PSA: Still no Storm Lord

Poor planning on the release event. You are about to loose 5 accounts if no storms pop.

hi humanbeak

It’s not hard. It would be awesome if Storm would pop and then we could all do this not hard event!

It’s like you didn’t even read anything in the thread before commenting…

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I feel you. I have been on each day (not all day I have a life) and have yet to see them. I have all the others and found Earth to always be up the most. I’m gonna get back on here in a min and do a special dance to bring the storm

i hope you dont get it cuz you are a weirdo lol

Glad I did this day 1 and didn’t wait until the last possible minute to try and get the trinket lol. But at least it gives you guys something else to cry about that’s your fault.

how did anyone wait till the last minute when it’s a two week event and the storm boss is bugged and didn’t spawn at all during the second week?

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4 Fire on Aerie Peak right now :roll_eyes:

I just flag them for trolling and move on. It’s not waiting until the ‘last minute’ to play content during the time span it’s available.

It’s like you can’t win with some of these kids. You’d think that someone playing a solid 24-48 hours straight would tickle their hardcode fancy but noooo, that’s ‘last minute’ and doesn’t count.

lol it’s silly.


With the launch of Dragonflight approaching, we are in the process of activating the air storm for players who are still working on this part of the event.


Legit I only saw Storm Lord (Air) spawn once over the weekend and didn’t get the drop


Good job, Blizz.

I’m not being sarcastic.


I’ve checked every spawn that happened while I was awake going back to Thanksgiving day. No storm spawns in those times[quote=“Bornakk, post:311, topic:1417558, full:true”]
With the launch of Dragonflight approaching, we are in the process of activating the air storm for players who are still working on this part of the event.

Thank you.


Wow, color me impressed. Good job.

About damn time Blizzard…only took till last day for you to do something about it…lets just hope you make the drops 100% cause if not your going to hear it even more…


Wow, thank you for taking notice. If it’s at all possible, can you please extend this or at least make the air drop more likely. It’s cutting it rather close here!


Ahh yes, trolling, kids, hardcore.

All the lovely buzzwords of these forums from people mad they waited till the last day to try and grind out an RNG item. I’m glad Blizzard is activating them at least for you all. Good luck on the drops

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When I get home I’m going to hop on my two accounts and see if I can get some drops for people.


Thank you very much; I hope I get the drop :+1:

Love you Tovi your the bestie around…