"Respect Player's Time" Doesn't Apply to Druids Apparently

Why do you feel that you have to camp for weeks and months every evening without anything to show for it?

While I like the concept of rares dropping druid forms, at this point in time, a lot of people are geared and can nuke these mobs.

I see the star show up on my mini map, and I get there 20 seconds later and the rare is dead. I’ve resorted to hard camping these mobs and I’m not able to do anything productive because I might miss the rare spawning.

Maybe these marks should go up on a ED vendor in the next content patch in 10.2?

Or maybe we should be able to trigger the rares to spawn by killing mobs nearby?


Because I want to further complete collections and I don’t want to add more mounts, toys or other cosmetic stuff to the list of things I have to get back to in future patches or expansions. Still trying to get Soundless or the toys from 8.3 invasion zones.
Gameplay is all about the relation between the investment of time and effort - and reward. And it’s a pretty bad feeling to invest so much time into things that result in nothing.
“Then just don’t do it lol” is an non-argument.


I’m confused as to why “Then just don’t do it.” is a non argument. You are choosing to do to it. No on is forcing you to.

I used to try to farm Invincible and Ashes of Al’ar. I sometimes would use multiple alts in the same week to try and get them. Eventually I stopped trying to get them. I’m not mad because I didn’t get them. I was disappointed at the time but deciding to farm them is my choice. Having them or not having them isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

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I kinda like how this thread reads as “Blizzard respects your time by not giving you class specific items like they’ve given Druids.”

Because it’s not an explanation or excuse for badly designed gameplay. Things should be fun and engaging and telling people to “just don’t do it then” isn’t solving the problem in any way. It’s just damaging to the game, nothing more.


As a druid I like to ask why does everyone can farm their mog weekly without to spwan a rare why do we have to fight with other druids.

I mean other class gets to team their mohs when they want without having to fight others for it.


We had a raid full of 40 people and killed 2 rares.

Not a single mark dropped.

These marks need a MASSIVE drop rate increase. If not 100%.

ESPECIALLY the one from the World Boss.


That’s the way the game has been since it was first released. It was always a feature and never a bug. Now if you find that you aren’t having fun playing the game, why would you continue play?

I always take a break when I feel that way. I’m never going to force myself to play when I don’t want to.

The game has evolved and changed drastically with its playerbase that grows older. “It’s always been like this” doesn’t mean it’s been good or that it’s good under today’s circumstances.
Why would it be a good thing to quit the game when design is bad? Why not better the design so people actually feel fun and not disappointment or frustration?


This might SHOCK you.

But not everyone wants their “content” to be camping 2-3 hour respawn rares every day and hoping something drops.

They’d rather be doing World Quests, Growing Seeds, doing M+, doing Raids, leveling alts, etc.



Sure, in the worst case it’s keeping you “busy” for 6 months or longer. But it’s not gonna keep you entertained or satisfied with your invested time. That’s a huge difference that a lot of people seem to mix up.

You know you don’t need to collect everything in the 1st week.

You totallyt get it, lets filter any reward desing against a Reward Dev response:

He mentioned:

I’ve done the event a dozen times a day on my characters before in previous years and probably would be doing it again this year if I didn’t have other real-life stuff going on.

The same player base that started WoW now has kids and multiple responsabilities, the game changes a lot and the reward path should be adjusted accordingly.

Then Reward Dev provides the best optimal option:

Right now, if you want to maximize your chance of getting the mount, it’s in your best interest to repeat this event every day on as many characters as possible. That’s… mathematically correct, but not a great experience.

This doesn’t mean its going to be valid option next year, next expansion when the zone has less players, also the most important part, he mentioned “not a great experience”, players aren’t complaining about mounts in 10.2 as much compared to druid forms, because mounts have a clear path, bad luck protection in this patch and active gameplay compared to waiting a rare respawn for 2-3 hours.

A lot of people just like to turn our feedback into “players are complaining for free handouts” or “they’re complaining after 1 day, 1 week”, We’re complaining because there’s not a clear path to our goal that’s a cosmetic, it could be 99% drop rate that someone will miss it multiple times and that involves a lot of time that you’re just waiting the respawn.

Rewards have a lot of variants that should be considered:

  • Its a fun experience, how do you achieve those rewards?

  • Time between attempts, can you farm it multiple times per day, week…etc, Can you do your attempt after loggin? or do you need to wait for a random respawn in X spot

  • Acquisition ratio, Its the drop % low, high

Devs should consider how these rewards will be grind today, next patch, next expansion, therefore; you’ll have a reward that won’t need changes in the future.

Like Mechadone was changed in the middle of SL, because the original values were bad for a reward path like this meta achivement.

Or how Devs responded to Holidays drops, World bosses drops…Is a good experience to roll a dice every 20-30 minutes for an item? When the fight only last few seconds?

Its important to consider those aspects because you’re thinking about returning, new players and an aging player base.

We can check other MMORPGs rewards and notice how there’s a better experience when a reward involve a path to your goal compared to a pure luck base option.

That’s why players complaining about things like:

I personally dislike this change to 100%, because Devs could address it by adding a vendor option or providing a mini scenario gameplay / achievement something more meaningful and they only took the easier route against the backlash…

I hope we don’t see the same issue with the next anniversary mount drop from the same boss:

I hope Devs keep doing more rewards like Mounts in 10.2 and avoid the long respawns + low drop % unless there’s a more active option for the same reward or a bad luck protection in place.

All these mounts sources are 10/10 as a reward path.


I think this is wonderful comment not because of the context in the reply itself.

How many people ever produce any sort of quality alternative, solution, or unique system in place of just saying something is bad, or it needs to be fixed.

The overall discussion and actual replacements of systems would happen in a fraction of the time if there was real value to share.
You can go to 90% of all threads, ever. Seeing the vast majority of comments could be removed for redundancy.
Venting frustration is fine. It works to some level.
Why not try throwing ideas out once in awhile.

We already did several times, for example:

And the multiple ideas provided by previous council members for scenarios like Love rocket between Chimes comment back in 2022 event and this year.

All the feedback that was provided without any follow up with the community.

  • Add a vendor for a special currency that’s drop from the rare, after X amount of attempts you’ll have the reward, again any attempt matters even if you’ve to wait 2-3 hours AFK.

I mentioned this before check the Mounts for 10.2 and how those were implemented with active gameplay in mind and some bad luck protection systems later.

I’m already farming those mounts but I know that their implementation has a better approach for players that play few hours per day or a massive amount of hours, also for returning players in next expansion or new ones.

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It doesn’t shock me but it is the content lol.

Because it’s a lot easier to quit a game you don’t enjoy then it is to remake the game into one that you want to play.

You can achieve the first today, you make never achieve the second.

I can’t believe that an answer is more macros and addons. People shouldn’t have to go to addons or use complicated strings like macros to do basic content. This is only further frustrating because it’s difficult to find addons now days that don’t use pervasive programs like overwolf. If it can’t be done simply in a barebones manner there is a game design issue.

That is Blizzards job, people shouldn’t need to do Blizzards job for them. Stating something is an issue in a manner that describes the problem they are having should generally be enough. Saying how to go about fixing it? Yeah, they need to pay people for that.


So do you. It’s not like you don’t get mogs from farmable raids just like every other class.

You just also happen to get EXTRA mog stuff above and beyond what everyone else does, and in this case it comes from rares.