Let’s do some math.
In December 2023 Blizzard announced they actioned 270,970 accounts.
If they hired a “small team” of let’s say 5 people.
Now if those 5 people banned a bot every single minute, of every day, for the entire month of December. Worked 24 hours a day, zero breaks, no sleep, no food, nothing but continuous banning, they would ban 216,000 accounts.
Which is less than what Blizzard already did.
When people say things like hire some people to manually get bots I don’t think they comprehend the scale.
To provide more transparency on the actions we take against cheating and exploitation, here is an accounting of the number of actions that were taken over the last month, December 2023: Total Exploitative WoW Account Actions in December 2023: 270970 All of these actions were for cheating or exploitation, which primarily result in permanent bans or 6-month suspensions. This number does not include other actions such as those taken on accounts with character name or in-game language violations. …