Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

no what im saying is your bowsers stars shouldnt give you an advantage in mario tennis

So your 200IQ take is that mythic raiding requires staring at things? I think you got lost at some point in this conversation and now are just saying things at random.

Mmm kind of depends on the game. I also think balancing around ILVL would fix this to a large degree. However, even in Pokemon this happens, because its kind of an RPG staple.

I get your point, maybe Fighting Games are more your style. Many of you guys seem to have wondered into the MMORPG genre without any idea of what that entails. Its really odd.

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Thanks for acknowledging that mythic raiding has the highest tier of difficulty in the game. The highest tier of difficulty should be rewarded the highest.

Or are people going to start arguing that PeeWee league football players should be paid the same as NFL players next?

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These same people are why we get hours of entertainment on YouTube as they stubbornly push a “Pull Door” and are bound and determined to force the door open… even thou it doesn’t work that way.

You must be new here .

Ralph makes threads like this to troll GD .

He bounces back and forth between saying Blizz is for the casuals and Blizz is for the 1% .

Examples of Blizz pro 1%

1: This thread


This is Ralph on Blizz being pro casual


Ralph is not a champion of the casuals . He buys carries from the so called 1% he complains about . In one breath he is praising Blizz for sticking it to the 1% and in the next breath he is going Blizz caters to the 1% .

The only truth is so many people fall for his act .

All of his pro Blizz threads are the same thing with different titles and the same thing with his bash Blizz threads.


he’s gonna talk about SWTOR again guys just WAIT FORR ITTTT

Smoked White Tauren on Rye ?

akshully in swtor if you are very good at the game you can easily 1v4 even if you dont have try hard mythic raider gear i love swtor its a great game hey ask me about swtor and how good swtor is i love swtor

to be fair, the game engine and complexity won’t handle large groups of players well.

the original wintergrasp would end in a white cloud and you would wait a few minutes to see if you lived through it.

arena was a difficult thing to balance and changes there messed up pve.

Not what I said, but nice straw-grasping.

translation: i want my participation trophy for just logging in, i get them everywhere else why not here

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This big time

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My solutions would include…

World Boss that can wipe out 4 x 40man raid groups like nothing without using a very good strategy and some luck. That drops Gear = to Mythic ilvl.

Quest chains that are so tedious and long that you would need to be a WoW lore scholar to even find and complete that reveal hidden chests that have random Mythic ilvl gear.

A Lottery system that everyone can Pay gold to buy a ticket and at the end of the week a few lucky players win a Prize equal to Mythic quality ilvl.

Now these gears cannot be the same look or abilities as anything found in Raids. They must have a logical reason to exist like being an item used by a NPC or connected to the game story in other clever ways. This does provide players that are very intelligent and good puzzle solvers a path, players that love huge world groups and getting tossed and killed a ton a path. Also a path for the wealthy that need something to spend their riches on outside of AH.

Not if those x wow players played wow for endgame content.

I personally started playing ff14 some time ago absolutely praying it would be a wow killer for me. Needless to say, not even close.

Now if my thing was class fantasy, rp, lore, story, single player rpg stuff, then sure. But mmo supposed to be grindy, loot based games ultimately tied to progressing character power.

And the reason people would complain about that is that people would feel like they were forced to do it to be competitive. Just look at how much people loved essences, visions and the cloak questline. If there is a route to high ilvl gear people will think they absolutely have to do it.

At least with the systems we have now we have some variation of agency.

Well crud — time to go cancel my accounts

wow is a pve game.
it is not a pvp foccused game and never has been.
if you think for a moment that they are going to foccus on pvp instead of thier pve content then you are wrong. if you want a pvp foccused game go get crowfall it just released on public beta a month ago.

i love pvp in wow but im not going to demand they start foccusing on it if it sacrifices the quality of the majority of the playerbase

What if the other ways are considerably harder than mythic raiding, and have been since they were created?

well in bfa your gear didnt matter because there was gear scaling. everyone was strong regardless of if you had gear or not, you could go into a battleground for example with no gear and actuaklly deal more damage than somone with maxed out gear because thats how the gear scaling worked.

blizzard has removed the gear scaling so now you only deal damage if you have gear, so more gear equalsd more damage and less damage taken.

i dont think its going to be as big of an issue as the op makes it out to be though