Quests disappeaing on a number of my 70s+

I too am going to have to wait on dragon Isles. But there is another thought could the Radiant Echoes event by leveling to 70 during the event have anything to do with the Dragon Isles quest beginning quest disappearing.

Good evening everyone. Just logged on and the quest “the dragon Isles await” is available!

I hope it’s available for everyone and Good luck in the Isles.

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Thanks for confirming, Elodiefamebi. I knew a hotfix was in the works but I wasn’t sure where it was in testing so I wanted to wait until I got that confirmed.


on my toons Thundarr lvl 71 and Denrott lvl 72 I lost dragon Isles quests again after completing first quest. I have another to add to the list that can not go to dragon Isles my lvl 71 evoker.

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Same issue for me. Completed “The Dragon Isles Await” but cannot pick up “Aspectral Invitation” from Wrathion. Broken chain in intro questline.



It isn’t fixed. After finishing this quest, the questline does not progress at all.