So now that AV is worse

This is lightspeed stupid. But I remember horde thought this after they nerfed premades too. Then their queues went from 10m to 3 hours… And here they are again, being equally stupid.

Somehow in their minds less incentive to join AV means Alliance will join it MORE. It… takes a really special kind of person to think that way. Especially when its been proven wrong once. But alas. Ill enjoy the threads complaining about AV queues. lol.

Just a little history for those who don’t remember how this worked out the first time:

Nothing but horde threads on this very forum, losing their minds when the nerfs to Alliance AV hit and their queues ballooned from 10m to 40m to HOURS… But don’t worry. This time it will be different. After making it even WORSE for Alliance, unlike last time, they will queue MORE instead of less… because thats not stupid at all…
