Shadowlands non raid content is apparently a minigame for mythic raiders to abuse

With shadowlands raid or die model it has lead to almost all activities in the game being treated as a mini game for mythic raiders to roflstomp others with their mythic gear while they aren’t raiding.
Torghast? Sorry you can’t progress past x layer cuz you don’t have mythic gear,
PvP? Sorry we need mythic raiders to one shot you cuz they find it fun,
M+? Sorry mythic raiders do double your damage cuz m+ doesn’t deserve good gear.

Why does blizzard forget that mythic raiders are nothing but a tiny minority and why do they keep pretending as if mythic raiding is the only real serious activity in this game?

The vast majority of the player base enjoys different types of content but blizzard doesn’t see anything but mythic raiding as a serious activity to reward fairly.

Do you want to do well in solo Torghast?
Mythic raid gear is the best for that and vital because the higher layers you, the harder the starting floors without powers will be and gear will matter the most there.

And don’t forget torghast got it’s gear drops removed because mythic raiders cried they didn’t want to do them like visions because god forbid a solo challenging activity gives decent mythic gear, and god forbid the glorious raiders have to do some other activity other than raiding D;, screw the rest of the player base, blizzard probably .

It is the same rn, go do a 5mask with mythic gear and they are a joke, I ve done them on spriest, mm hunter with lone wolf, boomie and arcane mage and most of the time I don’t even need to use an orb to restore sanity cuz mythic gear makes you that broken, again a mini game for mythic raiders

Do you want to do well in PvP?
Enjoy getting roflstomped by mythic raiders who now have pvp as their minigame to one shot people without mythic gear.

Let’s not even talk about the broken raid trinkets that always destroy people in pvp or how their vers buff is absolutely useless compared to godmode mythic raiders are wearing, again pvp has become nothing but a minigame for mythic raiders

And even arenas no longer drop decent gear, just like m+ the rewards got neutered for them so the only mythic ilvl piece you ll ever see is that single piece from the weekly chest

Do you want to do well in M+?
Too bad that the best gear for m+ is once again from mythic raids, especially with those ridiculous raid trinkets, all the gear from m+ is trash due to the low ilvl and often weak effects so enjoy having half the dps of mythic raiders.

And don’t forget that they butchered m+ ilvl to be below heroic ilvl so again your only mythic ilvl piece will be a random piece from the weekly chest

After butchering both rated arenas, m+ and removing gear drops from Torghast so the only way to get mythic ilvl consistently is mythic raiding, anyone saying Shadowlands is not raid or die needs a reality check

Blizzard might want to remember that their player base is not just mythic raiders.




I would have said it differently, but I agree. Casuals right now have to spam mythic+ dungeons to gear up for world quests. Is this a bug? I doubt it. The table is pretty consistent. For an ilvl 68 level 50, world quests give ilvl 60 gear, not an upgrade. Normal dungeon gear = ilvl 72, heroic = ilvl 78, mythic 0 = ilvl 85. To reach ilvl 90 will require spamming many mythic+ dungeons.

Is that gonna happen? LOL, RIP.


I’m cool with it


Thank you Mr. Taskmaster.

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It is ridiculous, I decided to change to a frost panda dk I haven’t played since 8.2 yet there is not a single world quest drop that is an ilvl upgrade and I haven’t even touched 8.3 in that character

They rly screwed things up big time


Oh good thing them raiders dont hang out on forums or they’d probably be winning here too.


In bfa what gear drops mythic ilvl outside of weekly chest & mythic raids? Same as it is in shadowlands


I do agree with you Ralphie but I wanna know, what would be your favorite activity to gear from? You bring this topic a lot but never offer solutions. Btw I hate raiding.


I agree they screwed up by making players think that world quests should be a means of gearing up after not playing a certain toon for nearly a year if not longer.


I’m pretty sure the issue is getting gear upgrades necessary to move up, not the people who are already at the top and don’t expect to have to change their playstyle.

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Easiest way? All activities give currency, the harder the more currency and you use that currency to slowly upgrade gear to max

Or just let higher m+ drop mythic ilvl gear, make Torghast higher layers drop mythic ilvl gear, let rated arena drop mythic ilvl gear at high rating.

Instead the game in shadowlands is raid mythic or die since only real source of mythic ilvl is mythic raids and the singular weekly piece that is often random as long as you ve done a ridiculous number of m+ or arena, and of course nothing for Torghast cuz mythic raiders complained that they shouldn’t do anything other than raids


I just came back to the game semi recently so I’m confused. What is the point of Torghast without gear? Just upgrades to legendaries- is that important in the gear scheme (or not, genuinely don’t know)? I thought this was going to be a new form of progression… not another BfA islands deal. Why would they spend so much time developing and implementing Torghast only to gut it? I feel like I’m missing important pieces of this timeline.

Maybe I just need an overview of how the gear progression works in Shadowlands vs. BfA. I have no problem with mythic raiders having better gear than I do and I have no problem doing dungeons for loot (been playing forever, used to that). But I am Super Disappointed if Torghast is going to be another zzzz feature and all there is to do, yet again, is 5 mans and raid… oh, and I guess PvP. Sometimes. Every other Thursday.


Because mythic raiders cried that they would be ‘forced’ to do Torghast the same way they ve been ‘forced’ to do visions because god forbid they do something other than raid

Their complaints is exactly what gutted Torghast and it shows how blizzard doesn’t seem to care as much for the rest of the playerbase.


That seems… illogical considering that mythic raiders are (just from what I’ve read on the forums) a smallish (?) percentage of the player base. I feel like I’m still missing something.

However, I do think that this:

All activities give currency, the harder the more currency and you use that currency to slowly upgrade gear to max

Is a good idea. I miss that from previous expansions.

ETA: I’m not saying you are wrong or anything, just that what you said surprises me.


And this is why participation awards should have never started.
The entitled to something crowd… The Ralphs of the world.


We had Titan Residuum as a means to buy high gear…maybe heroic not mythic level, but it was locked behind specific high end azerite gear that I couldn’t get outside of high mythic plus or raids.

I’m all for a way for bad casuals like myself, who theoretically can spend 12 hours questing, to earn tokens for upgrades.

It’s all about time spent playing right Blizz? I can still have mythic level gear and not necessarily have raid experience as indicative of my dedication and devotion.

The same goes for pvp. We need vendors. Why should RNG be the time gate? Believe it or not, I still invest plenty of time and buying gear from vendors isn’t going to make me play less


All jokes aside, I don’t fully agree with or disagree. I think you should get better gear from mythic. I also think that there should be other ways to get close to it.

Mythic raiders can have their mythic raiding. I’m ok with being a little below them. I think it’s only fair. They are competing in content I know I couldn’t do with a high difficulty.

I’d say give others a way to get maybe a number of ilevel below them from challenging content but in other ways could be a fair compromise.


Better gear helps you clear more in an endless dungeon? Shocking.

You do realize loot from the weekly chest will go up to mythic raid ilvl, right?

I know you’re a troll, but come on.

What? I’ve been world questing on alts no problem, getting normal raid ilvl geared just from emissaries. The normal raid is pointless because you can get gear the same ilvl from solo world content. Normal might as well not exist anymore.


Sounds like you should do more mythic raiding.