So, the foruns are on fire

Honestly the short ears are the worst thing that came out of all the new customization. Elves in WoW are known for their unique long eyebrows and ears. The short ears look so ugly and out of place. Might as well just give them the option to have human ears since it’s what they’re turning into, humans.

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That I can agree with

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Honestly I feel left out… never gave a damn about the whole high elf issue. I’m glad in the end that people (for the most part) got what they wanted but I never could make myself care about the issue so I can’t get behind the hype for this.


When have the forums not been a burning dumpster fire of complaints and outrage? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not mad? I’m quite glad you guys got High Elves.

I don’t understand where you’re getting this from, as I’ve done pretty much nothing to give off the impression that I’m in any way frustrated or angry. I tried to start a conversation with you because I was curious why others are mad over what was given.

I had to address it because I don’t want you to get the wrong idea… but you just instantly assumed I was mad anyway, for whatever reason.

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“Hey Blizzard, give void elves and blood elves high elf cosmetics!”

“K, here you go.”

“WHAT? You gave Alliance blood elves, slap in the face!”


I like popcorn but corn is disgusting. So I’ll take the pop. Soda is nice

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…and, overall, that is why camels are the best mounts. :dromedary_camel:

When you got a small vocal minority complaining about something. The best option is to just ignore them. When you appease the outcry of the few, you risk angering the outcry of the many.

it was a real poor decision on their part. Even if I’m going to be generous and say 50% of the forums actually do want playable high elves. Those 50% are now split into many little factions that hate how its not an actual race. Or that it was given to void elves. Or that the hairstyles don’t look right on them. All sorts of complaints that never existed were birthed by this incredible dumb change.

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sets out an entire buffet table of snacks and drinks

:melon: :hamburger: :cookie: :curry: :sandwich: :popcorn: :tea: :sake: :wine_glass: :tropical_drink: :beers: :tumbler_glass: :cup_with_straw:


Probably between 7 and 12.

If someone quit this game because they couldn’t play High Elves before then they didn’t like the game anyway.

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Speaking as someone who was perpetually irritated at the people who wouldn’t stop screaming about it despite being repeatedly told no, but was never actually opposed to the idea myself and find it interesting to see Blizzard change their minds and make it happen… I guarantee there will still be The Unpleasables who are angry they’re not a separate race. Between them and the people actually angry that Blizzard is doing this…

Let the salt flow.

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So much salt going to waste…there’s not enough goblin and mag’har cargo ships and containers to hold it all…

Thus the forums became known as New Dead Sea

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can literally see high elf initiates porting in from stormwind in the void elf starting zone to become void elves. They can be high elves. Probably the only reason void elves are getting the eyes tbh. Really, the only place in the game where that happens, if one is inclined to think that the difference is political factions. Ironically, alliance gets a form of both blood elves and “true” high elves.

I know? I think it makes sense.

Someone save the Foruns!



Want some mashmellows to roast?

Forum is on fire, or Darnassus again?

Yeah. I think I’m one of the few people who doesn’t care even a little bit about all this high elf stuff. I don’t really even understand it to be honest.

Full disclosure though I’m someone who thinks there is already way too much elf stuff in the game and I stopped reading the threads about all this quite awhile ago.