow the alliance to play as one of our allied races. High elves.

And you do now. Congratulations. You got two allied races for the price of one.

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The new customization are a welcome addition. I look forward to trying them out, especially the ones for the two playable High Elf races.

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You can mute a thread? Where have you been all my life, Emoji? :heart_eyes:

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Ooh there is a high elf character creation screen and not some junk customization for a never before seen elf with zero lore or history with the alliance. Unlike high elves. Yea didn’t think so. It’s not high elves our allies from vanilla to the present.

Except Void Elf is now just a blanket term for both High Elves and Void Elves.

Like how Dwarf is now including Bronzebeard and Wildhammer, or Troll includes Sandfury. Don’t forget Night Elves! Who now have Highborne skin tones!


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