"Non skill elements will always affect your performance"

That is what Ion said which makes you wonder, why do people who obsess over skill and epeen contests dont play actually high skillcap games like Fps, mobas, RTS where your skill 100% controls the result? Is it maybe that they would realize they arent that skilled?

Why would anyone choose to be ultra competitive in a game that by its design includes non skill elements influencing your performance?

By what Ion said it is quite clear WoW will never be an ultra l33t skill based game like the above, it will always remain a casual fun game where you shouldnt be taking very seriously because it is not designed with skill controlling everything, hell no matter how skilled you are you wont solo a raid boss so you have to also include other people in the equation.

Not only that, Ion also admitted the high end isnt their top priority: “the higher up you go the more that bothers you, we understand that feedback, it isnt a surprise to us but across the totality of the game

And dont forget, Blizzard balances the game to be beaten by balanced comps, if someone stacks meta broken fotm classes the content becomes easymode while any group that beats the content with a more balanced comp is far more skilled because they beat it in normal mode.

Full quote of title: “This is a hallmark of the RPG genre, and i get htat the higher you go in skill esselons in all types of gameplay, the more resistance there is to the idea that non skill associated factors might influence performance, but fundamentally that is the difference between an rpg based ecosystem than a typical fps, moba”


Dude, why do you care so much about people playing the way they want?


People like to stroke egos constantly but they know there are tons of people much better than they are. Not only on WoW, but in other aspects/games.

I just pity them honestly. It’s pretty childish mentality/behavior.


Because those people are loudly complaining about something that will make a less than 1% difference in the end, and they want to kill one of the few actual choices we’re getting next expansion to “correct” a non-problem.


Oh, covenants? I agree, blizz has done an awful job with them so far. They should be cosmetic.


The fact of the matter is if these people cannot beat a raid 1 month after release without stacking meta/fotm specs, they are nowhere as skilled as they like to believe.

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My dear Ralph… there are tanks that make it a point to try and solo raids at the end of every xpac

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Spoken like someone who doesn’t do any content rather than questing around the world


The problem is the sheer amount of non skill elements. I am happy with crit rng, trinket proc rng and set bonuses that may contain those mehcanics.
I don’t want layers upon layers on top of that.


Are we all good with deleting LFR now that Ion said it eroded the community?


Ion said it, let’s do it!


How do you know they don’t?


Why do you have to make a thread every single day? Why do you care so much about how people enjoy the game time they all pay the same amount as you for? If a majority of players enjoy being able to play multiple specs optimally and not have to have major consequences for swapping, then whats wrong with that? You complain everyday that wow needs more “RPG” stuff but that means somthing different to everyone. Just because you think making wow into a super punishing game unless you devote your life to one class and one spec doing one type of content, doesn’t mean a majority wants to play that way.


Why exactly is the way other people playing the game such an issue to you?


Because Ralph believes his opinion is more important than anyone else. We either play the game his way or we hit the highway.


Kind of rich coming from someone that has admitted to buying carries.

Maybe everyone should play like you .

Why try when you can buy


That does seem ironic

Meta gaming is a cultural thing at this point, even in old, single player games you’ll get speed runners competing with each other.

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Because clearly they are putting maximum tryhard effort in the game that doesnt require 100% skill.

It is simply highly unlikely someone is actively competitive in such high skillcap games while also incredibly actively competitive in a non high skillcap game.

Tanks being the keyword, not that they arent skilled but the issue is that if your toolkit allows you to survive a predictable raidboss, it kinda doesnt fill like some huge thing, personal opinion

Because Ion clearly told them YOU DONT GET TO BE OPTIMAL AT EVERYTHING, and now they refuse to accept that because they only care about epeen contests.

Because the game I enjoy is clearly more casual driven and focuses on RPG elements and dont want to see it ruined because some tryhard wants to have an epeen contest.

I ll always buy boosts for new characters that are behind, feel free to stay mad and try to imply I am buying carries cuz I cant do content while as you can see, I am doing content even pugs just fine rn : )

Well look at the OP is speaking about skill yet does not have any Brawler Guild or Proving ground Achievements, a bit hypocritical there.