"Respect Player's Time" Doesn't Apply to Druids Apparently

Rares should escalate from 1 player to N players but if you’re solo it shouldn’t die in matter of seconds after respawn but it should be possible. I got your point, Reward Devs should consider dead realms when creating these rewards.

How on earth are people saying they can’t kill something just because it has higher health. Higher health amounts mean nothing when everyone has a self heal. All it does is make the fight take longer, sounds more like a fake argument because people want faster kills and don’t care about the people those fast kills are effecting negatively.

Nobody is asking for them to do higher damage.

Hi Reconbravo,

Could you explain how waiting afk for an addon alert every 2-3 hours contribute to actual good gameplay? a fun experience.

It only contributes to open WoW in a second monitor and play or watch another thing in your main monitor. It’s not like farming a really low drop from a specific NPC that has multiple camps, groups of the same npc or doing Stratholme 100 times for the Reins. Your fellow council members are talking about improvements in order to provide a better experience, not removal.

Still thanks for your feedback but you’re not talking about the amount of time that a character isn’t doing anything in game just waiting a respawn, we’re providing feedback because we want to allocate that time in other content, that’s the issue with RNG, it should be handle with a good balance between attempts (respawn times, frequency of kill if its 1 rare or a specific mob) and the drop %. And we’re not asking for 100% drop but fixes like a better respawn, so a player can do its daily kill and move to another content.

Hey Nonoa, I understand your point about 2 different kind of rares, however; usually the long respawn rares that have a “cosmetic” item like TLPD, Aeonaxx have it 100% drop, meanwhile there’s still cases with low % like Soundless and Huolon and you’ll find threads and feedback about those for years because, what do you do between respawns?

I just read that during Blizzcon Q&A Devs said this about Archaelogy:
The Archaeology triangulation minigame isn't planned to return, as it was largely considered to be more tedious than fun

At least with that archaelogy method, you were moving around compared to waiting for an addon alert regarding a rare, Isn’t this tedious too?

I understand the fun aspect of a “rare” respawn but how do you fix the issue of AFK time in the game waiting for an alert from an addon, you’re not doing anything else, maybe due to your time constraints you can’t kill it often, Should devs add another way to trigger the rare respawn by killing near mobs for an item or another way to acquire the same cosmetics?

Btw, I really like your idea of adding content to older zones like rares, I hope some expansion bring world quest around the whole World for a reward instead of only the current expansion zones matter.


Hi Naamah! Thank you for pinging me here.

For me personally, I will go back to an anecdote about the first rare spawn I encountered (and still pay homage to @ my transmog) in Vanilla: Nimar in Arathi Highlands.

The drop rate was high for this green compared to rare drop rates now, and I was so stoked upon getting Nimar’s Headdress for my little undead shadow priest. You always got a green item (the ‘rare’ drop) and the loot table for some rares as I recall had very specific items like Nimar with his headdress. The headdress was 80% drop rate if I recall with an eight-hour respawn timer.

I believe that sort of higher drop rate needs to exist to maintain the novelty of a ‘Rare Spawn’ and its subsequent rewards, paired with a longer respawn window so these ‘Rare Spawns’ actually feel rare. Even more of a bonus if not locked in the current FOTM max-level zone. Thank you for hearing me out!

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Of course, cause Druids aren’t even people half the time, they’re birds, or bears, or sometimes even dinosaurs.

I agree with your statement that the long respawn make those rare, however; if you’re looking for that item, you’re AFK for long periods, maybe Devs can solve this by adding some activity for players to trigger the rare spawn, it’s still rare because you need to get an item with a drop % but you’re doing some kind of activity (maybe a community activity), otherwise, WoW will still have this issue that its just a good game to be AFK. That’s why Devs changed a lot of things in the past because there’s this balance between attempts, drop % and the fun aspect that must be good for the player experience.

We’ve the BMAH for a reason, it became as a bad luck protection option for many rare items and if Devs will push the big respawns the % should go accordingly, maybe even doing something like Legion legendaries on which each attempt provides more % until you get it, similar to Evoker legendary approach.

For example, I farmed Breezebiter around 70+ attempts and it spawns between 1-3 hours, that’s a lot of time waiting in front of a cave and it doesn’t matter if it’s this expansion or next one, the issue is the same. Like farming Huolon / Soundless today.

Also, How long rare respawns work with players that only can allocate few hours per day? Is their whole time allocated to farm this because they really want that specific color? It’s a player choice but its drive by Dev desing.

I’ll check how these concept of “rares” and respawns are being handle by other MMOs too.


I don’t think they’ll ever release something that looks better than the Werebear. Unless perhaps…its something even more werebearyer…

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Let’s get weird with it and get like Were Flaming Bears or the Kul Tiran stick creatures. Or MECHA BEAR


Yes! Yes to all of it!

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Bahahahaha. What a triggered response to wanting a few pixels to be different on your cartoon bear in game. Relax buddy.

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My perspective is that you as a player shouldn’t be afking so many of these rare content. Over the course of a week just flying around doing quests, events, gold farms, crafting. If you setup a simple macro / use tomtom with waypoints until you know the spawn locations. Just check it periodically.
You’ll save yourself dozens of hours of standing still.

