"Respect Player's Time" Doesn't Apply to Druids Apparently

I’ve been camping two of these since the patch went live but nothing yet. Kinda surprised neither has dropped.

I’m guessing the world boss drop will be set to be sure all Druids sub the rest of the year…

Are all rares subject to the spawn times of the druid form rares? I just want to take out the rares for daily reputation. The only one with a large amount of HP is Reefbreaker; all others are solo’able. I’ve been sitting at Firebrand for 4ish hours now with no spawn.

Don’t kid yourself. Respect players’ time doesn’t apply to any player.

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rare spawn grinds for cosmetics is pretty normal in this game…

Hunters in theory can tame Envoy of Winter. I cant imagine any Druid form is harder to get than that.

i think the point is that he don’t want to camp those rares for an entire year

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Well…It could be more that 1 year, you don’t have any progress for each attempt…You could be unlucky to try every day for 2-3 years without anything to show. Also, the thread focus is about the grind process, that’s about hours afk waiting.

On the raids subject, personally I’m keen on going back to Vault when they bring back ‘Fated’ raids back this expansion. :partying_face:

Hunters are looking at druids and going welcome to the club, sit, cry into a beer glass next to us…we will hear you.

People kill the rares for fun and not need. People will see you mid tame and kill them.

Slipknot has a song. Its title is people = crap. They aren’t wrong about that.

Druids…your advice is wait. till this crap dies down. I didn’t get voltron kitty pet in BFA till it was over basically. The pet so many butthats had to kill mid tame.

Or…turn on warmode to see if that layer/phase works out better for you.

Well, you mentioned a problem about doing the grind now, however; it doesn’t matter if you attempt it now or next expansion, the rare will respawn every 2-3 hours without any gameplay related, just being afk until you’ve luck… :grimacing: that’s the main issue.

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Because it happened countless times. I did it too, so did others over the last years. Just look at the Love Rocket situation. So much feedback was provided how the aquisition of holiday mounts could be improved - and Blizz went for a “solution” nobody asked for and also improved nothing.
At a certain point all that’s left is frustration.


And it has been less than a week, hell this post was made 3 days ago, which is like 2 days after the patch released and OP is ALREADY complaining.

“But I am a mount farmer”

No you are not, if you were truly a mount farmer you would know the pain of camping outdoor rares that have a 1% drop rate on a mount and might need to kill them upwards of 1000 times before something drops.

Hot damn OP, come back in like 3 weeks when the place is dead and go for your life.

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But that’s exactly what you want.

The drop rates on these things are miserable.

Is this another instance where the drops are bugged and horrible like Karokta in ZC?


ok so i havent got the exact number of kills but i have killed every rare that drops a druid form around 8 times except for Ristar that one dropped after 3 kills, now on my latest lap around the zone Moragh and Mosa both dropped the druid form from kill 8 but it could have been ninth or tenth im just not sure. This would be in line with the droprate from the youtube video guide of the mount form i saw. If i would to guess the drop rate for these are around 10-20 %. Still missing Civan and Keevah oh and Talthonei but i havent even bothered with that one yet

Congrats! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Did you waste 3h on each mob for a low chance to drop once a day ? He is right to complain its blizz who messed up here. They need to make it 1 chance daily with a 15min respawn timer. Its a waste of player time to sit and do nothing. There is no gameplay involved.

Yeah and these mounts dont have a 3 hour respawn timer



Been too busy trying to get my own cosmetic for like. 10 years.

At least you can do thing to try and get it. Me I pay to sit and wait

Mine has a 1 week respawn timer :frowning: