Recent Actions Against Exploitative Accounts – December 2023

To provide more transparency on the actions we take against cheating and exploitation, here is an accounting of the number of actions that were taken over the last month, December 2023:

Total Exploitative WoW Account Actions in December 2023: 270970

All of these actions were for cheating or exploitation, which primarily result in permanent bans or 6-month suspensions. This number does not include other actions such as those taken on accounts with character name or in-game language violations. We continue to evolve our methods and act against these malicious accounts on a daily basis.


At least this give me some hope that my reports are not going unread. I mean sometime I feel as if I maybe reporting too many of these instances… But when Blizzard has the options to report Bots, (botting) I’m going to use it.


I understand this was posted in the wow classic forums, but can you please confirm if this number includes bans across all variations of wow or not?

Trying to give y’all the benefit of the doubt, because it is definitely easy to sit here from the comfort of my chair and tell others how easy it is to identify bots, and I’m really just looking for confirmation you aren’t trying to make your efforts look better than they are.


Would be bettter to see how many buyers you penalized and the length of the penalty.


It’s fair to assume that the number reported includes that subset. I bet they’re not willing to provide a more granular breakdown as it might tip off their adversaries where to focus their effort.

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And what about any false bans? I’m currently on appeal number 3 for my almost 2 decade old account when ive never done anything against tos. All of the responses im getting just tell me to refer to the email and ticket is closed. Post about it and you’re met with the average monkey of todays society. Why am I being punished for the actions of 200k others with zero involvement. And its just case closed, no further discussion, when there was none to begin with. There was no investigation conducted on my account, yet every time i reach out im met with a copy paste template response and put at the back of the line for 2-3 more days.


you ban them for 3 days and they are right back… FFS.


If a GM sees this please escalate my ticket to be reviewed by your account specialists:
Ticket Number: US96629048


How do we know you aren’t just posting random numbers to pretend you’re doing something? It’s pretty easy to post “we’ve banned x accounts this month” with no proof or corroborating data.

I certainly haven’t seen a decrease in bots in game.


Sick… when is the next phase of SoD

So what are you gonna do about accounts that were falsely flagged and perma banned? Found myself banned yesterday for “RMT” when I’ve literally never participated in it. I pay $75/month for multiple accounts to have creative ways in game to make gold (warlock summoning network, manual multibox to farm, etc.). I guess my money is no good for this company. Cancelling all my subs until blizzard does something about this. An 18 year account gone in a flash. Thanks Blizz


Literally just happened to me too, I’ve opened up 2 appeals and just get hit with the copy paste. 18 year old account gone just like that. It’s really infuriating


Yeah… I’ve seen a lot of people getting wrapped up in this but they wont speak about it. They just tell me no, which tells me they didnt look into it, and make you wait another few days PRAYING for a different response.


Same. Also on appeal 3.

Account Action: Account Closure
Offense: Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks)

The only thing I use is addons on curseforge and I am active in chat talking to my friends whenever I’m online. I don’t know what could’ve triggered it.


Literally same. I play a LOT but i am always talking to people, which would clearly indicate im NOT a bot. But i was on your post the other day, this is Caffinator lol. I dont know how long this is going to take but I wish you the best of luck.


Its disheartening to watch them brag about banning 270k accounts while the ones they falsely punished are left unable to do anything but wait for copy/paste responses from CS for days or maybe weeks just to puck up where they left off. How long until this is over? Will I get to play by the time phase 2 starts? Because it really doesnt feel like it anymore.


lmao and? im sure you keep a perfect record of bots you encounter right? how do we know you arnt lying?


This is great to hear. I see more bots though now than I ever have before in my history playing this game since vanilla even with these actions. I think personally more action is needed.


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I’m pleased that you guys are taking action. Lookin forward to the next wave, having just seen the video of all of those bots in Silverpine going into a tree like keelber elves to fly under Azeroth and into SFK.