If you need that rare item in 1 day of its release, sure that’s a campfest that you setup yourself. Nobody but you causes that.
Everything else can be farmed slowly over time. As I think it’s intended to be. It’s easier on the mindframe as well.

If it was a 100% drop, I’ll agree with you but when we know the practice of low drop % + long time respawn combination, that’s why Devs changed drop % in the past for some items, because they notice the lack of fun and the frustation of the process. Example, changes on Shadowlands 9.2.5 if I remember correctly for an item regarding the Mechadone meta achievement.

You can’t go and do things like you mentioned without worrying about losing the respawn against other collectors, you don’t need a macro, there’s plenty of addons that trigger a visual / sound alert but you need to be close for at least the tag to the rare.

I never mention day 1, actually this is an issue for any expansion, you can check comments for Soundless, that’s just an AFK farm at this point.

And there’s not this concept of farm it slowly because you’re not getting progress with each attempt, every attempt is the same some hours waiting then a RNG roll, you could get it on the 1st or 100 attempt. You’re defending this practice that leads to players being afk while doing other things, OP mentioned it clearly since the first message:

“while working”, obviously as humans, We’ll look the best way to maximize our time, so this kind of afk grinds will lead to players doing other activities outside of WoW which don’t provide anything good regarding gameplay, Devs will see metrics of gametime but its missleading and a frustating experience, time is important and Devs should consider how to combine RNG (Attempts, Drop %) + the Fun experience.

I’m really glad with 10.2 Mounts, I even did a thread about it

Their approach for these rewards was incredible and I’m not getting those day 1 , but I already have a point of view of the goals and the content for new / returning players in future expansions.


I did play a druid one time in shadowlands (balance) it was ok…
but I love my destro warlock my bm hunter and my undetermined mage(no spec choice )

Just further perspective on what I am trying to point out.

So there are 6 rares in this situation. 5/6 just have a single spawn point where you sit and wait. Not fun, and super annoying everyday.

1, however, has several spawn points and it involves killing mobs in the area until you see one say “I will be avenged.” This is is least annoying one to camp as I am actively participating in its spawn. Every kill I get has a chance to make it appear, so I know I’m working towards something that will eventually happen, and it also encourages grouping and team work to get it to spawn.

The other 5, however, are just annoying AFK fests. By the time the mob spawns, almost no one puts it them in GF because they just want to kill it and get on to the next AFK camp.

This is what we mean when we say this is excessive and boring. If you want us to AFK camp long spawns that don’t appear on the map, make the drop rate reflect it. Not saying 100%, but in my findings over the past several days these drop rates are <5%. I have been in multiple druid groups and see 1 drop in an entire raid. (These are rare, however, because as I said not many list.) I actually enjoy a good camp once in awhile. The anticipation of something rare spawning is great. However, when I am camping at a chance to pull a slot machine, and not guaranteed to get it or have a super lowe chance once I do actually find the mob, it’s an annoying camp. Make it have a once a week spawn for all I care as long as it has a 100% drop rate, and limit the amount put in the game. (like 1-2 an expansion, and PLZ GOD no 1 week multiple spawn points like Cataclysm)

That is one way to handle these type of farms. Or, lower the respawn or make them appear on the map a minute before they spawn so we can engage in the game and not sit in 1 spot.

Or, do what the 1/5 spawn does and give us a way to influence the spawn. That’s what we are asking for. Not handouts. Not entitlement. I know there’s a lot of trolls on these forums, but hopefully level-headed people read this and understand. There is a lot of absolutely stunning human keyboard behavior in this thread to get through to the actual points though.


For me, the problem isn’t with camping. It’s that you have a 1%-ish chance every day to get the thing you want. I camped all rares day 1 and I didn’t get any of the new druid forms dropped by them. I’ve been camping them every single day and still nothing.

Day 2 (I think) I was in a raid with 39 other druids, camping Keen-Eyed Cian. Only 1 of us got the form. 1 out of 40… The drop chances are just garbage, the end. Don’t know why anyone would believe this is ok.

Edit: I’d like to add that we’re talking about druid forms, so basically transmog, not some rare mounts. The long respawn timer, combined with the low drop chance makes even less sense in this situation.


This is what I am getting at.
It hasnt even been a week. Have you seen how many people are making threads about poor drop rates and abysmal systems.

I genuinely wonder at times if people even understand the design philosophy. If two weeks go by and you do one attempt every day. That shouldnt be enough to warrant changes. Let alone vocalized complaining outside of your own frustration at home.

Even if it tallkes you a month of killing it daily before you get it. I dont think thats awful. The entire game is structured off RNG. The whole damn thing.

The playerbase changes. The design philosophy should change with us.

Not expecting free handouts, 100% drop rates, no camping. But camping for hours only to get vendor trash is certainly not what the modern playerbase wants. It might have been a gigachad activity 10+ years ago, but it’s not anymore.


Druids have all the quality of life features and it still isn’t enough. I guess everybody is always looking at what they don’t have and doesn’t really appreciate what they do have

Sometimes it seems to me like the people who think it’s fine to camp for weeks and months every evening, without anything to show for, have way more time to play than other players. When I had half the day to play and no other hobbies, rare spawns with 1% drops didn’t bother me - today they do.


Shapeshift forms are basically transmogs for druids, since they are pretty much all the druid players see all the time. Of course it sucks if certain ones have 1% chance to drop /day.