Welcome to World of Elfcraft šŸ§

Legolas is now in the Horde and Alliance

Blue eyes, white skin and blonde hair for everyoneā€¦

this game lasts untilā€¦ when?


I think Velves will be that popular that they may surpass Belves in quantity in shadowlands since the req to unlock them will be removed.

I mean I wonā€™t move or anything (mostly horde and this is my main that will always be a BE warlock), but it will be interesting to see an alliance race being the most played one in SL


This is problematic according to modern culture.


If I was still an organic being, I could sustain myself for many years off all the elf spam today.

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Our game just changeā€¦its an elf game now.

Hehe. Both factions will just be mostly High Elves.

Kinda lame but whatever.

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I think theyā€™ll be popular but without Paladins, Druids, or DHs idk if theyā€™d really ā€˜take overā€™ as much as Blood Elves have on the Horde side.

Iā€™m never gonna give up on BE Druids because I main a Resto Druid and I like Blood Elves, but at the same time I do sort of understand why people are so vehemently against it since BEs are already so dominant on the Horde.

World of Elfcraftā€¦

Oh SO MANY Kyrian Covenant ā€œHigh Elvesā€ Oh la la

In my experience the anti-Blood Elf Druid argument has little to do with population numbers, and more to do with the fact that Blood Elves have almost no connection to Nature, Wild Gods, or anything else remotely similar.

They also sneer and look down their noses at Druids, constantly in-game.


Iā€™m not sure I understand what you are saying. Is it somehow wrong to give players creative choice when making a new character? Take a look at the Gnome stuff coming out - did anyone actually rant because of the skin tones being added for Gnomes, and the extra eye colours?

No, I doubt they did, because it would be just weird to do that, to get annoyed at being given more choice. Because, yā€™know, thatā€™s just something nobody has ever wanted in this gameā€¦


Eh, the premise is there via Botanists. It could be made to work if Blizzard wanted to. Itā€™s not like they donā€™t pull lore out of their behinds for gameplay reasons all the time.

I get why people are against it, but lore is hardly a good reason in reality because the lore can and often is bent to suit gameplay.

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No one cares about Gnomes. Bad comparison.

Bad Night Elf, no biscuit for you, go sit in the naughty corner, you abnormally tall person!


Botanists are not Druids, please donā€™t confuse the two.

Also, yes. Blizzard does pull stuff from nowhere when they want to. That has nothing to do with the players who argue back and forth, however.

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I love elvesā€¦ we need a game of elvesā€¦


I feel like Iā€™m the only one with literally 0 interest in high elves on either side :stuck_out_tongue: Hell Iā€™d get rid of the blue eyes on a DK for red in a heartbeat.

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Looks like youā€™ve made a decent enough compromise with those gogs.



20 chars

If only I could transmog them! I have to toss them on for roleplaying or logging out so they show up on forums. Otherwise, flower crown.